Supplier Link information is configured per project and is used with all Purchasing activities to identify the Point of Contact, Phone Number, and the Accounts that can be used for billing.

New Supplier Link

To create a New Supplier Link:

  1. Under Projects > Supplier Links, click the New Supplier Link button. A new row will display. 

    1. Project - Select a Project.
    2. Point of Contact - Select a Point of Contact. The Point of Contact must have been added to the Team under Admin > Project > Team.
    3. Phone - Enter the phone number for the contact or office that can be called by the supplier to clarify questions.
    4. Supplier - Select all Suppliers that can be used for project Purchase Orders.
    5. Default Account - Select the Default Account that will be used by the supplier for billing purposes. A Project can utilize multiple accounts and those submitting Purchase Orders can change from the Default Account to a different account as needed. Below is an example of selecting an account.

    6. Share BOMs? 
      1. Checked - When checked, the supplier is allowed to view "Unlocked" BOM's. This gives the supplier insight into your project pipeline. 
      2. Unchecked - When unchecked, suppliers cannot view unlocked BOM's and can only view Locked BOMs.
      3. See the Lock and Unlock a BOM for Purchasing for more information.
    7. Active - A Supplier is made active at the company level under Admin > Company > Suppliers. Supplier availability Purchase Orders can be managed here at the project level. 
      1. Check - When checked, the supplier can be used for any Purchasing activity. 
      2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the supplier cannot be used for any Purchasing activities. 
    8. Linked - The Linked field indicates whether or not the Supplier has created a Job Link for the selected Project. This field is not editable.
  2. Click Save when Done.