GTP Connect Requests

Respond to Availability Requests and Quote Requests from the Requests tab.


View Requests General

There are two request types:

Availability - An Availability Request enables a supplier to provide a customer with line item availability.

Quote - A Quote Request enables a supplier to provide a customer with line item pricing and availability.

To View Requests:

  1. Click the Requests tab to display Requests sorted by Required Delivery Date and filtered by status tabs (Pending or Complete) and further filtered by Request type (Availability or Quote).


  2. Filter the Requests list by the following status tabs:

    1. All - Displays Pending and Complete Requests.

    2. Pending - Displays Pending Requests.

    3. Complete - Displays Completed Requests.

  3. Filter the Requests list by the following Request types:

    1. All - Displays Availability Requests and Quote Requests.

    2. Availability - Limits the list to Availability Requests.

    3. Quote - Limits the list to Quote Requests.

  4. For an estimated Required Delivery Date (Ex. Mar 1, 2021), expand the Company name (Ex. GTP Development) to display Requests types (Quote and Availability).

View and Respond to an Availability Request

An Availability Request enables a supplier to provide a customer with line item availability.

View an Availability Request

  1. Expand Availability to view an Availability Request. The Status is Requested.


  2. Click anywhere in the request row to display additional information about the Request on the right-side of the page. The Respond button will also display.


Each request includes the following information:

  1. Required - The customer’s estimated Required delivery date.

  2. Company Name - The name of the company making the request.

  3. Project Name | Number | Request Number

    1. Project Name - The name of the customer’s Project or Job (Ex. QA Revit). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

    2. Project Number - The customer’s Project or Job number (Ex. Rev). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

    3. Availability Request Number - Each customer request includes a unique GTP Connect Request Number (Ex. REV-02102021-0001). For each new request from the same company for the same Required Delivery Date, the Availability Request Number will be automatically incremented by 1 (Ex. -0001, -0002, etc.). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

  4. Status includes:

    1. Requested - A Request has been submitted by the customer and is awaiting a Response.

    2. Completed - The supplier has Responded to a Request.

  5. Requested by - Name of the person who submitted the Availability Request.

  6. Product Source - The Product Source tells the supplier that procurement for the project is one of the following:

    1. Buy Domestic American

    2. Buy Domestic Americas (North and South America)

    3. Buy Foreign

    4. Unspecified

  7. Tax Exempt? - Displays “true” if the customer is tax-exempt. Displays “false” if the customer is not tax-exempt.

  8. Line Items - The total number of line items included in the Availability Request.

  9. Notes - Displays customer’s Notes associated with the Availability Request.

  10. Attachments - Displays customer’s Attachments associated with the Availability Request.

Respond to an Availability Request

  1. With a request row selected, click the Respond button.


  2. The Respond dialog will display.


    1. Review the line items.

    2. Initially, the Response for all line items will be “No Response.”

    3. Notice that under the Allow Alternates, one of the line items is set to Yes which indicates that the customer will accept alternate products for the line item.


  3. To respond to the request, enter a unique Response Number in the right-panel.

  4. To indicate which items are In Stock, check the line items checkbox.


    1. Check the checkbox in the column header to either check or uncheck all line items.

    2. The Response button will be enabled when any line item is checked.


  5. Click the Response drop-down and select In Stock.


  6. The Response column associated with the checked items will change to In Stock. Notice that the Response for the line item that was not checked is still No Response.


  7. To indicate which items are Out of Stock, check the items.


    1. In this case, the Response Number has already been entered.

    2. Check the checkbox in the column header to either check or uncheck all line items. In this case, one line item was checked.

    3. The Response button will be enabled when any line item is checked.

  8. Click the Response drop-down and select Out of Stock.


  9. The Response column associated with the checked items will change to Out of Stock.


  10. Once all line items have been set to either an In Stock or Out of Stock Response, and a Response Number has been entered, the Send button will be enabled.

  11. To Exit and save your changes, click the X button. You can open the Request for edit and Send.

  12. To Send your response to the Customer, click the Send button.

    1. The customer will receive a response notification the supplier's Response was Received.

    2. The information provided to the customer will highlight In Stock and Out of Stock line items.

  13. The Availability request Status will change to Responded and will be categorized under the Complete tab.

View and Respond to a Quote Request

A Quote Request enables a supplier to provide a customer with line item pricing and availability.

View a Quote Request

  1. Expand Quote to view a Quote Request. The Status is Requested.


  2. Click anywhere in the request row to display additional information about the Request on the right-side of the page. The Respond button will also display.


