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A Project Deliverable is combines a mega filter that enables you to combine a part or assembly filter with a project area to automatically create package deliverablesmodel, filter, grouping (optional), and BIM area that enables automatic package deliverable creation. A deliverable is not a package, but, with a couple of clicks can be used to generate many packages at once without having to use the Models Viewer to manually filter and select each package. Deliverables can save your company time if you have well-defined project Areas, Filters, and Package Categories.
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Deliverable Settings
Company Deliverable
The first step in creating a project deliverable is to create company level Deliverable Definition which can be applied to any project under Admin > Company > Deliverable Definition. All projects will use Deliverable Definitions which is where you define your part or assembly filter and standardize the abbreviation used for numbering packages.
To create a new Deliverable Definition:
Click the New Deliverable Definition A new row will display.Name – Enter the name of the Deliverable Definition. Filter – Select the filter that will be used for this Deliverable Definition. Filters are created under Admin > Company > Filters.Abbreviation – Enter an abbreviation that will be used to number all packages generated with this Deliverable Definition, so keep it short and meaningful.Click the Save button.Project Deliverables Configuration
Project Deliverables are configured under Admin > Project.
Project deliverables are dependent on configured project Areas. See the Areas See the Deliverables Definitions (Admin) article for more information.
Project Areas
Project deliverables are dependent on configured project Project Areas (Package Per Area Breakdown). The Package "Per Area Breakdown" number depends on the number of hierarchical areas defined in the project. For example, an AutoCAD model by default might only have the building as an area, whereas a Revit model might include a more granular hierarchical breakdown by Level, Scope Box, Room, etc. See the Areas (Admin) article for more information.
The Deliverables page uses the Sort set on the Areas page.
To sort Deliverables:
Open the Projects > Areas page. On this page, the project model is imported, area abbreviations set, Range settings adjusted, and more. See the Areas (Admin) article for more information.
The Areas data can be sorted by Name or Elevation.
Click the Sort by Name button.
Image AddedOr, click the Sort by Elevation button.
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Once the sort order is set, refresh the Projects > Deliverables page. The sort order will be the same as the Areas page.
Sort by Name (left) vs. Sort by Elevation (right):
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Company Package Categories
A Package Category enables company's to create different packages for different purposes like Office, Purchasing, Shop, and Field work. See the Package Categories (Admin) article for more information.
Project Deliverables
Once there is a company Deliverable Definition, a company Packages Category, and Project Areas, then a Project Deliverable can be defined. A Project Deliverable breaks out all parts defined by your company Deliverable Definition which includes a part filter, into Project Areas, and then applies a Package Category to those parts. Package are not created at this time but are ready to be generated under the Projects > Deliverables tab as needed.
Once there is a company Deliverable Definition, a company Packages Category, and Project AreasSettings
Project Deliverables leverage the Company Deliverable Definition (Deliverable and Grouping), the Company Package Categories (Package Category), the Project Areas (Package Per Area Breakdown), and limit the Deliverable to a specific model (Models). Once a company Deliverable Definition, Package Category, and Project Areas have been defined, then a Project Deliverable can be defined. A Project Deliverable breaks out all parts defined by your the company Deliverable Definition which includes a part filter, into Project Areas, and then applies a Package Category to those parts. In addition, the Deliverable is limited to a specific model. Package are not created at this time but are ready to be generated under the Projects > Deliverables tab as needed.Image Removed
Image AddedDeliverable – Select the company level Deliverable Definition previously defined under Admin > Company > Deliverables.Package Category – Select the package category that parts and assemblies will be assigned to once the deliverable is used to generate a package.Package Per Area Breakdown – Select the smallest sub-area for which packages will be created. For example, you might want packages created for an entire level. Or, you might want packages created for sub-areas of a level. This setting depends on the hierarchy of how your building areas have been broken down under Areas tab. Remember, your Deliverable Definition filter will determine which parts (Ex. Hangers, Pipe, Duct) are included in the packageTo create a Project Deliverable:
On the Projects > Deliverables page, click the Project Deliverables Settings gear icon Image Added.
Image AddedA Project Deliverables Settings dialog similar to the following will display.
Image AddedClick New Deliverable.
Deliverable – Select the company level Deliverable Definition previously defined under Admin > Company > Deliverables which includes the part filter.
Package Category – Select the package category that parts and assemblies will be assigned to once the deliverable is used to generate a package.
Package Per Area Breakdown – Select the smallest sub-area for which packages will be created. For example, you might want packages created for an entire level. Or, you might want packages created for sub-areas of a level. This setting depends on the hierarchy of how your building areas have been broken down under the Areas tab. Remember, your Deliverable Definition filter will determine which parts (Ex. Hangers, Pipe, Duct) are included in the package.
Models - A model must be associated with each Deliverable.
Generate Project Deliverables
The Projects > Deliverables page is where Deliverables (project packages) are generated. Image RemovedBefore generating packages, you can review the Area and Package Category, as well as the number of Parts and Assemblies that will be packaged.
To generate Deliverables:
Area Selection Filter – Select project areas to be used for Deliverables. The filter displays the project and sub-areas in a hierarchical format as defined under
Project > Areas.
For each checked Area, when the Auto or Re-Generate Deliverables button is clicked, deliverables will be created for those areas.
