Package BOM

Package BOM

The BOM tab is used to generate a Bill of Materials (BOM) report for the selected package. Non-modeled line items can be added to the report. A powerful "BOM Line Item Overrides" feature provides customization opportunities. Straight pieces can be nested when the material's nominal stock length is defined.


See the Packages Module Overview webinar CSG Webinar: STRATUS In-Depth Series, The Packages Module for more information.

09/17/2020 STRATUS Implementation Webinar - Package BOM Interface

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Packages Dashboard
01:37 Traditional BOM Report (Limited)
02:30 Packages BOM tab
03:20 Generate BOM
04:17 Linear Nests
05:43 BOM Line Item Override
08:44 Nominal Stock Length
10:00 Auto Linear Nest
12:03 Hide Columns
12:47 Default Report
15:23 Non-modeled BOM Items
16:14 Exclude Line Items
17:34 Ancillaries
25:18 Revit Ancillaries

Generate a BOM Report

  1. Before generating a BOM, check the package category for the selected package. Some companies use a specific package category for Purchasing.

  2. The BOM report will display by default. See below for how to create a new BOM Report to be selected during the Generate a BOM Report process.

  3. In order to enable the BOM button, the package must be in a tracking status where Can BOM is checked.  Click the Tracking tab to change the tracking status. See the Tracking Statuses article for more information.

  4. With a valid tracking status set for the package, the package's BOM button is enabled.


  5. After clicking the BOM button, a consolidated list of items that can be sorted, filtered, added, and made to be reportable, similar to the following displays. 


  6. The BOM list includes the following options.  

    1. BOM Settings - See the BOM Settings section below.

    2. Add (Line) Item - See the Add a New Line Item section below.

    3. Required Date - The Required Date entered here is a generic BOM date. There are several independent dates related to a BOM.

      1. Required Date (set on the Package's BOM tab) - Currently, the Required Date set on the Package's BOM tab is whatever your company wants it to mean. When a BOM is locked making it available on the Purchasing > BOMs tab, the BOM Required Date becomes the Required date on the BOMs tab. In addition, from the Purchasing > BOMs tab, when a New Order is created, the default date for the order is the Required date, however, this date can be manually edited. As a result, each Order created based on the BOM can have an "Order" Required date that is different from the BOM Required Date. Note: The BOM Required Date is not related to the Purchasing Start Date (described below).

      2. BOM Order Required date - The BOM Order Required date is set by the Purchasing manager under Purchasing > Orders and represents the “Required Date” that the Purchase Order needs to be delivered to the site from the supplier. See the Create New Order article for more information. There can be multiple BOM orders associated with the Package BOM that can have an independent BOM Order Required date.

      3. Purchasing Start Date - Under Package > Properties > Planning, the Purchasing Start Date represents the date that the Purchasing manager should be scheduled to start purchasing activities for the package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.

    4. Division - A Package BOM will be assigned to a Division. A BOM cannot be locked and made available to the Purchasing module until a Division (other than None) is selected. See the Division (Admin) article for more information.

    5. Unlocked / Locked - See the Lock and Unlock a BOM for Purchasing article for more information.

    6. Show Reportable - The Show Reportable checkbox controls line items that are visible in the table based on the item's Reportable status. See the Show Reportable section for more information.

      1. Checked - When checked, only line items whose Reportable checkbox have been checked will display in the table.

      2. Unchecked (default) - When unchecked, all line items will display in the table.

    7. Save Manual Overrides - The Show Manual Overrides button only applies to the following data fields: QTY, Unit of Measure, Size, Description, Manufacturer, Material, Product Code, and Additional Info. After a manual override has been made (Ex. Additional Info changed to Manual Override), the BOM data refreshes and the question mark icon displays within the overridden cell and hover text informs the user the Original value: Empty

      1. Unchecked Save Manual Overrides - When the Save Manual Overrides checkbox is unchecked and the Generate BOM button is clicked, the text “Manual Override” within the Additional Info cell will return to it’s original value which was Empty.

