
The package dashboard is where all Field Orderz packages are uploaded to

For more information on Packages, click here:


When a Field Orderz package is published to STRATUS, the package can be found under the Project and model you tagged. More information on tagging models can be found here:

The Status that a package is set to be determined by your Field Orderz company page:


The STRATUS viewer shows the package as a standard STRATUS package

Field Orderz packages can be assembled like normal packages


The ID and Linear Length Beta work with Field Orderz packages


The BOM tab shows all the items inside the Field Orderz package

Cut Lists:


The Cut Lists tab shows the Field Orderz packages cut list. Field Orderz cut lists can be sent directly to a cut station


Field Orderz currently uploads four attachments to STRATUS:

  1. Package Name.PCF

  2. Package Name.MAJ

  3. geomerty.txt

  4. report.pdf