Settings (Admin)

Settings (Admin)

The Settings tab provides: 1) Corporate Settings, 2) Settings that are Common to Revit and AutoCAD, 3) Settings that are Specific to AutoCAD, 4) Settings that are Specific to Revit, 6) How to Configure Custom Data Field in the Fabrication Database, and 7) How to Configure Revit Shared Parameter Property.

Corporate Settings (address, phone, coordinates)

Enter your corporate settings. GPS Coordinates are used for those customers using the STRATUS Supplier portal. Units of Imperial Measure set your Leading Zero preference when a length value is displayed anywhere in STRATUS.


Units of Imperial Measure

The Units of Imperial Measure setting sets your Leading Zero preference when a length value is displayed anywhere in STRATUS.

Example: Part Properties

  1. For Properties, under Admin > Company > Part Templates > Properties, set the Display Format for the Length Property for the Part Template to Fraction Feet/inches or Fraction Inches to leverage the Leading Zero setting.


  2. In this example, the Leading Zero is set to Feet and Inches and the Part Template’s Display Format is set to Fraction Feet/inches:

Example: AsFeetInch Function

If your company uses AsFeetInch function, it was configured as an Expression in a Field. A new optional parameter has been added to the AsFeetInch which can be set to manage the Leading Zero. As a result, the Leading Zero setting under Admin > Company > Settings is ignored.

Below is an example before the new optional leading parameter was available:
AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0)

Below is an example of using the new optional Leading Zero parameter at the end of the expression:

Syntax: AsFeetInch(Feet, Precision (optional, defaults to 8), Format (optional, defaults to 0, 0=feet-inch-fraction, 1=inches-fraction), Leading 0’s)

Leading 0’s Optional Settings:

  • Default = 3

  • 0 = Leading Zero = Feet And Inches; Ex. AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0,0)

  • 1 = Leading Zero = Inches; Ex. AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0,1)

  • 2 = Leading Zero = Feet; Ex. AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0,2

  • 3 = Leading Zero = None; Ex. AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0,3)

Below is an example to display the AsFeetInch expression with the default (3) no leading 0’s:

AsFeetInch({STRATUS.Field.GTP Linear Feet},4,0,3)

GTP Quick Pass

The GTP Quick Pass will only display if the STRATUS Service Desk has enabled the option for the company. Contact the STRATUS Service Desk for more information.

Once enabled, use the GTP Quick Pass section to restrict access to GTP Quick Pass to an IP address range.

  1. IP Range

    1. Default - By default, the IP Range is blank or will be which will allow the device IP Address to use GTP Quick Pass. Hover over the information icon to display how to enter the IP Range.

    2. IP Range - Enter an IP Range including the mask from 1-32.


  2. Max Failed Attempts per IP Range

    1. Blank - If blank a user attempting to login by scanning their QuickPass will have an infinite number of retries. For each failure, the following message will display.

    2. Number - If a number of attempts is entered, a user attempting to login by scanning their QuickPass will have that number of retries. After the final retry, the user’s Status will be set to Disabled under Admin > Company > Users.

      1. Email subject: QuickPass user has been disabled

      2. Email body: QuickPass user FirstName LastName has been disabled due to multiple invalid login attempts from unfamiliar IP Ranges.

      3. Change Status to Active - For the user to successfully retry after being Disabled, a Company Administrator will need to change the user’s Status to Active.

      4. The user will have one try to successfully scan to login before being Disabled again.

      5. Once the user successfully scans to login, their number of Max Failed Attempts per IP Range is also reset.

  3. Once set, any device attempting to access GTP Quick Pass will need to be within the configured IP Range.

  4. Click the Regenerate Encryption Key button to reset the encryption key. All current printed GTP Quick Pass QR Codes will be disabled. Users will need to print a new GTP Quick Pass.

    1. The following message will display.

    2. Click Regenerate.

    3. Once the page refreshes, the Last Regenerated By will be updated.

    4. Users still using a disabled GTP Quick Pass will see the following on their next action in STRATUS.

GPS Coordinates

GPS Coordinates are important for customers who are using GTP Connect to connect with suppliers. Suppliers have a limited service area based on GPS Coordinates. If your company's GPS Coordinates are not within the supplier's service area, then your company will not display in their list of possible customers.

