The Status Board displays each package as a card on a Kanban board. The column headers are taken from your company's Tracking Statuses. Tracking Status updates can be made on this board by moving a card from one column to another. The tracking status for all assemblies and parts included in the moved package will update. Each card contains information or links to information including:
Due Date - Targeted Due and calculated number of days until due
Hours - Estimate and Actual
Tasks and Percent Complete - Number of Tasks, Number of Tasks Done, the percent of tasks complete, number of Assemblies, and number of Parts.
After a processor has been added to a package, the package will display on the Packages > Status Board. Here you can move individual package cards on a Kanban board (Issued for Fabrication, Issued for Purchasing, Purchased, etc.) to update the processors queue. Each card includes Package details and links to package information.