      2. Checked Save Manual Overrides - When the Save Manual Overrides checkbox is checked and the Generate BOM button is clicked, the text “Manual Override” within the Additional Info cell will be retained.

    8. Report - Displays a list of reports where Item Type = BOM. Click the download button to download the report for the displayed BOM.

    9. Reportable - The Reportable checkbox indicates whether or not a line item will display in any BOM report or, depending on the Show Reportable checkbox, whether or not the line item will display in the table. See the Reportable section for more information.

      1. Checked (default) - When checked, the line item will display in a BOM Report.

      2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the line item will not display in a BOM Report.

    10. CSV | Excel - Click the CSV or Excel button to download the displayed BOM table “as is” to a file.

    11. Not Purchased (Only applies to those who are using the Purchasing module) - When checked, the line item will not display in the Purchasing module when creating a New Order. See the Not Purchased section for more information.

    12. BOM Mappings - See the Company BOM Line Item Mappings section below.

    13. Search the BOM list by Size, Description, Material, Diameter, Width, and Length.

    14. Sort rows by a specific column by clicking the 


    15. Unit of Measure – The Unit of Measure shows how the selected part is measured. By default, all new items are set to the “Each” unit of measure.

    16. Size, Description, Manufacturer, Material, Diameter, Width, Length – These fields are extracted from the part’s AutoCAD/Revit database. The field used for display can be overridden on the BOM Line Item Override dialog by clicking the Settings associated with the part.

    17. Product Code – Product codes are determined by:

      1. Looking in Part.Properties based on the Code (Part.Code).

      2. If none are found, STRATUS looks in the Part.CinxProperties

    18. Comment – An editable field to enter a comment as needed.

Working with a BOM 

Add a New Line Item

  • New Line Item – To add non-modeled line items, like a box of washers, to the BOM list, click the New Line Item button, enter the required information or more, and click save.



The Reportable checkbox indicates whether or not a line item will display in any BOM report or, depending on the Show Reportable checkbox, whether or not the line item will display in the table. 

  1. Checked (default) - When checked, the line item will display in a BOM Report.

  2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the line item will not display in a downloaded BOM Report.

    1. The line item will still display in a BOM in the Purchasing module. In order to prevent a line item from displaying in Purchasing, use the Not Purchased checkbox.

Show Reportable

The Show Reportable checkbox indicates whether or not a line item will display in a Package BOM report. In addition, when the Show Reportable checkbox is checked, the table will only display Reportable line items.

  1. Checked (default) - When checked, the line item will display in a BOM Report. 

    1. In the example below, the Reportable checkbox for line items where the Description equals Nut are unchecked. Since Show Reportable is unchecked, the line items still display in the table.


  2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the line item will not display in a BOM Report. The line item will still display in the Purchasing module. In order to prevent a line item from displaying in Purchasing, use the Not Purchased checkbox.

    1. In the example below, the Reportable checkbox for line items where the Description equals Nut are unchecked. Since Show Reportable is checked, the line items do not display in the table.

Not Purchased

  1. Not Purchased (Only applies to those who are using the Purchasing module) - When checked, the line item will not display in the Purchasing module when creating a New Order. One example is to add a New Line Item for ½” washer. Note: The Not Purchased checkbox is different than the Reportable option which determines whether or not a line item will display in the BOM and/or BOM reports.
    For example:

    1. Check the Not Purchased checkbox for the ½” Washer


    2. On Purchasing > Create a New Order dialog, the ½” Washer line item will not display.

Inline Field Editing

Inline field editing provides a way to override default mapped values and Company BOM Line Item Mappings values. For example

  1. Below is the original BOM. In this example, all values are default mapped values although they could be Company BOM Line Item Mappings values as well. Values with blue font are editable.


