A Station can be associated with a person or a tool in your shop (pipe cutting station, a weld station, a plasma table, final assembly, or shipping). Stations are used in the Task Workflow and in the Send Cut List to Station workflow.
Station As Part of the Task Workflow
* See the Task Workflow Examples article for more information on how to configure a Station to be used with a Task Workflow.
Station As Part of the Cut List Workflow
To automatically assign a cut list to a station based on material:
Define a material under Admin > Company > Materials. If the same material (Ex. Carbon Steel -IPS) will be sent to 2 different stations depending on the trade size, define the material twice and then set a trade size range for each. Be sure the material name is a valid material name. See the Materials (Admin) article for more information.
Define a station under Admin > Company > Stations. If the material will be sent to different stations depending on the trade size, define each station. Once the station is defined, click the Edit Materials button to select the material that is sent to the station.
To generate the cut list, click the Cut Lists tab on an open package and then click the Generate Cut Lists button. If the package had materials and trade sizes defined above, the Station would be correctly selected.
Stations for use in Task Workflows
This webinar covers the task workflow and discuss how to configure a Station for this kind of workflow.