Warning Tracking Status
The purpose of the Warning Tracking Status option is to provide users with a visual indication of when work on an item has stopped or is on hold. The Warning checkbox can be checked for any tracking status and when the tracking status is applied, the colors of the page background menu bar items will change. As with all tracking status, even if the Warning checkbox is checked you the other options like Can Assemble, Can Package, Can BOM and the percent complete options still apply to the tracking status. The “Warning’ tracking status works on the following pages:
Package details > Tracking
Assemblies > Viewer
Landing page when a package QR code is scanned
Landing page when an assembly QR code is scanned
Landing page when a part QR code is scanned
To use the Warning Tracking Status:
Under Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses, create new tracking status or identify an existing tracking status.
Check the "Warning" option checkbox and set the Color to a distinguished color (Ex. Bright Yellow) that will be the warning background color when an item displays.
On the tracking status check the Warning checkbox. In this example, on the Package details > Items tab, when a package’s tracking status is changed to ON HOLD, the background color changed to bright yellow and the menu bar item text changed to blue due to the Warning checkbox being checked for the ON HOLD tracking status.
Image Added
07/09/2020 - Setting up “Tracking Statuses” for best results!
Widget Connector |
width | 640 |
url | https://vimeo.com/manage/438321984/embed |
height | 364 |
0:42 Tracking Status, Can Assemble, Can Package, Can Number, Can BOM, Can Cut List
2:00 Applies to Package, Applies to Assembly, Applies to Part
3:12 Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field Tracking Status Phase Division Categorization
3:56 Description, Color, Warning, Delete
Relation Between Tracking Statuses and Column Settings Using Customer Success
4:35 Design - Top Tracking Status, post-publish
5:32 Modeled
5:51 Packaged
5:58 Spooled
6:05 Material Ordered
6:42 Can Number
7:53 Materials Ordered and Joint Complete
8:15 Place Holder Geometry + Warning
9:02 On Hold + Warning
9:34 Create New Tracking Status + Project Roles Access
10:55 Apply Tracking Status in Models Viewer
12:00 Tracking Status Display Modes
12:20 Prevent Actions based on Tracking Status settings
15:00 Placeholder and On Hold with Warnings
15:49 Spool Breaks
17:40 Revit Tracking Status on Import