One way to determine your Latitude/Longitude is to:

  1. Open Google Maps at https://www.google.com/maps/.

  2. Right-click on the road in front of your company. The Latitude and Longitude will display.

  3. Left-click on these coordinates and they will be copied to your clipboard. The left number is Latitude and the right number is Longitude.

  4. Paste this into the Latitude field. You will need to delete the comma and the Longitude value.

  5. Paste this into the Longitude field. You will need to delete the comma and the Latitude value.

AutoCAD & Revit (property mapping, conflict resolution)

Common to AutoCAD, Revit, CAMduct, and ESTmep

Property To Map To QR Code

The Property To Map To QR Code property enables you to add the STRATUS QR Code to part items in the AutoCAD drawing or to Revit part family parts in your Revit model. 


To use the Property To Map To QR Code setting in AutoCAD, enter the parameter name in STRATUS Settings and then configure a custom data field in the Fabrication database with the same name. See the Configure Custom Data Field in the Fabrication Database below.  When the .dwg is imported, the STRATUS QR Code will populate this field for all parts.


To use the Property To Map To QR Code setting in Revit, you’ll need to enter the parameter name in settings and then configure a project parameter in Revit with the same name. You can also create a Shared Parameter. When the .rvt is imported, the STRATUS QR Code will populate this field for all parts. See the Configure Revit Shared Parameter Property example below.

Property To Map To Package Name

The Property To Map To Package Name property enables you to add the STRATUS Package Name to part items in the AutoCAD drawing or Revit model.


To use the Property To Map To Package Name setting, enter the parameter name in STRATUS Settings, and then configure a Custom Data Fields on Fabrication Parts/ITM's n the Fabrication database with the same name. See the Configure Custom Data Field in the Fabrication Database below.  When the .dwg is imported, the STRATUS QR Code will populate this field for all parts.


To use the Property To Map To Package Name setting in Revit, you’ll need to enter the parameter name in settings and then configure a project parameter in Revit with the same name. You can also create a Shared Parameter. When the .rvt is imported, the STRATUS Package Name will populate this field for all parts. See the Configure Revit Shared Parameter Property example below.

Include Package Number Prefix with Name

Use Pattern Dimension Names (Available in v7.3)

When Use Pattern Dimension Names is checked, Fabrication item dimension properties will use the default Autodesk dimension names.

Specific to CAMduct, ESTmep, and MAJ

Property for Model Stamp is created when published to STRATUS. *Required property mapping.

Property for Project Number is set from a specific project number on Project dashboard.

Property for Project Name is set from a specific project name on Project dashboard.

Include Project Number Prefix with Name is set from a specific project, Name Override value on Project dashboard.

Property for Project Description is set from a specific project description on Project dashboard.

Set Project Color is set from Admin>Company>Projects, the specific color for the project the user is actively working in.

Property for Package Number is set from a specific package number on Packages dashboard.

Property for Package Name is set from a specific package name on Packages dashboard.

Include Package Number Prefix with Name is set from combining the specific package number and name on the Packages dashboard.

Property for Package Description is set from a specific package description on Packages dashboard.

Set Package Required Date is set from a specific package required date on Packages dashboard.

Part Property Names

Part Properties can be excluded from being published and from being available in STRATUS once they are published. This is especially useful when a third-party software has added hundreds of properties to parts in the model which significantly increases the publish time. For more information see the Exclude Selected Part Properties During Publish section of the Part Templates (Admin) article. Locked properties can not be Excluded.

Specific to AutoCAD

Create Spool Drawings During Import

Create Spool Drawings During Import - When unchecked, AutoCAD assembly drawings will not be created during the import process for AutoCAD drawings. When checked, during the IMPORT command inside AutoCAD, STRATUS will create spool assembly DWGs for each new assembly defined in STRATUS using the spool drawing template dwg file that exists locally. The purpose of this option when unchecked is to accommodate AutoCAD users who are moving away from creating dedicated 2D spool drawings and instead rely on STRATUS 3D spools. 

Publish Spool Drawings

Publish Spool Drawings - Spool drawings published to STRATUS using this option display in the Assembly Viewer under the CAD Sheet tab for each assembly. This feature also works when the attached part is not included in the assembly.  An example would be an assembly that contains straight pipe and some (not all) olets tapped into the pipe. Import the data back into AutoCad. The drawing of the assembly is correct.