  2. Click into a cell (Ex. Size where size = Shop Weld [6]), edit the content (Ex. Edited), and click the check to save.


  3. The edited value will display along with a tooltip (Ex. Original value: Shop Weld [6]). Notice that the cell background color turns gray to indicate it has been edited. Hover over the tooltip to display the Original value.

  4. To restore the original value, click into a cell (Ex. Edited) and either:

  5. (Recommended) Click the x within the edit box, the original value will be entered automatically, and then click Save.

  6. Alternatively, enter the original value and then click Save.

  7. The original value will display and the cell background color is restored to indicate it is the original value.

  8. If a line item BOM Mapping is edited the BOM table will refresh and only the edited BOM Mapping values will display, while previously edited values will return to default values or the BOM Mapped value.

    1. In this example, 2 line item values have been edited (Ex. Size and Material).


    2. Click the BOM Mapping gear icon. The Company BOM Line Item Mappings will display. Edit one or more BOM Mapping for the selected Part Template (Ex. Size Properties = Name).


    3. When the BOM tab displays the BOM will automatically regenerate.


      1. Size - The Size value now uses the Company BOM Line Item Mappings previously configured.

      2. Material - The Material value (previously edited) is restored to its default mapping.

  9. By default, permission to inline edit field in the BOM tab is unchecked and is controlled under Admin > Company > Project Roles > Packages > Details > Bill of Materials > Modify Inline Fields.


    1. Unchecked - When a user's Project Role is unchecked, only QTY and Comment will be available to edit.

Change/Reset QTY

To change and reset the QTY for BOM line item:

  1. Click the QTY cell. The Quantity dialog will display.


  2. Enter a new value. The value will be highlighted in the table.


  3. To reset the QTY to the original value, click the QTY cell. The Quantity dialog will display. Note: The Reset button does not display for non-modeled line items created using the Item button.


  4. Click the Reset button. The QTY will return to the original value.


BOM Settings

BOM Settings set here at the Package level are the same as those set at the Package Category Level. See the Package Category BOM Settings article for more information.

Click the BOM Settings gear icon  to access BOM Settings.

Hide Columns

To hide a column in the BOM table:

  1. Check the column in the Columns section (Ex. Product Code).


  2. Click Save. After the BOM table regenerates, the Ancillary Type column will not display.

BOM Generation Options

Ignore Zero Quantity Line Items

The Ignore Zero Quantity Line Items option can remove BOM Line Items that have 0 QTY from the BOM. When a BOM is generated if “Size”, “Description”, and “Material” are blank, a row for that item will not be generated.

Best Practice: For optional BOM Line Items that depend on certain part properties, it is best practice to create a custom field which returns a value of 0 when the BOM Line Item is not present and 1 (or other number) when it is, then map that field to the QTY under Admin > Company > Part Templates > BOM Line Item Mappings.

To change the Ignore Zero Quantity Line Item option:

  1. Access the BOM Settings dialog either via:

    1. Admin > Company > Package Categories > BOM Settings for the package category.

    2. Open the BOM and click the BOM Settings button.

  2. A BOM Settings dialog similar to the following will display. Note: The Package Category will display in the title.

  3. Ignore Zero Quantity Line Items

    1. Unchecked (Default) - Line Items whose QTY is 0 will display in the BOM.

    2. Checked - Line Items whose QTY is 0 will not display in the BOM.

Auto Consolidate

When checked, like items (determined by matching Description, then Material, Size, Is Modeled, Is Reportable, and then Length) will be consolidated into a row and the QTY adjusted. When unchecked, all BOM items will be included on a unique row and QTY will be 1. Alternatively, using Unconsolidated Units Of Measure option, you can determine which units of measure should not be consolidated. When added to the Unconsolidated Units Of Measure option list, the unit of measure will be ignored and not consolidated. For example, if a unit of measure is Boxes, and when consolidated a boxes BOM line item had QTY = 14, after adding Boxes to the Unconsolidated Units Of Measure list, each box would be on a separate row.