  3. Each request includes the following information:

    1. Required - The customer’s estimated Required delivery date.

    2. Company Name - The name of the company making the request.

    3. Project Name | Number | Request Number

      1. Project Name - The name of the customer’s Project or Job (Ex. QA Revit). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

      2. Project Number - The customer’s Project or Job number (Ex. Rev). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

      3. Quote Request Number - Each customer request includes a unique GTP Connect Request Number (Ex. REV-02102021-0003). For each new request from the same company for the same Required Delivery Date, the Quote Request Number will be automatically incremented by 1 (Ex. -0001, -0002, etc.). This information is repeated in the right-side panel.

    4. Status includes:

      1. Requested - A Request has been submitted by the customer and is awaiting a Response.

      2. Quote Responded - The supplier has Responded to a Request.

    5. Requested by - Name of the person who submitted the Availability Request.

    6. Product Source - The Product Source tells the supplier that procurement for the project is one of the following:

      1. Buy Domestic American

      2. Buy Domestic Americas (North and South America)

      3. Buy Foreign

      4. Unspecified

    7. Tax Exempt? - Displays “true” if the customer is tax-exempt. Displays “false” if the customer is not tax-exempt.

    8. Line Items - The total number of line items included in the Availability Request.

    9. Notes - Displays customer’s Notes associated with the Availability Request.

    10. Attachments - Displays customer’s Attachments associated with the Availability Request.

Respond to a Quote Request

  1. With a request row selected, click the Respond button.


  2. The Respond dialog will display.


  3. The Respond dialog will display.


    1. Review the line items.

    2. Notice that under the Allow Alternates (not shown - scroll right to see the column), one of the line items is set to Yes which indicates that the customer will accept alternate products for the line item.

  4. To respond to the request, enter the required information including a unique Response Number in the right-panel.

    1. Supplier Code (required) - A Supplier Code is a unique identifier that cross-references a specific item in your system with a line item requested by the customer. For each Supplier Code, verify the available inventory and enter a price greater than $0.

      1. Mapped - A mapped Supplier Code will display automatically when a previously mapped line item matches the customer’s requested line item.

      2. Unmapped - An unmapped Supplier Code displays as a blank Supplier Code. As the supplier, you will reference your system, look up the part, and enter your "supplier code" into the Supplier Code field for the line item. As you enter a code, the system does a predictive search of your codes to help you select. In the example below, a 0 was entered into the Supplier Code field and the predictive search popup displayed. After selecting the row with the code, it will display in the Supplier Code field.


    2. Unit Price (required) - Enter the Unit Price to be offered to the customer.

    3. Fill QTY - The Fill QTY for each line item tells the customer whether or you have enough inventory available to fill the Purchase Order.

    4. Backordered QTY - The Backordered QTY is a calculation: Requested QTY - Fill QTY = Backordered QTY

    5. Requested QTY - The Requested QTY for each line item is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order request.

    6. UOM - The Unit of Measure which is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    7. Material - The Material is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    8. Description - The Description of the line item is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    9. Customer Code - The Customer Code is either Mapped or Unmapped. When mapped, hover over the line item to display information about the mapping.


    10. Allow Alternates

      1. Yes - Yes indicates that the customer will allow alternates to the line item specified. Contact the customer with any questions as this is a manual setting in STRATUS and defaults to No.

      2. No - No indicates that the customer will not accept alternates to the line item specified.

    11. Size - The Size is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    12. Manufacturer - The Manufacturer of the line item which is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    13. Length (in) - The Length is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    14. Width - The Width is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

    15. Diameter - The Diameter is derived from the customer’s Purchase Order.

      Properties Panel - Once a PO Request Response has started, the Properties panel includes additional fields in the panel.

    16. Response Number (required) - Enter a unique Response Number.

    17. Notes - Displays customer’s Notes associated with the Purchase Order.

    18. Attachments - Displays customer’s Attachments associated with the Purchase Order.

  5. Once the Quote Request is complete, click the Send button.


    1. Exit and save - Click the Exit and save button to close out of the dialog and save any changes made. To return and edit the Response, click the Respond button associated with the Quote Request Number.


    2. Send

      1. Disabled - Send is disabled until the required Response Number is entered and a Supplier Code for each line item is entered.

      2. Enabled - Click Send to send your Quote response to the customer. A response notification will immediately display in STRATUS.

  6. The Quote Request will be categorized as Completed and the Status will be Quote Responded.


  7. The customer will receive a response notification that a Quote Response is available.



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