Spool Drawings are backed up and saved if Spool Drawings During Import setting under Admin > Company > Settings is enabled.

  1. Older spool drawings will be backed up and renamed with a timestamp and the newest or most current spool drawing will not have a timestamp appended to it keeping the original spool name.                               

  2. The Spool Drawing without a timestamp will be the drawing published to Assemblies > CAD Sheets if the Publish Spool Drawings is enabled under Admin > Company > Settings.

  3. If the current drawing (the drawing without a timestamp) is open when importing in changes back into AutoCAD the DWG file will not update. Please close this file before importing changes.

Assembly Conflict Resolution

Assembly Conflict Resolution settings are set at the Company level and can be overridden at the Project level.

Under Admin > Company > Settings, the Assembly Conflict Resolution setting enables you to determine how STRATUS should handle assembly import conflicts. This setting can be set at a company level and overridden at a project level. The options include:

  • STRATUS is always right - When STRATUS is always right is selected, any assemblies created in Revit that conflict with an assembly in STRATUS will be considered “invalid” and will not be published to STRATUS.

  • Revit is always right - When Revit is always right is selected, any assemblies created in STRATUS that conflict with an assembly in Revit will be considered “invalid” and will not be imported to the mapped parameter for the assembly

  • Prompt User - When Prompt User is selected, the behavior will follow the selected rule above at the time of the prompt.  Any discrepancy between STRATUS and Revit requires a prompt.  If the assembly is in Revit and contains only parts that are not in any STRATUS assemblies, then, the Prompt will not display.

The STRATUS Synchronize Data flow diagrams describe how data is synchronized when Revit/AutoCAD is always right and when STRATUS is always right.

Point Export Units

Point Export Units can be set for (Feet, Inches, Meters, Millimeters).  Point Export Units can be set here at the Company level and overridden on a per-project basis under Admin > Project Settings. See the Project Settings (Admin) article for more information about the settings. See the Package Point List article for more information about Point List generated for a Package.

Specific to Revit

Property To Map To Status Name

Property To Map To Status Name - This property enables you to add the STRATUS Status to Revit part family parts in your Revit model. To use the Property To Map To Status Name setting in Revit, you’ll need to enter the parameter name in settings and then configure a project parameter in Revit with the same name. You can also create a Shared Parameter. When the .rvt is imported, the STRATUS Status name will populate this field for all parts.

Property To Map To Item Number

Property To Map To Item Number -  This property enables you to add the STRATUS Item Number to Revit part family parts in your Revit model. To use the Property To Map To Item Number setting in Revit, you’ll need to enter the parameter name in settings and then configure a project parameter in Revit with the same name. You can also create a Shared Parameter (See below). When the .rvt is imported, the STRATUS Item Number will populate this field.

To create a project parameter in Revit, go to Manage > Project Parameters.

  1. Add the new project parameter (Ex. STRATUS Item Number), set the type to Text, and apply it to all Categories or specific categories. You can also add this to a specific group.

  2. After using the STRATUS Import the Item Numbers will display in the parameter.

Auto-Generate Assembly Views and Sheets

Auto-Generate Assembly Views and Sheets - When checked the Create Assembly and Import commands in Revit will automatically generate multiple views and a sheet for the new Assembly in Revit.  When disabled, only the Assembly object itself will be created by the Create Assembly and Import commands.

Publish Conduit Assemblies

Publish Conduit Assemblies - For companies that publish with a third-party Revit add-in that generates assemblies, under Admin > Company > Settings, the setting Publish Conduit Assemblies has been added so that you control whether you want to publish the assemblies (checked) or not (unchecked).

Publish HangerWorks Assemblies

Publish HangerWorks Assemblies - For companies that use HangerWorks, this third-party Revit add-in generates assemblies.  Under Admin > Company > Settings, the setting Publish Dewalt HangerWorks Assemblies has been added so that you control whether you want to publish the assemblies (checked) or not (unchecked).

Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish

Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish - This option provides more control over how Revit assemblies are handled during the Import and Publish process.