Example 1

  1. Example - Nothing Configured for Unconsolidated Units of Measure. Note


    1. Results – Sticks are Consolidated onto one row.


    2. Override the Nominal Stock Length (in) if it has not been set.


    3. New results for Consolidated sticks where a Nominal Stock Length of 120” has been set.


Example 2

  1. Example - Stick Configured for Unconsolidated Units of Measure.  Note: The

     has to be clicked in order to set an Unconsolidated Units of Measure.


    1. Results – Each stick is on an individual row

Auto Linear Nest

The Auto Linear Nest option is related to the Length and QTY of straight elements.

  1. Checked - When checked, Auto Linear Nest will automatically nest linear straight elements based on the set stock length (if any). In the BOM table:


    1. Length = the length of the material.

    2. QTY = the number of sticks needed given that they are nested within the length.

    3. Notes - Click the Notes button to display the number of cut pieces and their individual nested lengths. This uses the same algorithm that is used to nest pieces in the STRATUS Workstation.


  2. Unchecked - When unchecked, instead of linear nesting QTY will display the number of cut straight pieces and Length is the total footage.

    1. Length = the total footage of all cut pieces.

    2. QTY = the number of cut pieces.

  3. If Auto-Consolidated is checked, the length will reflect total consolidated length. When checked, the QTY will increase as the length of material needed exceeds the Stock Length.  See the Row Quantity for straights section and the Example - Length Nesting section on this page for more information about automatically nested linear straight elements based on your set stock length.

Ignore Ancillaries

When checked (default) a part's ancillaries will not display in the BOM. When unchecked, the part’s individual ancillaries will display and will display in the BOM.

Ancillaries includes AirturnTrack, AirturnVane, AncillaryMaterial, Clip, Corner, Fixing, Gasket, Isolator, Sealant, SeamMaterial, SupportRod, TieRod, SupportSeismic, and Unknown.

For example:

  1. Below is a Fabrication ITM Hanger with Ancillary Properties:


  2. On the Package’s BOM tab, click the Generate New BOM button and the following line item would display for this package that has 1 trapeze hanger:


  3. To reveal the part’s ancillaries, click the Settings button (gear in the upper right next to the Create button). The BOM Settings dialog displays. Uncheck the Ignore Ancillaries checkbox.


  4. The Fabrication ancillary data being represented in the Package BOM along with the original line item that represents the hanger as a whole will display.


  5. Special Considerations:

    1. To affect the stick quantities of length bearing items (rod, strut, etc.), you will need to populate the editable Nominal Stock Length (inches) column for the desired line items.

    2. These items will still be auto consolidated as they have historically been, by their PartTemplateId, Size, Description, and Material.

    3. The Package BOM properties are populated with data from CADmep under the following mapping:

      1. BOM Description = Ancillary.ProductDescription, if empty, Ancillary.Name

      2. BOM.Diameter = Ancillary.ProductSize, if empty, Ancillary.WidthOrDiameter

      3. BOM.Length = STRATUS.Ancillary.Length

        1. Qualified when STRATUS.Ancillary.Length > 0

      4. BOM Manufacturer = Ancillary.ProductManufacturer

      5. BOM.Material = Ancillary.ProductMaterial, if empty, Item.Material

      6. BOM.ProductCode = Ancillary.ProductCode, if empty, Item.DababaseId

      7. BOM Size = Ancillary.ProductSize, if empty, Ancillary.WidthOrDiameter

      8. BOM Type = Ancillary.Type

      9. BOM.Usage = Ancillary.Usage

      10. BOM.Width = Ancillary.ProductSize, if empty, Ancillary.WidthOrDiameter]

    4. Data Format/Length/Size - This is published as Decimal Feet for Revit and Inch/mm for CADmep.

BOM Group By Settings

To group BOM Line Item table data by one or more columns:

  1. Click the Add Grouping button.  The Group By drop-down will display. Select a column to group by (Ex. Diameter).


  2. To add another grouping, Click the Add Grouping button again and select another column. Continue as needed.


  3. The BOM Table will display the results. In this example, the table is first grouped by Diameter and then by Length:

Company BOM Line Item Mappings

A Company BOM Line Item Mapping enables you to control the BOM data by changing the display property used by STRATUS. For some fields, you can also control the Format and Precision (for decimal, it means the number of decimal places; for fractions, it means the denominator to use) to display. Editing a mapping for a BOM line item will apply the change to all company projects. The exception is when the Nominal Stock Length is changed within the grid where the change only applies to the active BOM (See below). Note: STRATUS recognizes each part. If it’s a Fabrication part, settings will be based on the pattern id for the part. If it’s a Revit part family, settings will be based on the family and type.


A Company BOM Line Item Mapping can be configured globally in two places:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Part Templates > Select a part > BOM Mappings. The Company BOM Line Items Mappings sections will display.


  2. Or, with the Package's BOM, click the Properties Overrides button 

    associated with the line item to display the BOM Line Item Overrides dialog. 


Configuration Properties - General


  1. Part Template Name - Use this to locate the Part Template under Admin > Company > Part Templates.

  2. Exclude from BOM – The parts that use the Part Template can be excluded, like shop welds, from the BOM list, created reports, and Purchasing.

  3. QTY - QTY = -1 (This doesn't mean items will be removed from the order!) See QTY override below.

  4. Default - Default displays when a property has not been changed.


  5. Empty Value - Empty Value displays when it is selected from the list of properties in the Property Override dialog.


Configure Properties - Size, Diameter, Width, or Length

To control the Size, Diameter, Width, or Length Properties:

  1. Click the field to display the "Properties Fields" dialog. 


    1. Property - Select the Property that contains the length value for the part template.

    2. Format – Select the Format that should display in the Length column for the part template.

    3. Precision – Select the precision the value should display.

  2. Click Close

  3. Note: To Reset a Property value, or any field except QTY, QTY Multiplier, and Unit Of Measure, clicking the X in the drop-down select box to “No Override”. 


  4. After the Company BOM Line Item Mappings dialog is closed, the BOM will refresh and the property value (Ex. Length) displayed as configured.


  5. Once saved and a new BOM generated, a visual indicator (light blue background in field cell) that a BOM line item property has been overridden. 


  6. Click the Click to see notes button to view information about the QTY with respect to the Stock Length and the resulting Nested Lengths. 


Configure Properties - Description, Material, Manufacturer, Product Code

To override the properties used to display the Description, Material, Manufacturer, or Product Code:

  1. Caution: The Description and Material fields are used to determine whether or not a line item is unique when Auto-Consolidated. In this example, since the Description is different in each row, the line items remain unique.


  2. If a Manual Override (My Value) is applied to the Description field, then these line items are no longer unique.

    To manually override one of these fields:

  3. With the Package in a Can BOM Tracking Status, click the Property Overrides button associated with the item.


  4. The BOM Line Item Overrides page will display. Click one of the properties that can be manually overridden (Ex. Description). The Descriptions Fields dialog will display.


    1. Property Override – When selected, click the drop-down and select a property from the list of all properties.


    2. Manual Override - When selected, enter a value.


  5. Once saved, click Close.

  6. The BOM tab will refresh and your Property Override or Manual Override will display.


  7. The Property Override or Manual Override will also display when the Report is run:


  8. To return to the original Description, click the Property Overrides button associated with the item and delete the Manual Override or set the Property Override to None.

QTY Override

QTY Display Rules:

  • Priority 1 (highest priority): inline editing trumps all QTY's displayed. (Auto Consolidate ONLY)

  • Priority 2: Part Template QTY/Multiplier overrides take next priority. (Auto Consolidate ONLY)

  • Priority 3 (lowest priority): QTY of line items is displayed.

  1. QTY Override - The QTY property (Quantity) can now be overridden following these rules:


    1. Row Quantity for non-straight parts - is a count of parts with the same size, description, material, and Part Template Id.

