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A Tracking Statuses is a way to categorize and control parts, assemblies, and packages. The "Can" operation " checkboxes control what you can do within a Tracking Status. The "Applies To" settings control what the Tracking Status Statuses can be applied to the Package, Assembly, Part, or Container. The Tracking Status Groups Phases relate to Processors Divisions and % complete calculations. 

Time Saving Note: The STRATUS Customer Success Team has configured and can transfer to your company database Filters, Reports, Task Definitions, Task Workflows, Task Categories, Cost Categories, Cost Types, Tracking Statuses, and other Admin configurations. Contact the STRATUS Service Desk for more information.

Table of Contents
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  • New Tracking Status - This button will allow you to add a new tracking status.

  • Order Number "#" - Each tracking status is associated with a number “#” column with 1 being the lowest.  Set the Tracking Status order by specifying the position number or use the Move Arrow buttons. When applied to an assembly or package, STRATUS Stratus will display the status of its lowest ordered child.  Note: A part is a child of an Assembly or Package, while an Assembly is a child of a Package.

  • Move Arrows - If you wish to move a tracking status up or down you can do so by clicking the up and down arrows.

  • Name - This is the tracking status name that will display in STRATUSStratus.

  • Can operations - control what types of edits can be made to a part, assembly, or package.

    • Can Assemble - When the Can Assemble tracking status option is checked, it means that an assembly can be edited. For example, adding a part to an assembly is an edit operation. An assembly whose tracking status is not Can Assemble will display as locked. 

    • Can Package - When the Can Package tracking status option is checked, it means a package can be edited. For example, adding parts or assemblies to a package is an edit operation.  When unchecked, it means that the package is not editable. It also means that the package is ready for downstream workflows.

    • Can Number - When the Can Number tracking status option is checked, it means that an assembly or package can be renumbered using the Renumber All Item Numbers tool in the Assemblies > Viewer or the Packages > Viewer.  When an assembly or package is NOT in a Tracking Status where Can Number is checked, then the message "Renumbering is not allowed for the current tracking status" will display when the Renumber All Item Numbers button is clicked.

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    • Can BOM - When the Can BOM tracking option is checked, it means that the Package > BOM > Generate BOM button will be enabled.

    • Can Cut List - When the Can Cut List tracking option is checked, it means that the Package > Cut List > Generate Cut List button will be enabled.

  • Applies to settings -  The Applies to settings

    tell STRATUS

    tells Stratus that a particular tracking status can or can't be applied to a Part, Assembly, or Package. In other words, when unchecked the tracking status will not be available in the tracking status drop-down.

    • Applies to Package 

      • When unchecked, the tracking status cannot be applied to a package.

      • When checked, and a part is assigned to a package where the part's current tracking status is less than the first checked “Applies to Package” tracking status, the part's new tracking status will be changed to match the first checked “Applies to Package” tracking status. If the part's current tracking status is greater than the first checked “Applies to Package” tracking status, then the part's current tracking status will be retained.

    • Applies to Assembly

      • When unchecked, the tracking status cannot be applied to an assembly.

      • When checked, and a part is assigned to an assembly where the part's current tracking status is less than the first checked “Applies to Assembly” tracking status, the part's new tracking status will be changed to match the first checked “Applies to Assembly” tracking status. If the part's current tracking status is greater than the first checked “Applies to Assembly” tracking status, then the part's current tracking status will be retained.

    • Applies to Part - When unchecked, the tracking status cannot be applied to a part.

    • Applies to Container - When unchecked, the tracking status cannot be applied to a container.

  • Tracking Status


    Phases - A Tracking Status


    Phase (Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field) is a non-editable category used to categorize


    Divisions under Admin > Company

    Processors. Processor is a name for a department, person or group that processes work packages and is specific to your company’s workflow (Ex. Pipe shop, Sheet Metal shop, Purchasing or Detailing, or the Jobsite)

    Divisions and to categorize Package Planning and Actual dates when creating a new package. A tracking status can be applied to multiple phases. There are 2 options for each Tracking Status and Tracking Status


    Phase intersection:

    • Check whether or not

      Checked - If the checkbox at the intersection of a Tracking Status and a Phase is checked, then the Tracking Status is applicable to the

      Tracking Status Group.

      Phase. It will be set to 0% by default.

    • % Complete - The approximate percent complete of a package for the


      Division (the Tracking Status


      Phase) when the package is in the Tracking Status. This value is used to estimate the percent complete of the Package and Assembly.

