The STRATUS to Razor bridge application (STRATUSRazor) is a Cut List application that can be used by anyone and includes tools specific to the RazorGage cutting machine.
The purpose of this page is to show you how to install and configure the STRATS to RazorGage bridge software.
As of Sept 2022, the STRATUS to RazorGage bridge software (called STRATUSRazor) is compatible with the CutList Mappings in STRATUS. You can download and install the STRATSRazor software onto your RazorGage from this link:
This installer is to be run on your RazorGage table/pc, and step-by-step instructions are given below. This install will create C:\STRATUSRazor\ on your RazorGage device, which will hold all the software needed for your RazorGage to communicate with STRATUS. In addition to installing STRATUSRazor, you will need to contact RazorGage to enable Single CutList mode on your RazorGage (if you have not already done so).
STRATUS Configuration and Custom Fields
Each cut list sent from STRATUS to a RazorGage can have custom fields; these are generally fields to be printed on the RazorGage labels. Configuring the fields sent down to the RazorGage from STRATUS requires some setup steps inside STRATUS, as follows.
Create a RazorGage Tool in STRATUS
In STRATUS, create a tool of the type “RazorGage” and create a station that points to that tool. As a side-note, earlier versions of the STRATUSRazor (the versions pre-Sept 2022), used a tool type "CutList". In the example below, we have a RazorGage tool type set up as Copper Razor, with a tracking status of type "Cut":
This tool is then assigned to a station in STRATUS:
With the tool assigned to a station, you can send cut lists to the physical RazorGage associated with that station. Before you do that, there are four more steps required (summarized here, but expanded below):
1. Set the tracking status to the cut status you desire when pipes are cut (see Set the Cut Tracking Status below).
2. Set the titles of each field for when STRATUS data is sent down to the RazorGage ConfigureSingle-AxisCutListFieldsSenttoRazorGage
3. You must run the association process of relating a tool in STRATUS to a physical RazorGage in the shop (this is done when you run the STRATUSRazor installer – for which, see more below).
Set the Cut Tracking Status
In the case of setting up a RazorGage tool, you now select the "Tracking Status when Done" in STRATUS itself. This status is the tracking status that the RazorGage will use after cutting. This is a new feature (as of Sept 2022) where the tracking status is defined and maintained within STRATUS proper.
Configure Single-Axis Cut List Fields Sent to RazorGage
With the new RazorGage tool type, you are able to send fields to the RazorGage from the Package CutList screen (in the same way as with the Workstation App and TigerStop). You configure which fields are sent to the RazorGage through the STRATUS Company->Admin->Part Template -> Cut List Mapping. In the example below we are configuring the cu tlist template for pipes of type 2041. When STRATUS creates cut lists for a tool, it can send custom fields appropriate to the type of labels you want to print while cutting. Custom fields to send to the machine are set in the Cut List Mapping via UserData1, UserData2…UserData9 (as shown below):
This Cut List Mapping is for straight pipes (Part Number 2041), and it has three fixed fields – Material, Size, and Length -- and it has nine custom fields. These nine custom fields can be used for printer labels.
Configuring RazorGage Printer Labels Based on Your Cut List Mappings
In the above screenshot, we created a cut list mapping for pipes of type 2041 (straight pipe), and the cut list mapping has been configured with nine custom fields for printing on labels relevant to that type of pipe. Notice that these custom fields are called "User Data 1"..."User Data 9". This is an important point because on the RazorGage, we need to know what those fields mean. For example, UserData4 in the above example is the Reference Level. On the RazorGage printer label, you will want to see the label, "Reference Level" or "Level", not "User Data 4". To tell the RazorGage what each User Data field means, you have to configure your tool's Label Template. This is done under Admin->Company->Tools,
From here, you will press the [Edit Label Template] for the tool of interest (in our case, the COPPER RAZOR). Pressing this button brings up a dialog box where we can specify what each field means:
The RazorGage will receive these nine fields as “UserData1”…”UserData9”. However, we assigned them meaningful names, like LEVEL for UserData4, and that too will be passed down to the RazorGage for the print labels. It is worth noting that you do not have to type out UserData1=END TYPE, you could just type 1=END TYPE. That is, you could enter the data this way as well:
9=Adj Cut Len
You are also able to send down other data to the RazorGage, not included in the Cut List Mapping. For example, Message.LengthInFeetAndInches is a field available to you. In the above screen example, it is passed down as architectural length for the print label.
Decimal Places
In the example above, there were nine fields in the Tools, "Label Template", and the ninth one was Adjusted Cut Length.
