The Package's STRATUS Sheet tab displays targeted reports based on details of the selected Package. Some package details like assembly names, spool names, or item numbers can be added to the package before the report is generated. Creating a Package STRATUS Sheet requires a 2-step process: 1) Create a Template and 2) Create a Report associated with the Template.
Creating a Package STRATUS Sheet requires a 2-step process: 1) Create a Template and 2) Create a Report associated with the Template.
For information on how to create a Template, see the Create a Report Template article on the Templates (Admin) page.
For information on how to create a Package Report, see the Example: Package Details Report article on the Reports (Admin) page. In order to use the Package's Reports tab, a specifically configured report must be created and associated with a Template. The Report must include the following:
Format = PDF
Item Type = Package Details
Template = Any template
Report Fields = Valid report fields
On the STRATUS Sheet tab, click the PDF button.
The PDF will be downloaded to the computer.
The PDF will be opened in a separate browser tab.
The PDF will be added to the Attachments tab.
The file name syntax will be [Assembly Name]-[Report Name].pdf
On an iPad:
Click the PDF button. The PDF button text changes to Please Wait.
At the download prompt, click Download.
In Safari, the download icon button displays in the top toolbar while the document is being downloaded. Click this icon to open the file.
The STRATUS Sheet can be printed using the Print button.
Click the Print button.
Select the printer.
If you have an issue printing, see below for browser-specific configurations.
Click the full-screen mode button to view the STRATUS Sheet in full-screen. To exit full-screen mode, either click the Exit full-screen button or press the Esc key.
To pan the STRATUS Sheet, either click the Pan button or press and hold the mouse middle button while panning.
Zoom within a STRATUS Sheet can be accomplished either with the Zoom- and Zoom+ buttons or using the mouse scroll wheel.
To return to the default STRATUS Sheet zoom level, click the Extents button.
To specify view orientation and zoom.
Open a Package's STRATUS Sheet and select the Report. If the package’s orientation has been previously overridden, 2 orientation buttons will display.
Reset viewer orientation for this package - Click this to restore the package’s original orientation and zoom.
Set viewer orientation and zoom as default image for view for this package - Click this to set the default viewer orientation for this package. The page view will change focusing your actions on orienting and zooming the package in the viewer and then clicking the Save Orientation button. The Fit To View button is like pressing the “F” key to Fit to the view. Note: This will be the only button to display if the original default orientation is the current view.
Once Save Orientation is clicked, the Package’s Viewer will refresh, and the new default orientation will display.
Attachments tab notes: The selected report's STRATUS Sheet saved isometric view can also be displayed in a report on the Package's > Attachments tab. Here, the report can either be selected, or the report can be included as a sub-report of a Master report. In either case, the report content will display the isometric view as saved in the Package's STRATUS Sheet.
There is a hidden setting we have that controls the resolution of this output. We had some browsers incapable of rendering higher resolution quality and therefore set the default value rather low to ensure success for all users. We have noticed some of you like to generate some larger sheets where having higher resolution 3D view images might be nice. Here is how to change the setting by simply modifying a value in your web browser.
In Chrome, I press F12 to open Developer tools, or you can access it from the menu as shown here (other browsers will have a similar option).
Once the Developer tools window is opened, find the ‘Application’ tab, then Storage \ Local Storage \ and type gtp-stratus-max into the filter or just sort by Key value and locate the entry.
You can assign a larger value to the gtp-stratus-max-webgl-canvas-width-height, such as 10000 which is as high as we have tested. If you start getting black boxes where the 3D views are, the value is too large.
See the Packages Module Overview webinar CSG Webinar: STRATUS In-Depth Series, The Packages Module for more information.