    • Actual Start Date and End Date - If under Packages > Properties > Actual your company references the Actual section, then the phase column must include 0% that is associated with the phase Start Date and a 100% that is associated with the phase End Date.

      • 0% - When a package tracking status is changed the tracking status associated with 0%, then the date this occurs is entered as the Actual Start Date. Actual Start Date is not editable. Only the first 0% value listed for a phase will be used. All other percentages are ignored for the Actual table. See the article for more information. 

      • 100% - When a package tracking status is changed the tracking status associated with 100%, then the date this occurs is entered as the Actual End Date. Actual End Date is not editable.  Only the first 100% value listed for a phase will be used. All other percentages are ignored for the Actual table. See the article for more information. 

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  • Description - You can give a more in-depth tracking status description here.

  • Color - Assign a color for filtering using STRATUS Stratus viewer Display Modes

  • Warning - The Warning option provides users with a visual indication of when work on an item has stopped or is on hold. See Warning Tracking Status section on this page for more information.

  • Delete - The trash can button allows you to delete undesired tracking statuses.

Warning Tracking Status

The purpose of the Warning Tracking Status option is to provide users with a visual indication of when work on an item has stopped or is on hold. The Warning checkbox can be checked for any tracking status and when the tracking status is applied, the colors of the page background menu bar items will change. As with all tracking status, even if the Warning checkbox is checked you the other options like Can Assemble, Can Package, Can BOM and the percent complete options still apply to the tracking status.  The “Warning’ tracking status works on the following pages:

  • Package details > Tracking

  • Assemblies > Viewer

  • Landing page when a package QR code is scanned

  • Landing page when

    an assembly QR

    an assembly QR code is scanned

  • Landing page when

    a part QR

    a part QR code is scanned

To use the Warning Tracking Status:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses, create new tracking status or identify an existing tracking status.

  2. Check the "Warning" option checkbox and set the Color to a distinguished color (Ex. Bright Yellow) that will be the warning background color when an item displays.

  3. On the tracking status check the Warning checkbox. In this example, on the Package details > Items tab, when a package’s tracking status is changed to ON HOLD, the background color changed to bright yellow and the menu bar item text changed to blue due to the Warning checkbox being checked for the ON HOLD tracking status.

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07/09/2020 - Setting up “Tracking Statuses” for best results!

Widget Connector

0:42 Tracking Status, Can Assemble, Can Package, Can Number, Can BOM, Can Cut List
2:00 Applies to Package, Applies to Assembly, Applies to Part
3:12 Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field Tracking Status Groups Processor Phase Division Categorization
3:56 Description, Color, Warning, Delete

Relation Between Tracking Statuses and Column Settings Using Customer Success
4:35 Design - Top Tracking Status, post-publish
5:32 Modeled
5:51 Packaged
5:58 Spooled
6:05 Material Ordered
6:42 Can Number
7:53 Materials Ordered and Joint Complete
8:15 Place Holder Geometry + Warning
9:02 On Hold + Warning

9:34 Create New Tracking Status + Project Roles Access
10:55 Apply Tracking Status in Models Viewer
12:00 Tracking Status Display Modes
12:20 Prevent Actions based on Tracking Status settings
15:00 Placeholder and On Hold with Warnings
15:49 Spool Breaks
17:40 Revit Tracking Status on Import

Page Properties


Tracking Status

Defining your company’s Tracking Statuses is one of the first configuration settings to manage.
Inside the Tracking Statuses tab, you’ll find editable tracking statuses.
Depending on when your STRATUS account was created you might see these default tracking statuses.

A tracking status can be applied to a part, assembly or order.
A part is a model element.
An assembly is a group of parts that make up an assembly or spool and is used by the shop to fabricate or the field to install.
An order is a batch of assemblies or parts.

Before describing how to configure Tracking statuses, it’s important to know how tracking statuses are used in STRATUS.
In the Models … Viewer tab, the Display Modes tool includes a tracking status tab which displays in real-time part status by color code, the number of parts and % of parts currently in each tracking status.
Under Filters > Tracking, you can filter parts in the model viewer by specific tracking statuses.
And using the Actions tool, you can set the status of parts in 2 ways:
You can use the Filters options to isolate parts and then click the Apply to Isolated button, or,..
You can select parts or assemblies and then click the Apply to Selected button.