    2. Row Quantity for straights - is also a count of parts with the size, description, and material, but also calculates the quantity based on stock length. To determine the stock length:

      1. STRATUS first looks at the Nominal Stock Length set on the BOM Line Item Override (click the Settings gear associated with the part). This is a good option for one-off overrides.

      2. If the Line Item Override is blank, then STRATUS looks to determine your shops stock length is under Admin > Company > Materials. This is the recommended location to set you company’s stock length (Nominal Length) for each material. In the example below, the nominal length for Carbon Steel Pipe ¼” – 4” trade size is 10’. 


      3. The total length of pipe is then divided by the stock length to determine the Quantity of pipe to purchase. This feature provides you with a linear nesting of straight parts.

  1. When the BOM is generated, the QTY property override value will be used.


  2. Manually added non-modeled line items via the New Line Item button, will always allow QTY to be edited within the BOM table.


  3. If ‘Auto Consolidate’ is selected, QTY should be inline-editable for modeled line items.


  4. If ‘Auto Consolidate’ is NOT selected (itemized BOM), QTY should NOT be inline-editable for modeled line items.

QTY Multiplier

The QTY Multiplier override multiplies the QTY by the QTY Multiplier which results in a total QTY used on in the BOM table. In this example using the BOM below, the user can identify the line item associated with all-thread, add a New Line Item for ½” Washers and then use the QTY Multiplier to determine the number nuts for each all-thread line item QTY. To do this:

  1. For the Clevis Hanger line item, click the Property Overrides button.

  2. Click the New BOM Line Item Overrides button and in the first row enter as a Manual Override “all-thread” in the Description field and Save.

  3. Click the New BOM Line Item Overrides button and in the second row:


    1. Enter as a Manual Override “1/2” Washers” in the Description field

    2. Change QTY = 1

    3. Change QTY Mutliplier = 2

    4. Unit of Measure = Each

    5. Check the Not Purchased checkbox. With this checked, if you are using the Purchasing module, the Washers will not be procured through a supplier.

  4. Results – The QTY of ½” Washers is automatically added to the BOM and calculated based on the number of Clevis Hangers.


  5. Line Item values carry over to the Purchasing module.

 Add Additional Property Column 

The Additional Property column can include any BOM field in the BOM report. To add an Additional Property column:

  1. For the BOM item, click the Property Overrides button.


  2. On the BOM Line Item Overrides dialog, click the link in the Additional Info column and select the property to add to the BOM (Ex. STRATUS.Alias.Alias_Name).


  3. The BOM will now display the selected property in the Additional Info column.


  4. To display the Additional Property in the BOM report, add to the report’s Report Fields the Property Name = AdditionalProperty. Change the Header value if you would like to display a different name in the report header.


  5. On the BOM page, click the Create button associated with the BOM report (above). The report now displays the Additional Property.

In-grid Override Nominal Stock Length (inches) for active BOM

The Nominal Stock Length (inches) feature provides an in-grid override option for the active BOM.  When applying a change, there is a hierarchical precedence:

  1. Priority #1: Inline nominal stock length override (when set, this is the only value that will explicitly display in the BOM ‘Nominal Stock Length’ column). All other nominal stock length overrides show up in the length tooltip.

  2. Priority #2: Part Template BOM mapping override.

  3. Priority #3: Material definition overrides (linear types only: AllThreadRod, Conduit, Pipe & Unistrut).

For example:

  1. To display the column, click the BOM Settings gear icon 

    next to the Report name to access BOM Settings and uncheck the Override Nominal Stock Length (inches) option.

  2. The active BOM refreshes and displays the Nominal Stock Length (inches) column.

  3. This package contains two 10’ length pipes.

  4. The Standard BOM Line Item Override on a part template set to 240”.

  5. Stick QTY shows (1) since two 10’ pipes fit into 20’ of stock.

  6. To override the Nominal Stock Length when the Unit of Measure is Stick, click the value and enter a new Nominal Stock Length (inches). In this case, enter 120 and click save.


