- Created by Conk Buckley , last modified on Sept 14, 2023
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The CAD Sheets tab displays sheets created in the authoring tool.
CAD Sheet Tab
The CAD Sheets tab displays sheets created in the authoring tool.
To display an AutoCAD spool drawing:
Under Admin > Company > Settings > check the Publish Spool Drawings checkbox and Save.
In AutoCAD, after a drawing is published, the associated spool drawings from AutoCAD will display in the sheet tab.
When using the STRATUS Create Assembly command inside Revit, keep in mind the following with regard to the CAD Sheet tab:
Includes nested families (which Revit Create Assembly does not)
Enforces STRATUS assembly naming convention
Generates Assembly Sheet with several default views using the first available template
Does not auto-dimension
Provides the ability to Markup an assembly under the Assemblies > CAD Sheet tab.

General Markup
To access the Markup tools, go to the Assemblies > CAD Sheet tab and click the Markup button.
The Markup tools will flyout and the Markup version number will display.
Click any Markup tool to Markup the CAD Sheet. Whenever a Markup tool is selected the following dialog will display until Cancel or Save Markup is clicked.
Undo - Click this button (arrow pointing left) to undo markup edits since the last time Save Markup was clicked.
Redo - Click this button (arrow pointing right) to redo markup edits since the last time Save Markup was clicked.
Cancel - Cancel will cancel all Markups since the last time Save Markup was clicked.
Save Markup - Clicking Save Markup will:
Save all new Markups into a Markup set since the last time Markups were saved.
Add the Markup set to the Markups column including a date/time/user stamp.
Enable the Upload Version button so that the markup changes can be permanently saved to a PDF and versioned.
After doing any markup, the following actions can be done to a markup object:
Markups are placed in relation to the CAD Sheet. For example:
The screenshot below displays the size of the CAD Sheet when the Markup was added.
After changing the size of the canvas using the mouse wheel, the Markup changes proportionally (smaller in this case) with the canvas.
Save Markup (Set) and Upload Version (PDF)
A CAD Sheet can have more than one Markup version (V1, V2, etc.) using the Upload Version button which locks the current version and creates a PDF in BIM 360. Each Markup version (V1, V2, etc.) can include multiple saved Markup sets using the Save Markup button which are works-in-progress.
When Markup starts on a new CAD Sheet, the Markup version is V1.
Whenever a Markup tool (Cloud, Circle, Text, etc.) is selected the Save Markup option will display.
Clicking Save Markup will:
Save all new Markups into a Markup set since the last time Markups were saved.
Add the Markup set to the Markups column including a date/time/user stamp.
Enable the Upload Version button so that the markup changes can be permanently saved to a PDF and versioned.
Multiple Markup sets can be saved to each Markup version (Ex. V1).
Anyone with access to the CAD Sheet can edit a Markup version in progress.
When a Markup version (Ex. V1) is complete the version needs to be saved to BIM 360 as a PDF using the Upload Version button.
After clicking the Upload Version button, the Markup set will be saved as a PDF in BIM360 under the Project > Model > Assemblies > Assembly Name tab. Markup V1 is now locked. V2 can be started which will be built upon V1.
A user opening the CAD Sheet after version 1 (V1) has been Saved to Cloud will see that the Markup is on V2.
To view a previous version, click the Markup Version button.
Previous Markup versions will display. Previous Markup versions cannot be edited.
To view the Markups of a specific Markup version, hover over the version, click the 3-dot menu and then click View. The saved PDF will display in a separate browser window.
Each time the Upload Version button is clicked the Markup version number will increase.
Toggle Visibility (eye icon)
When the Toggle Visibility button is enabled it means that the Markups associated with that Save are displaying.
When the Toggle Visibility button is disabled, it means the Markups are not currently being displayed.
X - Clicking the X closes the Markup panel. Any unsaved Markups will be lost.
Upload Version
Use the Upload Version option to save the markup changes to BIM 360 as a PDF.
After the Save Markup button has been clicked at least once, the Upload Version button is enabled.
Click the Upload Version will store all markup changes as a retrievable PDF version in BIM 360.
Note: PDF files created by saving a Markup to the cloud increment the Attachments tab count, but do not display the file in the Attachment tab.
Markup Tools
The following Markup tools are available.
Note: To change the color of a tool, select a color using the pencil or paint buck before selecting the Markup tool.
Click and hold down the mouse to display (2) Freehand options, Freehand and Highlight.
Freehand (left) - Select the tool, then click and drag to draw freehand lines and curves as if you were outlining them on paper with a pen or pencil.
Highlight (right)- Select Freehand > highlight, then click and drag to draw freehand highlighted lines and curves.
Text - Select the tool, click in the document, type your text, and press Enter. To set the text color: 1) Select the Line Style color, 2) Click the Text tool, 3) Use the Text tool to enter text.
Callout - Select the tool and click in the CAD Sheet canvas. Click and drag the tool to place the arrow. Let go of the mouse and the Callout Text box will display. You can format and resize the text box, as well as select the text box fill color. The Callout Text box and the Arrow are 2 different objects. Therefore, they cannot be moved together but can be moved separately. Click Save Markup.
Click and hold down the mouse to display (2) cloud options, a rectangle and a Polycloud.
Cloud - Select the tool, then click and drag to draw the rectangle cloud. Select the object to use the rotation tool.
Polycloud - Select Cloud > Polycloud, then click to place the first point, and continue clicking to draw cloud segments. Double-click to close the shape.
Click and hold down the mouse to display (3) shape options.
Rectangle - Select Shapes > Rectangle, then click and drag to draw, or click two points to place the top left and bottom right corners.
Circle - Select Shapes > Oval, then click and drag to draw, or click to specify the top right corner, and drag to draw. Drag diagonally a circle or right/left/up/down for an ellipse.
Line \ Polyline - Select Shapes > Polyline, then click to place first point, and continue clicking to draw line segments. Double-click to close the shape.
Arrow - Select the tool, then click and drag to draw.
Line Style (Color) - Select the tool, then choose the desired line color and Line Thickness. Add a Markup (Ex. Arrow, Cloud, Shape, not Text) and the thickness will display.
Fill Style (Color) - Select the tool, then choose the desired fill color and the Opacity.
Add a Markup (Ex. Arrow, Cloud, Shape, not Text) and the thickness will display.
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