9=Adj Cut Len
If you want to change the number of decimal places used for the Adj Cut Len, you can use this nomenclature:
9.3=Adj Cut Len
This means that the ninth UserData slot in the Part Template cutlist mapping (in STRATUS) will be written to the RazorGage DB with only 3 digits of decimal precision.
Length Decimal Limits in RGST
There is a known bug in the Razor Gage software where the length field (on a pipe being cut), must not be more than three decimal places. To make sure that STRATUS does not write more that three decimal places to this field, you can configure a custom length field (inches) under your part template mapping that is limited to three decimal places, or you can add the following "Fields" JSON to your Tools, Label Template:
{"Fields": [ {"StratusName": "","Display": "LENGTH", "decimals": 3 }]}
Or, as in the screen shot here:
Overriding Blank Values
When you send down parts to be cut (send them down from STRATUS to the RazorGage), and if a part is in an assembly/spool, then the assembly name for the part will be blank. If you want to print the word "Unassembled" for the assembly name (instead of printing a blank), you would add the following to your Label Template:
This says that any part that is not part of an assembly has an assembly name "Unassembled".
Alternatively, you could specify a default value for a blank field using the pipe command:
2=SPOOL NAME | Not Assembled
In this case, the default value for when the 2nd field is blank, is "Not Assembled".
STRATUSRazor Install
As noted above, STRATUSRazor is the bridge program that binds STRATUS to the RazorGage. It can be installed from here: This program is to be run on the RazorGage tablet/pc.
When you run the installer, you will be prompted to log into STRATUS so that it can associate your RazorGage with your STRATUS company. You may consider this as a kind of pairing operation. The association program will find any tools in your organization that are type RazorGage, and let you associate one of them to the RazorGage on which you ran the program. Simply select the tool of your choice, and click the [ Associate ] button. After that, close the program and the installation will be complete.
Note well: Division and CostCode are optional. If set, then each cut tracking status gets these values associated with it.
Install Technical Details
STRATUSRazor always gets installed to the same location on all devices:
This same lining program can be run at any time after the installation if you want to re-associate the tool with a different device name. To run it again, go to
RazorGage Install and Operation
A version of the Razor Gage software capable of single-axis cutlist is available from the following link (though you may want to contact RazorGage for the most up-to-date version):
This software requires special licensing for use with STRATUS and single-axis cultists (see below).
Note well: the above software is different than the STRATUS-to-RazorGage software that lives on the STRATUS help page (accessed from STRATUS by clicking on the next to your badge).
Razor Licenses
After installing, you must obtain the RazorGage software and license for AutoCutList and Single Cutlist mode.
To get the print labels on the RazorGage to have more meaningful names for each of the fields, you must edit the Label Template for the tool as described above.
RazorGage AutoList and Single-Axis CutList mode
If you don’t see the AutList Screen, you need to contact RazorGage for licensing.
Clicking on [AutoList Screen] takes you to the cutlist mode screen
From here, Clicking on [Settings] and then [Single CutList Mode] takes you to the setup screen for single-axis cut lists.
Finding the STRATUSRazor Version
You likely will not need to know the version number of the STRATUSRazor bridge software, but it can be found in two places.
The first place to find the STRATUSRazor version is in your tracking logs on cut parts. The STRATUSRazor version is logged in the comments with each tracking status change.
The version can also be found by running:
and clicking on the Update tab.
Tracking Status – Optional Speed Optimization Feature Scheduled Task
Normally, when you cut a part with the razor gage, the tracking status is sent immediately to STRATUS to indicate completion. RazorGage itself is configured to send the status after every part is cut, and this is found under the Single Cutlist Mode Settings (which you reach by clicking on the [ Settings ] button:
From here, click on the Single Cutlist Mode button:
The Single Cutlist Mode screen is where you configure the frequency of the RazorGage sending tracking status back to STRATUS. The default is 1 (1 part). That is, after each part is cut, RazorGage will call back to STRATUS a second time (which adds a noticeable overhead of one to six seconds). To erase this overhead, there is a task scheduled event that is installed which allows you to configure RazorGage to not report back so often.
When the STRATUSRazor installs, it creates a scheduled task that will keep your RazorGage tracking status in sync with STRATUS on a 5-minute timer. Because that is happening, it means you are able to increase the frequency of when RazorGage reports back tracking status changes. In the screen below (reached by the steps listed above), we have the frequency set to 1000 (the Runs/Parts value shown below). That is, RazorGage will only report back tracking status changes after every 1000 cuts – which isn't a problem, since the scheduled task is reporting back the changes on a five-minute scheduled task frequency).
