STRATUS / PypeServer .PSVR Output Workflow
A .PSVR file can be generated and exported from STRATUS and imported into PypeServer. PSVR works from the Package's Cut Lists tab where a separate cut list PSVR file is generated for each material-diameter combination. Configuration of PSVR output relies on Admin > Company > Pipe Cuts settings, where the company's o-let hole sizes, connector bevel angles, etc. are entered. PSVR cut list files are sent to a station configured for the PypeServer tool. See the Pipe Cuts (Admin) article for more infomation. The Pipe Cuts page describes the best practice configuration for AutoCAD and Revit and the Pipe Cuts configuration within STRATUS. Pipe Cuts configuration is needed because it is difficult for PypeServer to determine whether a connector needs to be a bevel or plain angle cut. The process of downloading PSVR cut list files happens in the Shops > Station view. See the Shops Dashboard article for more information.
Note: PCF output also works with PypeServer, but will always be a manual file export and relies on setting managed on the PypeServer side.
Configure a Tool
Before a .PSVR file can be generated, configure a PypeServer tool under Admin > Company > Tools. See the Tools article for more information. Below is an example.

Configure a Station
Before a .PSVR file can be generated, configure a Station that will run the cutting tool under Admin > Company > Stations. See the Stations article for more information. Below is an example.
Configure Pipe Cuts
Configuration of PSVR output relies on Admin > Company > Pipe Cuts settings, where the company's o-let hole sizes, connector bevel angles, etc. are entered. See the Pipe Cuts article for more information.
Configure Cut List Mappings
A Cut List Mappings for each Part Template must be configured to tell STRATUS which data fields to use.
To configure a Cut List Mapping:
- Got to Admin > Company > Part Templates.
- In the Parts section, select or search for Part Template Name.
- Hint: To determine a Part Template Name, in any STRATUS viewer, open the Properties tool, select the part, and then locate the Template Name.

- Select the Part Template and then click the Cut List Mappings tab.

- In the Consider for Multi-Axis Cut Lists section, select a part parameter from your database that contains the data for each field. The parameters that need to be selected will vary depending the type of part selected.
- Straight Pipe fields:

- Saddle fields:

- Revit Family Content - Pipes Pipe Type (No Fabrication Content)
Create Project Parameters (Required)
STRATUS uses the Revit API to extract data from the model. Diameter and Pipe End Connector parameters must be defined in Revit as a project parameter so that the data can be injected into the part. The project parameter tells STRATUS where to look for the parameter in your model.
- STRATUS uses the Inside and Outside Diameter.

- Companies need to map a project parameter to the Segment and Sizes.

- Revit Family Content – Shaped Nipple
The Shaped Nipple is similar to the Pipes Pipe Type but an Olet Type also needs to be selected.

Generate a .PSVR output file
To generate a .PSVR file:
- Open a package that includes straight pipe along with Connectors, Saddles, or Olets.
- With the package open, click the Cut Lists tab.
- To enable the Generate Cut List button, check that the package is set with a “Can Cut List” tracking status. See the Tracking Statuses (Admin) article for more information.
- Click the Generate Cut List button.
- The cut list will display.

- For each cut list row that will be sent to a PypeServer cutting machine, select the correct Station. See the Station (Admin) article for more information.
- Check the rows that will be sent to the station.
- Click the Send Cut List to Station button.
- Click OK on the Send Cut Lists dialog box.
- Cut List files are organized under the Shops tab.
- On the Shops > Dashboard, select the Shop. A list of Stations for the Shop display.

- Click the Station name and a list of requested cut lists will display.
- Click the Send to Tool button associated with the Cut List. A PSVR file will be created for each material-diameter combination.

- The .PSVR file will be a downloaded by your web browswer.
- The Job Value in the .PSVR file with the STRATUS Package Name.
How to use the .PSVR file - Locate the downloaded .PSVR file and save it to a location that can be used by the PypeServer software.
- The CAD department loads the .PSVR file into the PypeServer software.
- PypeServer’s powerful tools can be used to prepare the pipe to be cut.
- Auto-nest the cut list and PypeServer will optimize nesting.
- When ready to cut, Load to Machine and enter the Heat number.
- The pipe staging tool instructs the operator to Align the torch centerline.
- And when ready, the operator starts the cutting tool at the gantry.
Generate a .PSVR File after Using Spool Checker
When using Spool Checker under Assemblies > Assembly > Spool Checker Tool, modifications at either end of the pipe will be reconciled with relative dimensional references. For the initiated, lengths can be affected at either the C1 or C2 end. This means that length will be taken up or given on the correct end of the pipe depending on the locked part scenario you are dealing with in the Spool Checker. This delivers feature parity to ITM and Revit pipe for multi-axis pipe cut file generation.
You can see 2” being taken off of either end of what was originally a 60” part in the screenshots below:

For information about how to integrate the STRATUS OpenAPI with PypeServer, please contact the STRATUS Service Desk.
09/03/2020 - Multi-Axis Pipe Cutter (26:40)

02:05 Database Settings Fabrication CADMep
04:34 Connectors
05:28 What do I do if the model is drawn but doesn't have material information? UPDATEFROMSOURCE command
06:49 STRATUS Pipe Cuts
08:55 RFA and Part Templates > Cut List Mapping
11:20 Saddles, Olets, Connectors and Part Templates > Cut List Mapping
16:37 RFA Saddles, Olets, Connectors Saddles
17:39 Validate .PSVR File Data with JSON Formatter
20:25 Direct Integration .3DPP or PypeServer
23:30 API Integration
STRATUS 01-22-20 Why Measure? Just Cut Using STRATUS OpenAPI and PypeServer (Todd Liebbe, Darren Young, Kelly Dillon 36:53)