Assembly Nomenclature

  • Revit Assembly – A true Revit assembly. When published, these are converted in STRATUS to a STRATUS Assembly.

  • STRATUS Assembly – An assembly created in STRATUS by either an Action from a viewer or through a publish of a Revit Assembly (historically).

  • Revit Parameter Assembly – An assembly in data only, where a group of parts have a common unique value applied to a specified parameter.

  • Custom Assembly – An assembly created by the STRATUS publish where a Revit Parameter Assembly is converted to a Custom Assembly. The Custom Assembly is just the classification of the assembly once in STRATUS and there is no change in Revit to the Revit Parameter Assembly.

  • Family Assembly - An assembly created by a host family containing shared-nested parts. This creation is controlled in the part templates for individual families and converts in STRATUS on the publish of a model after the settings have been applied in the part templates.


  • When toggled off:

    • STRATUS Assemblies that are created on the STRATUS site will be imported into Revit as a Revit Assembly.

  • When toggled on a Property to Map to Assemblies parameter must be mapped:

    • STRATUS Assemblies that are created on the STRATUS site will be imported into Revit as a Revit Parameter Assembly. This means the mapped parameter of the parts of the STRATUS Assembly will be populated with the STRATUS Assembly


  • Functionality on publish will be the same whether toggled on or off:

    • Assemblies in Revit that are of type Revit Parameter Assembly will be published to STRATUS as Custom

    • Assemblies in Revit that are of type Revit Assembly will be published to STRATUS as STRATUS Assemblies.

    • There is a caveat for cases where a publish finds the same part in both a Revit Assembly as well as a Revit Parameter Assembly. In these cases, the Revit Assembly will take precedence and is the assembly that will get published to STRATUS.

In Revit Create Assembly Command

  • There is an effect from this setting which comes up when using the STRATUS Create Assembly feature in the Revit addin. When the Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish setting is checked, the Create Assembly feature in Revit will use the naming convention defined in STRATUS to populate the mapped parameter with the assembly name instead of creating a Revit assembly.

Error Message 

If the Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish option is checked and the parameter has not been configured in Revit or is named incorrectly, users will receive the following error and the import process will cancel.

Property to Map to Assemblies

Property to Map to Assemblies property enables you to add the STRATUS Assembly Name to Revit parts in your Revit model. You’ll need to enter the parameter name in settings and then configure a project parameter in Revit with the same name. You can also create a Shared Parameter.

Always Publish Revit Assemblies Checkbox

Customers who rely on parameter-based assemblies, but also expect Revit assemblies to be published will need to set the Always Publish Revit Assemblies checkbox under Admin > Company > Settings. When checked both assembly types will be in STRATUS after the import/publish cycle.

Property To Associate Sheets With Assemblies

Property To Associate Sheets With Assemblies - Since sheets can have their own parameters in Revit, the Property To Associate Sheets With Assemblies will allow users to assign a parameter name they want to use to map a related assembly to a sheet.

Note: Properties set under Admin > Company > Settings must also be configured in Revit under Manage > Project Parameters.

Assembly Conflict Resolution

Assembly Conflict Resolution settings are set at the Company level and can be overridden at the Project level.

Under Admin > Company > Settings, the Assembly Conflict Resolution setting enables you to determine how STRATUS should handle assembly import conflicts. This setting can be set at a company level and overridden at a project level. The options include:


    • STRATUS is always right - When STRATUS is always right is selected, any assemblies created in Revit that conflict with an assembly in STRATUS will be considered “invalid” and will not be published to STRATUS.

    • Revit is always right - When Revit is always right is selected, any assemblies created in STRATUS that conflict with an assembly in Revit will be considered “invalid” and will be deleted on import. Previously, after a model import, an assembly created in STRATUS that conflicted with an assembly created in Revit would not be deleted until after the next model publish which caused confusion.

    • Prompt User - When Prompt User is selected, the behavior will follow the selected rule above at the time of the prompt.

The STRATUS Synchronize Data flow diagrams describe how data is synchronized when Revit/AutoCAD is always right and when STRATUS is always right.

Point Export Units

Point Export Units can be set for (Feet, Inches, Meters, Millimeters).  Point Export Units can be set here at the Company level and overridden on a per-project basis under Admin > Project Settings. See the Project Settings (Admin) article for more information about the settings. See the Package Point List article for more information about Point List generated for a Package.