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The first time the Deliverables page is opened the Auto-Generate Deliverables button will display. After Deliverables have been generated, the button label will be Re-Generate Deliverables (see below).
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Auto or Re-Generate Deliverables –The Auto or Re-Generate Deliverables button will generate deliverables. A package can be created for each deliverable as needed.Modified - The page will notify you if any Deliverable component (Ex. Deliverable Definition filter, a company Packages Category, and Project Areas) has been modified. In most cases when this message displays, you will want to Re-Generate Deliverables.
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Click the Re-Generate Deliverables button to generate deliverables. If you had already generated a package, then the following warning will display:
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The Deliverables will display by Area, Name, Package Category, and Model
Use the Deliverables without area checkbox when the model parts did not have an area (Ex. Stratus.Part.BIMArea).
Image AddedGenerate Deliverables - Click the Generate Deliverables button. The Generate Deliverables dialog will display. This dialog requires that you to limit the deliverables generated to the selected model(s), Deliverable Definitions and Package Category(s). Use the Select All models checkbox to quickly select all project models.
Image AddedClick Continue and the Deliverables will display by Model, Area, Name, and Package Category. In addition, information about the Parts, Assemblies, and Total Parts
included for each package will display.
Required Date – Schedule the deliverable by setting the Required Date. The Required Date is initially set to Invalid Date. If you create a package with an Invalid Date, todays date will be insert. You can change the Required Date at any time
- Image Added
Model - The model associated with the deliverable will display.
Area - The area associated with the deliverable will display.
Name - The deliverable definition associated with the deliverable will display.
Group - The group is associated with Deliverable Definition Filter and the Filter's Grouping's Property Name under Admin > Company > Groupings. Filters break out the packages and Groupings further break out packages by Property.
Package Category - The package category selected for the deliverable under Project Deliverables Settings
Package - Package will initially be empty until a package is generated.
Required Date - The Required Date will initially be empty until a package is generated.
Package Status - Package Status will initially be empty until a package is generated.
Parts - The number of loose parts in the deliverable.
Assemblies - The number of assemblies in the deliverable.
Total Parts - The number of total parts (loose parts + parts in assemblies) in the deliverable.
Dismiss Warnings
Since a Project Deliverable combines a model, filter, and BIM area, when any of these are edited, a warning message displays alerting you to review the impact of changes on your Deliverables. The warning messages do not prevent you from using the Deliverables page. You can dismiss individual warning messages or click the Dismiss all All Warnings button.
Image AddedManage Packages
One or more packages can be created and deleted from the Deliverables page.
Select Deliverables
To select deliverables, do one of the following:
Click one or more checkboxes - Click one or more checkboxes associated with each deliverable row. For example, with these 3 selected, the buttons to Generate 3 Packages or Delete 3 Deliverables become enabled.
Image AddedSelect All - Click the Select All button to select all checkboxes. In this example, since 20 deliverables were generated, clicking Select All will enable the buttons to Generate 20 Packages or Delete 3 Deliverables. The Clear Selection will uncheck all checked boxes.
Image Added
Create One Package
To create one package either select one row as described above, or:
Click the Create a new Package button Image Added in the Package column.
Image AddedPackage Creates - The package will be created and automatically include:
Image AddedPackage - The Package name according to the Naming and Numbering configuration.
Required - The Required date
Package Status - The Package Status will be the first Tracking Status where Applies to Package is checked.
Create Package – Click the Create New Package
button Image Added to generate a package for the selected deliverable.
The Deliverable will convert into a package and as a result, the package will also display on the Packages > Dashboard (not shown).
Image AddedCheck Deliverable row – Check the checkbox associated with the deliverable row and the options to Generate # Packages
and Delete # Deliverables will display. Either click the Generate # Packages button to generate multiple packages
Image Removed
or, click the Delete # Deliverables button to remove the selected deliverables from the Deliverables page. A deliverable can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button associated with the Deliverable.
Image AddedOnce one or more packages
have been created, the package(s) will display on the Packages > Dashboard and can
follow the same workflow as other packages created from the Models > Viewer > Actions > Packages dialog.
Related Articles
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Generate Multiple Packages
To generate multiple packages, select deliverable rows as described above, or click the Select All button. In this example, Select All was clicked.
Click the Select All button. All deliverables are selected.
Image AddedClick the Generate 20 Packages button. The packages will be created.
Image AddedNote: If any part or assembly included in the package generation process has a different Tracking Status, then the following message will display.
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Locked Package
Locked - Once a package's tracking status has changed to where it is no longer in a Can Package tracking status, the lock icon displays indicating the package is in a tracking status that cannot be edited.
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Projects Deliverables Permissions
Permission the Project Deliverables page under Admin > Company > Project Roles > Projects > Deliverables.
Image AddedVideos
Stratus 08-27-2020 - Implementation Webinar (Deliverables 18:51)
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00:35 Deliverables Definition
01:00 Setup Company Filters
03:25 Setup Company Deliverable Definitions
04:19 Setup Company Naming and Numbering > Package Naming
05:04 Setup Company Package Categories
05:30 Setup Project Areas
07:20 Setup Project Deliverables
11:33 Generate Project Deliverables
14:04 Create Packages
Stratus 04-02-20 Implementation Webinar (Deliverables – Super Charge Your Packaging, Spooling, And Tooling 34:16)
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Stratus 08-22-19 Implementation Webinar - (Package Deliverables 8:42)
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