- Created by Conk Buckley on Sept 14, 2023
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The Tracking tab displays the tracking status for the selected assembly and the ability to remove a tracking status.
Tracking Tab
The Tracking tab displays the tracking status for the selected assembly and the ability to remove a tracking status.
The Tracking tab displays the current tracking Status of the assembly and includes the User who updated the tracking status and the Date-Time stamp. For each tracking status the Comment, Division, and Hours can be updated (in-grid). In addition, a tracking status can be removed by clicking the Remove Selected Item button.

Tasks Tab
Task items are the instances of company-defined task definitions, which belong to task workflows optionally assigned to assemblies and parts. Each task item knows the assembly or part to which it belongs and holds a reference to the user and/or station with start and completed time stamps. The Task tab is used to manage part tasks for an assembly. It works in conjunction with Task Definitions. An operator can set the Use Hand Scanner option so that a hand scanner (rather than a keyboard/mouse) can be used to change task status and indicate completed work. A user must be associated with a project role that includes permission for Assemblies > Viewer > Tasks.
The Task Tab only displays.
Click the Tasks tab to display:
The list of tasks filtered based on the tasks that the assigned station (device) can perform.
Tasks in sequential order with buttons for Start and Finish.
Red – indicates the task has not been started.
Blue – indicates the task has been started.
Green – the task is done.
The table which includes the part Number, the part Name, the Task definition name, and the QR code.
If the Use Hand Scanner button has been clicked, the operator can scan the QR Code to change the task status from Start to Finish. Later the operator can scan the QR Code to change the task status from Finish to Done which will result in the Update Tracking Status dialog. Note: The operator can also click the Start and Finish buttons to accomplish the same actions.
Assembly View
90% of the time the default view in the Assemblies Viewer will display the needed information. In some cases, when a user selects a View that does not contain all the parts in the Assembly, a warning icon will display "View does not contain all parts in the Assembly". To resolve the issue, change to a view that includes all parts in the package.

In other cases, like risers, the default view may not include all of the model parts and will need to be overridden. Only a Project Admin can change and override a default view.
Users who are not a Project Admin under Admin > Project > Team do not have a View option in the Assemblies Viewer. Below is an example in the Assemblies Viewer.
In some cases like the one below, the view created in Revit does not include all parts in the Assembly. As a result, a Project Admin will need to override the default view to display a view that does include all of the parts in the Assembly. In this example, the Top half view displays the full dimensions of the pipe but does not display the bottom pipe parts because they were not included in this Revit view.
If the Project Admin selects a view that does not include all of the model parts included in the Assembly, a message similar to the following will display and the Project Admin will need to select a different view.
After a Project Admin selects a view (Ex. Full model) that includes all of the model parts for the Assembly, anyone who opens the Assembly will see the selected view.
Filter Assemblies
Filter assemblies by Project, Model, Package, Division, and Status.

Package Filter - The Assemblies viewer includes a Package Filter/Dropdown. When a Package is specified, the list of available Assemblies is filtered to only those included in the selected Package. When ‘Unspecified’ is selected in the Package selector, all Assemblies will be listed.
Division Filter - When a Division filter is specified, the list of available Assemblies is filtered to only those assigned to the selected Division.
Status Filter - When a Status filter is specified, the list of available Assemblies is filtered to only those in the selected Tracking Status.
Note: If a filter does not meet the criteria for any assembly, a message window will display. For an assembly to display, the criteria for Division and Status must be met.
Change Tracking Status - The tracking status can be changed for the entire spool or for a part within the spool.
To change the tracking status of the entire spool - Select the Tracking Status and click Apply. All parts in the assembly will be set to the selected tracking status.
To change the tracking status of individual parts
With the Parts tab selected, click the tracking status for the part and select the new status in the Specify Status dialog. Note: The selected report must include the tracking status field.
Then, using Display Modes, the Manually Cut items can be highlighted.
Note: When designing the report, there are multiple Tracking Status fields that are available. The field to use in the report is STRATUS.Part.TrackingStatus.
Rename Assembly
To rename an assembly within the assembly viewer, the assembly must be in a Tracking Status where Can Assemble is checked.
If the assembly is in a Tracking Status where Can Assemble is checked, then hovering over the assembly name will display “Edit Assembly Name”.
To edit the assembly name, click the assembly name. The Rename Assembly dialog will display.
Enter a unique name and click the green Save button.
If the new assembly name is not unique, the “Could Not Rename the Assembly” message will display.
If the new assembly name is unique, the name will change.
The assembly name will also change on the Assemblies > Dashboard and anywhere the name is referenced.
If the assembly is not in a Tracking Status where Can Assemble is checked, then hovering over the assembly name will display “Name is locked based on Tracking Status”.
How to Sort Assembly Parts Report by Number
To sort assembly parts report by number:
Configure the report under Admin > Company > Reports
Open the assembly report and check that the report includes:
Property Name = Number
Format = Integer.
Open an assembly and select the report.
After the assembly parts display, click the Number column heading to sort and the parts will sort by number.
Open Assembly by Scanning QR Code with the Tablet’s Camera
The Scan QR code with camera button on the Assemblies > Viewer page. Using the built-in camera on a tablet or phone as a scanner, a user can scan a QR code and the assembly will display. This will save clicks and the need to know the name of the project, model, package, or spool assembly. Note: For iPad users, this feature only works when you have logged into STRATUS using the Safari web browser.
Login to STRATUS on the tablet or phone.
Under Assemblies > Viewer, click the Scan QR code with camera button.
The Capture an Image prompt will display asking if you “Would like to Access the Camera.” Click Allow.
Point the camera at a STRATUS QR Code (Part or Assembly) either printed on a label or on the screen.
The assembly associated with the QR code will display on the device.
04/02/21 CSG Webinar: STRATUS In-Depth Series, The Assemblies Module
00:00 Introduction and Release Notes
11:00 Filter Spools
13:00 Can Assemble Tracking Status
13:30 Rename Assembly
13:55 Scan QR Code to display Assemblies Viewer page
15:00 Toggle Assemblies View for Tablets
16:20 Display Mode Tool
15:50 Grid Offset Measurement Tool
17:20 Explode Model Forge Tool
18:00 Numbering Tool
19:30 Annotation Tags Tool
22:15 Custom Notes
23:10 Attachments
24:30 Dimensioning Tool
31:00 Save Default Extensions Tool
32:30 Find Part
33:00 Spool Checker Tool
STRATUS 09-24-2020 What is the difference between the Place Linear Length Measurement tool and the Place Aligned Length Measurement tool?
STRATUS 06-11-2020 Implementation Webinar - Spooling and the Assembly Viewer (32:44)
01:36 Package in Can Assemble Tracking Status
02:04 Create Assembly
07:00 Assemblies Viewer
07:50 QR Code Scan Options
08:25 Rename Assembly
08:40 Admin > Naming and Numbering (Naming Conventions)
08:10 Toggle Orientation
09:50 Tracking
11:45 Settings Gear
13:10 STRATUS Toolbar
13:20 Display Mode
13:41 Filters, Grid Offset Measurement, Display Grid
14:10 Admin > Item Numbering and Can Number Tracking Status
17:30 Admin > Naming and Numbering (Numbering Rules, Numbering Schemes)
18:50 Admin > View Styles
19:22 Admin > Project Roles
19:43 Tags and Notes
22:20 Dimensioning
23:20 Linear Placement Measurement Tool and Node Options
25:10 Spool Checker and Adjusted Cut Length
27:15 Parts Tab - Send to Tool
27:58 Parts Reports and Assembly Filter
29:39 STRATUS Sheet Tab
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