Tasks (workflows, definitions)

If your company uses tasks, set whether you want to use Task Definitions (New) or Task Workflows (Old) or both (not recommended). If neither is checked, no tasks will display.

Task Definitions

See the Task Definitions article for more information.

Task Workflows

See the Task Workflows article for more information.

BOM (default line item mapping)

The BOM (default line item mapping) enables an Admin to set a default BOM Mappings for ALL Part Templates that exactly match the default line item mapping. After a change is made, it will be applied to new BOMs, not existing BOM's. 

One scenario for using the BOM (default line item mapping) setting is to include a consistent description based on fields for all Part Template > BOM Mapping.

Here’s how the BOM (default line item mapping) setting works:

  1. All companies have a BOM (default line item mapping) setting. Note that all properties are set to Default, None, or 1. Default indicates that the property does not have an override.

  2. Review some of your Part Template > BOM Mappings and determine if the mappings are exactly the same as the default line item mapping in the screenshot above.

    1. The Part Templates > BOM Mapping below exactly matches the BOM (default line item mapping) setting above. As a result, if the BOM (default line item mapping) setting above is changed, the BOM Mapping below will also change.

    2. The BOM Mapping below does not match the BOM (default line item mapping) setting above. As a result, if the BOM (default line item mapping) setting above is changed, the BOM Mapping below will not change.

    3. The BOM (default line item mapping) setting only applies to the first mapping row of the Part Template > BOM Mapping. In the example below, even though row 2 exactly matches the BOM (default line item mapping) settings in this example, row 1 does not match. As a result, the BOM (default line item mapping) setting would not apply to this Part Template > BOM Mapping. If row 1 and row 2 were switched, then the BOM (default line item mapping) setting would apply to this Part Template > BOM Mapping.

  3. If you want a Part Template > BOM Mapping to be synced with the BOM (default line item mapping) setting, you would need to change the Part Template > BOM Mapping to match the BOM (default line item mapping) setting. Then, moving forward, any changes made to the BOM (default line item mapping) setting would apply to the Part Template > BOM Mapping.

  4. In this example, a Manual Override for the BOM (default line item mapping) Description setting will be set Test 45.

    1. As soon as the save check is clicked, the change will be applied to all qualifying Part Template > BOM Mappings in your company. There is no prompt to confirm this change.

    2. The process may take up to a minute.

    3. Once done, the BOM (default line item mapping) setting will be changed to the following:

    4. Refresh the Part Templates page and check the Part Template > BOM Mapping that exactly matched the BOM (default line item mapping) before the change to Test 45 was made now displays Test 45 in the Description.

    5. Refresh the Part Templates page and check the Part Template > BOM Mapping that did not match the BOM (default line item mapping) before the change to Test 45 was made does not display Test 45 in the Description. The Material property is still set and the Description property is still Default.

    6. Based on this example, if you wanted to make another change to the BOM (default line item mapping) setting, any BOM Mapping that exactly matched the following would also be changed.


The Schedule configuration table enables companies to define a package’s actual progress and hours. How the calculation is made is determined by the Method (Tracking Status or Report Field (Ex. A field that calculates MCA hours ). Once configured, the package data is calculated on the Package’s > Properties > Actual section.

Configure Package Actuals Data Source

  1. To configure actual progress and hours, go to Admin > Company > Settings > Schedule.

  2. Phase - For each Package Phase (Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field), the Progress and Hours can be configured.

    1. Progress - All 4 package phases (Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field) are listed.

    2. Hours - Select one label:

      1. Spent Hours - Defined by your company.

      2. Earned Hours - Defined by your company.

      3. Remaining Hours - Defined by your company.

      4. Custom - Enter your own label.

  3. Method - The method of how the row will be calculated.

    1. Tracking Status - When the method is set to Tracking Status, the actual data will use the Phase percent configured for the package’s tracking status under Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses (See Example - Progress set to Tracking Status below).

    2. Report Field - When the method is set to Report Field, a report field will be selected in the row’s Source column.

    3. None - When the method is set to None, the corresponding cell under Package’s > Properties > Actual will be grayed out.

