GTP Connect Issues (Admin)

The Issues tab is the supplier’s view into issues with shipments.


The Issues tab is the supplier’s view into issues with shipments.

View Issues

To view Issues:

  1. Click the Issues tab. The Issues tab will display.

  2. The Sort By can be changed:

    1. Date Reported > Customer > Project


    2. Customer > Date Reported > Project


  3. Expand the Project to view the issue(s).


    1. Shipment # - The GTP Connect generated shipping number.

    2. Issue Date - The date the issue was reported by the customer.

    3. Issue - The issue type can be one of the following:

      1. Damaged - The item received is damaged.

      2. Over QTY - The number of items received is more than the QTY ordered.

      3. Under QTY - The number of items received is less than the QTY ordered.

      4. Wrong Item - The item received is the wrong item.

      5. Other - There is something else wrong with the item.

    4. Action - Once the customer has been contacted and a plan of action has been discussed, click the 3-dot Action button to set the issue to Resolved. Alternatively, the Status can be set to Resolved. See the Issue Actions section for more information.

    5. Status - Once the customer has been contacted and a plan of action has been discussed, change the Status to Resolved. Alternatively, click the 3-dot Action button to set the issue to Resolved. See the Issue Actions section for more information.

    6. QTY - Displays the Received QTY of the Shipped QTY. Ex. 2 of 2 indicates the QTY received is the QTY shipped, while the Issue indicated the customer received more than 2 items.

    7. UOM - Displays the UOM (Unit of Measure) from the original PO (Purchase Order).

    8. Manufacturer - Displays the Manufacturer from the original PO (Purchase Order).

    9. Description - Displays the Description from the original PO (Purchase Order).

  4. See the Issue Actions section for more information.

Issue Actions

The supplier Actions for a shipment that has an issue includes a) reviewing the Issue including information about the shipment and any notes the customer had entered about the line item and b) changing the status to resolved after the issue has been discussed with the customer.

  1. Select an Issue to review. The item’s details display in the right panel. In this example, the Shipping section has been expanded.

    The right panel includes the following information:

    1. Line Item Product Code - Displays the customer’s Product Code. Ex. 505VC7190C.

    2. Shipping Address - Ex. 10 Walnut

    3. Shipment # - The GTP Connect generated shipping number. Click the link to open the Shipment page.

    4. Issue - The issue with the selected item reported by the customer. Ex. Over QTY.

    5. QTY - Displays the Received QTY of the Shipped QTY. Ex. 2 of 2 indicates the QTY received is the QTY shipped, while the Issue indicated the customer received more than 2 items.

    6. Status - The current status of the item. By default, all issues are initially unresolved.

    7. Purchase Order - The customer’s Purchase Order number. Click the link to open the Purchase Order.

    8. Shipping - Includes shipping information specific to this item.

      1. Carrier - Carrier entered on the Order Shipment dialog (POs tab).

      2. Items - The number of items in the shipment that included the selected item with the reported issue.

      3. Tracking - Displays the Tracking Number entered on the Order Shipment dialog (POs tab), if it was entered.

      4. Expected Delivery - Displays the Expected Delivery entered on the Order Shipment dialog (POs tab), if it was entered.

      5. Gross Weight - Displays the Gross Weight entered on the Order Shipment dialog (POs tab), if it was entered.

      6. Net Weight - Displays the Net Weight entered on the Order Shipment dialog (POs tab), if it was entered.

      7. Last Receiving Update - Displays the date the shipment record was last updated in STRATUS Receiving.

      8. Last Receiving Update By - Displays the name of the user who last updated the shipment record in STRATUS Receiving.

    9. Notes - Displays customer Note(s), if any, about the selected line item.

  2. After discussing the issue with the customer:

    1. If the issue is resolved change the status to resolved by either:

      1. Action - Once the customer has been contacted and a plan of action has been discussed, click the 3-dot Action button to set the issue to Resolved.


      2. Status - Once the customer has been contacted and a plan of action has been discussed, change the Status to Resolved.


    2. Edit Mapping - If it is determined that the Mapping of the selected line item needs to be edited, under the 3-dot Actions click the Edit Mapping button. The Cross References tab will display and will automatically populate the Customer, Customer Product Data, and Results (matching products) for the selected line item. See the Mapped Customer Products section on the Cross-References tab for more information.


  3. If the issue is resolved it will be removed from the Unresolved filter and will display on the All or Resolved filter.


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