The Status Board displays each package as a card on a Kanban board. The column headers are taken from your company's Tracking Statuses. Tracking Status updates can be made on this board by moving a card from one column to another. The tracking status for all assemblies and parts included in the moved package will update. Each card contains information or links to information including:
Due Date - Targeted Due and calculated number of days until due
Hours - Estimate and Actual
Tasks and Percent Complete - Number of Tasks, Number of Tasks Done, the percent of tasks complete, number of Assemblies, and number of Parts.
After a processor has been added to a package, the package will display on the Packages > Status Board. Here you can move individual package cards on a Kanban board (Issued for Fabrication, Issued for Purchasing, Purchased, etc.) to update the processors queue. Each card includes Package details and links to package information.
To color code status cards by project.
Go to Admin > Company > Projects and set the color for the project.