  7. Click the Generate New BOM

  8. As a result, the QTY Stick quantity shows (2) since each 10’ pipe fits into 10’ of stock.

  9. The Nominal Stock Length value will continue to be overridden for the active BOM.

Example - Length Nesting

Here’s an example of how changing the length field impacts the quantity. This example will start with default values and no Material defined for pipe.

  1. By default for the selected pipe below, the QTY = 1, however, you’ll notice hovering over the row (2nd screen shot) that STRATUS informs you that the nominal stock length is invalid. This is because a nominal value could not be found under Admin > Company > Materials or under the BOM Line Item Override.



  2. To provide STRATUS with a valid nominal stock length, I’ll add a Pipe Material where the nominal length is 10’ under Admin > Company > Materials.


  3. Now, when the package BOM list is refreshed, the Length is 120 and the QTY is 2. And, when you hover over the row (2nd screen shot), STRATUS will tell you that the length source is from the Company Admin > Material Definitions.



  4. Notice too that the “Nested Lengths” display in the hover dialog. For example, if there are 5 pipe items with the same material and size, they will be "nested" to calculate the total number of stock length pipes to order. If lengths = [100, 100, 90, 50, 40] and stock length = 200, the parts would be nested as [100, 90] and [100, 50, 40]. In addition, tolerance for saw blade thickness is built in

Create New BOM Report

Similar to reports that can be viewed in the assembly viewer, a BOM report can be configured to display on the Packages > BOM tab. As a result, BOM reports can be printed. To configure a BOM report:

  1. Go to the Admin > Company > Reports page.

  2. Either click the New Report button or copy and existing report by clicking the Clone Report

  3. To configure the report, the following fields are required:

    1. Format - For the report format, you can select either CSV (tabular data) or PDF (formatted print).

    2. Item Type – BOM

    3. Template – If you selected the PDF format, you’ll need to select a Template.

  4. Once saved, expand the report to define the report fields. The report fields are limited to those that display on the BOM list page. See the Reports article for more information.

  5. With a generated BOM open, select the report from the Report drop-down and click Create.


  6. If the report format is CSV, a report similar to this will display:

Print a BOM

  1. To print the report, configure a report under Admin > Company > Reports where the Item Type is BOM so that it will display in the Report drop-down. See the Reports article for more information.

  2. Use a Template if you want to print a formatted report and company header. Only visible items will be printed. See the Templates (Admin) article for more information.

Lock and Unlock a BOM for Purchasing

For those not using the STRATUS Purchasing module, this feature will not likely be used.

Package BOMs have their own Division and Locked/Unlocked state. A Purchase Order using the Purchasing module cannot be created until the Package BOM is Locked. Below is how to use the Division and Locked/Unlocked feature.

  1. At least one Division associated with the Purchasing Tracking Status Group needs to be created. See the Division (Admin) article for more information.

  2. On the Package’s BOM tab, the Generate New BOM button has been clicked to generate a BOM.

  3. Prior to Locking the BOM, on the Purchasing module, the ability to Create a New Order for the model/package is disabled.

  4. When a Purchase Order needs to be generated from the BOM, select a Division and unlock the BOM. With the Unlocked button displayed (the current state of the BOM), click the Unlocked button.

  5. The button will change to Locked if all requirements have been met.


  6. While a BOM is Locked, BOM functionality like New Line Item and Property Overrides will be disabled. Functions like running a BOM Report and Exclude items from the BOM are enabled.

  7. On the Purchasing module, the ability to Create a New Order for the model/package is enabled.


  8. If, before a New Order is saved, the Package BOM is Unlocked on the Package’s BOM tab, when a user attempts to save the New Order, the message below will display.


  9. Once an Order associated with the Package BOM has been saved, the BOM cannot be Unlocked and this following message will display.


  10. If all Order’s related to the Package BOM have been deleted, then the BOM can be Unlocked.

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