Divisions Page

Divisions Page

Divisions are the highest position on the Field Orderz hierarchy. When linking Field Orderz with STRATUS all projects imported from STRATUS will be imported into a STRATUS division denoted by an orange link. The Division page can only be accessed by users with the admin access level. For more information on the Divisions page, click here: Vimeo Video

Setting up Divisions:

  1. Click the + to create a new Division

  2. Type in desired division name

  3. Click create division

Division Information:

Clicking the arrow to the left of the Division will show the dropdown of all the users assigned to the Division

Editing a Division:

Clicking the three dots beside the division will open the Division editing window.

  1. Editing User List: Here you can assign users to your desired Division. This will be the list of users who can be assigned to projects within that Division

    • Check the user/users you would like to add to the Division then click OK

  2. Rename: Allows the Admin to change the name of the division

  3. Delete: Deleting a Division

    • Divisions are soft deleted and can be found under the show deleted button

    • Deleted Divisions can either be restored or permanently deleted