Under Assemblies, the Dashboard tab lists the Tracking Status for each assembly and the Viewer tab, lets you view and edit the tracking status for all parts in the assembly.
Under Orders, the Dashboard tab lists the tracking status for each order and in the Content tab you can view and edit the tracking status for all the parts in the Order.
Many of these views include the date/time stamp and the person who updated the tracking status.

If your shop uses a TigerStop, STRATUS can automatically update the tracking status of cut parts after each cut.

Tracking Statuses are not only used within STRATUS, but, if the model or drawing is Imported using the GTP STRATUS Import command in CADmep or Revit, the tracking status applied in STRATUS will update the part properties in the Revit model or AutoCAD drawing.
For round-tripping tracking statuses back to STRATUS during the publish process, in the Publishing tab, set the Property Mapping to the STRATUS order or status parameter name used in your model.
Here you can see the tracking status xx in the Revit properties.
And here you can see the Item Statuses in Fabrication database are validated to include STRATUS tracking statuses.

Now that reviewed how tracking statuses are used in STRATUS, let’s walk through the process of configuring tracking statuses at your company.
STRATUS ships with default tracking statuses that you can remove, rename, and configure.
Tracking Statuses, like all Company settings are applied to all projects in your company.
Each tracking status can be as broad or granular as your need.
A tracking status can be sequentially ordered and named.
The shorter the tracking status name the better so that it will fit in various displays.
Use the description field to further describe a tracking status.
The Can Assemble and Can order checkboxes are IMPORTANT to understand, as they enforce a strict workflow for users and determine for which tracking statuses a user can create a new assembly or a new order.
For example, if the tracking status for an item is installed, you wouldn’t want someone to try to add it to a new assembly.
To accommodate this scenario, the Can Assemble checkbox is unchecked for the Installed status, so a user will not be able to add the part to an assembly once its status is set to Installed.
Notice that for the Changed Order tracking status, all departments have access to this status and the Can Assemble and Can Order checkboxes are checked.

If your company is using the Plans feature to manage scheduling, then you will utilize the next few columns which broadly designate order processing department functions for Office, Purchasing, Shop, and Field.
If you are not using this feature, then you do not need to configure these columns.
On the Plans Order Board, each Tracking Status is used to configure Kanban columns.
Briefly, when checked for an order processing department, the tracking status will be used as a Kanban board column and orders can be moved as a group from one tracking status to another.
The % complete for the order reflects the % complete set in Tracking Statuses for the department, unless more granular sub tasks have been defined for the order.
For example, for the Office, once a model has been coordinated, the Office work is 75% complete.
Then, once the model has been Issued for Fabrication by publishing the model to STRATUS, the Office’s work is 100% complete, while the Shop and Field are at 0% to indicate that the work is in the queue.
These column headings are not editable.

To create a new tracking status:
To create a new tracking status, Click the + New Tracking Status button. The grid will become editable.
Go to Admin > Company > Tracking Status page.

Click in the name field, enter a tracking status name, and then click the check button to save or x to cancel.

Check the Can Assemble and Can Order checkboxes as needed.
If you are using the Plans feature for scheduling, skip the department checkboxes until after you save the row.
Enter an optional description. (optional)
And tracking status select a color.
The color selected for each tracking status displays on the Models Viewer page when the Tracking Display Mode is selected.
This tracking status color code is useful to gain a quick overview of the progress made in area of the building.
Click Save or Cancel button.
To reorder the tracking status, click the up or down arrow buttons.
And, If you are using the Plans feature for scheduling, check all of the departments that this tracking status should display on and enter a % complete.

Finally, to delete any tracking status click the trash can.
To edit a tracking status:
Stratus grids include in-line editing so you can click any cell to edit.

Some data edit dialogs will require that you save or cancel. Other data will save as soon as the edit is made.
Reorder tracking status clicking the up/down arrows to reorder the sequence of tracking statuses or you can just edit the sequence number directly.
Delete a tracking status by clicking the trash can .

Not Used
For example the Office, which would include the Modeler, has checked to include the Modeled, Coordinated, and Issued for Fabrication tracking statuses.
Notice that the Shop and Field also use the Issued for Fabrication tracking status.
For the shop, the percent complete is set to 0%.
Normally, no one from the shop would set the status of an item to Issued for Fabrication, but, when viewed on a Kanban board, this 0% complete tracking status does display as the first column on a Kanban board and indicates that work is in the pipeline.
This indicates that the workflow for this item needs to start from the beginning modeling and publishing the change, purchasing, etc.