  4. Source - When Report Field is the method, a source (the report field) is selected.

  5. Advanced Reporting

    1. Checked - When checked, the hours row will display for all phases here in schedules and on the Package’s > Properties > Actual section.

    2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the hours row will not display for any phase here in schedules or on the Package’s > Properties > Actual section.

Example - Progress set to Tracking Status

In this example, the following Phase percent complete values will be used.

  1. The Progress Method for all Phases has been set to Tracking Status. As a result, the actual Progress ( % ) will use the Phase percent configured for the package’s tracking status under Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses (see above).

  2. In the Package’s > Properties > Actual section:

    1. A package has been created and the initial Can Package tracking status is Issued which is 20% complete for the Office phase. No other phase has started so 0% displays.

    2. Once the package’s tracking status changes to Packaged, the Office Progress ( % ) changes to 60%. No other phase has started so 0% displays.

    3. When the package’s tracking status changes to Fabrication in Progress, Office is updated to 100%, Purchasing to 100%, and Shop to 20%.

Example - Hours Report Field

In this example, Shop and Field Earned Hours will be calculated using a Report Field.

  1. Select a field that provides the hours for any given phase.

  2. In the Package’s > Properties > Actual section the values, if any, will display. A dash displays if a Report Field has been configured but the calculation resulted in no value.

Additional Information

Activities Logging for Publish Setting Changes

Publish Setting changes will be logged for the following saved activities:

Admin > Company > Settings > AutoCAD & Revit

  • Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to AutoCAD)

  • Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to Revit)

  • Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish

  • Property to Map to Assemblies

Admin > Project > Settings

  • Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to AutoCAD)

  • Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to Revit)

  • Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish

  • Property to Map to Assemblies

How to Configure Custom Data Field in the Fabrication Database 

Custom Data Fields can be associated with Property to Map fields in STRATUS Settings. The field names must be exactly the same. To configure a custom data field in the Fabrication database:

  1. Click the Edit Main Database button.


  2. In the dialog, click the Takeoff tab.


  3. Click the Custom Data option.


  4. And then click the add Custom Item Data

  5. Enter the name of the custom property (Ex. STRATUS Package). 

  6. The other columns can remain at their default values.

  7. Click OK when done adding custom data fields.

How to Configure Revit Shared Parameter Property

Configure Revit Shared Parameter Property Example

Below is a Revit electrical model example where you can associate Revit assemblies and sheet views in STRATUS. You’ll map the Property To Associate Sheets With Assemblies and the Property To Map to Assemblies (formerly Property To Recognize For Assemblies) STRATUS settings to project parameters in Revit and in STRATUS.

  1. To create a project parameter in Revit, go to Manage > Project Parameters.

    1. Add the new project parameter Ex. Conduit Prefab ID, set the type to Text, select the Values can vary by group instance, and apply it to Conduit Categories.

    2. Add another project parameter Ex. STRATUS Sheet, set the type to Text, select the Values can vary by group instance, and apply it to the Sheet and Views Categories.


  2. In STRATUS, under Admin > Company > Settings, enter the project parameter names:

    1. Property To Map to Assemblies (formerly Property To Recognize For Assemblies) STRATUS = Conduit Prefab ID

    2. Property To Associate Sheets With Assemblies = STRATUS Sheet

    3. Auto-Generate Assembly Views and Sheets – Unchecked as you probably don’t want to auto-generate assembly views and sheets. This still generates the Revit assembly if an assembly is first created in STRATUS, just not the assembly views and sheets to go along.


  3. In Revit, set each assembly name in the Conduit Prefab ID project parameter and create your sheets.


  4. In Revit, under Collaborate > Publish Settings, select the Sheets that need to be published as well as any other 3D Views.


  5. Publish the model.

  6. The following will be published to STRATUS:

    1. In the Models > Viewer, selected assembly displays a link to the assembly.


    2. In the Assemblies > Dashboard, all the assemblies defined using the “Conduit Prefab ID project parameter” display.


    3. The Revit assembly sheet will display.


  7. If you create new assemblies in STRATUS and then Import the model, you’ll find that:

    1. Currently, the Revit assemblies are created.


    2. In the future, there will be an option to populate the “Conduit Prefab ID project parameter” with the STRATUS assembly number.

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