If for some reason, you don't want the STRATUS reporting back on a five-minute schedule, you can leave the setting in RazorGage to 1 for the Runs/Parts setting. You can also deleted the scheduled task associated with the RazorGage under the windows task scheduler. If for some reason you are having problems with tracking statuses being transmitted back to Stratus, the following section may help you find and solve any problems.
Troubleshooting Tracking Status Issues
After the RazorGage cuts material, it updates its own internal database with a cut status for the cut part, then at a later time, that cut status is transmitted back to Stratus in one of two ways: 1. asynchronously (i.e., in the background) via a scheduled task event (the default behavior), or 2. synchronously as described in the section just above this section.
You will be able to determine if you have Tracking Statuses in your local RazorGage waiting to be transmitted to Stratus by running
And from there, selecting the following option and pressing [Run]
If, after running that, you see a list of parts that are cut, but which have not had their cut status sent to Stratus, then it may be necessary to validate that your Task Scheduler is working properly (the program used to send back tracking statuses). To do that, launch Task Scheduler:
After Task Scheduler launches, locate the GTP RAZOR SYNC entry:
Next, right click on that and go to properties, and make sure the user is a valid user on your system to run task schedule event.
If your tracking statuses are not flowing to Stratus, try changing the user to "SYSTEM":
Advanced Diagnostic Support Tool
When you install the STRATUSRazor software onto your machine, you will have the following directory
In that directory, there is a program called STRATUSFieldSelector.exe which is a Support Tool for debugging problems with the STRATUS Razor integration (notice the one in green is the actual executable):
Running that brings up this screen (the version number may be different):
This program has tabs along the top where you can select areas of functionality. Not all the tabs are fully implemented, and this documentation only deals with sections of the program commonly used for debugging problems on the Razor Gage.
Using Run Commands
From here, make a selection and press the
button.Manipulating the Razor Gage Database
The Razor Gage software (produced by the Razor Gage company) uses a Microsoft Access database. Sometimes, that database can become large or corrupt, and one way to manipulate it is through the STRATUSFieldSelector.exe. With this program you can go to the Run Commands tab:
If you have Read Only checked, no changes will be made to the database.
Printing Labels
RGST prints to the default printer on your system. Make sure your ZPL is your default printer.
Sometimes if you install your ZPL printer directly from Windows, it won't work. If this is your situation (the ZPL won't print), consider the following steps:
- Install the ZPL Setup Utility
- Install your ZPL printer drives from the Zebra Setup Utility
- RazorGage software RGST prints to your default printer. For this reason, in Windows under Printers, set your ZPL printer as the default printer.
Optional: Cutting Unistrut, Pipe and Rod on the same RazorGage. Also, Overcoming Printing Limitations
Razor Gage prints labels through their software. Stratus does not have direct control of printing. Inside Stratus, in Company->Admin-Tools, the Label Template for a RazorGage tool is NOT a printer label (per se), but rather just a list of fields + names mappings (the list of fields + names corresponds to the cutlist mapping, user defined fields). The values for these fields get sent down from Stratus to the RazorGage with each cutlist. The reason this is noteworthy, is if you send a Unitstrut to a particular RazorGage, and then a pipe cutlist to the same Razor Gage, then the same mapping information in the Label Template is used for both, but the content of the values for those fields won't necessarily match. This may sound confusing, and it would only be a concern if you are cutting Rods, Unitstrut and Pipe all on the same RazorGage.
To help solve this problem, we have a RazorSwap / Database Switcher that runs on the RazorGage, which lets you set up your RazorGage for these three scenarios (Unistrut, Rod, Pipe).
The program (when installed) is a desktop icon called RazorSwap.
When you run on that, you will see this screen:
By selecting one of the three options, you can press SWAP and then RazorGage will be launched. This will allow you the ability to set your RazorGage labels for that kind of cutting.
The workflow would be:
- On the RazorGage: Run the RazorSwap
- On the RazorGage: Select the kind of cutting you want to do (Unitstrut, Rod or Pipe), and press SWAP.
- In Stratus, send a cutlist down for what you selected in step 2 above. Do NOT send pipes down to be cut when you are running in Rod or Unistrut mode.
- Configure your print labels according to the names of the columns in the cutlist (note well, the names may seem completely unrelated to the content they hold)
Each time you want to switch and cut a different kind of object, repeat the steps above.
WHY? The reason this solution is like this is that we (Stratus) do NOT send down ZPL printer labels to the RazorGage. The RazorGage prints its labels, so we had to set up different RazorGage databases for each kind of object to be cut. We are working around how RazorGage works. And you can think of this as having THREE virtual RazorGage devices on one physical RazorGage (Unistrut, Rod and Pipe). Each kind of object gets its own cutlist database and print labels.