Versions Compared


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The Naming and Numbering tab includes sub-tabs: Naming Conventions, Numbering Rules, and Numbering SchemesTime Saving Note: The STRATUS Customer Success Team has configured and can transfer to your company database Filters, Reports, Task Definitions, Task Workflows, Task Categories, Cost Categories, Cost Types, Tracking Statuses, and other Admin configurations. Contact the STRATUS Service Desk for more information.tabs: Naming Conventions, Numbering Rules, and Numbering Schemes

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Naming Conventions

Naming Convention Configuration 

Naming Conventions provide the ability to standardize how your company names assemblies and packages.  Each naming convention can be configured to standardize the constants and variables to be included in the name. An assembly or package name can be overridden during the create process (see below), on the Assemblies Dashboard, or on the Packages > Properties.

To configure a naming convention under Admin > Company > Naming Conventions:

  1. Default fields will already display.

  2. Click the 

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     button Add a field to naming convention button to add a field to the right end of the current list of fields or the

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     or click the Remove a field from naming convention button to remove the far-right field from the list.

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  3. To select a field value, click the field (Ex. BIM Area AbbreviationServiceAbbreviation)

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  4. The Naming Convention Component dialog will display.

  5. For each Assembly Naming convention field to be included, you can select one value. Below is a summary of these options.

    1. Default Values – These values are explained in the STRATUS Stratus Knowledge Base. See below for value definitions.

    2. Incrementor

      1. An Incrementor field can be placed anywhere in the Naming Convention string for Package Naming and Package Numbering, not Assembly Naming or Purchasing Naming. When incrementing, all selected options (except static strings) are evaluated and then the incrementor is applied. If the selected options change, then the incremented value will begin at 01 or the Incrementor specified. The incrementor does not increment a specific option, rather it increments the selected options taken as a whole.

      2. The Incrementor includes options for XX, XXX, XXXX, and XXXXX. If the numbering reaches 99, 999, 9999, or 99999 the next item will be numbered 100, 1000, 10000 or 100000 respectively. In each case, the numbering will continue to increment.

      3. Note: The incrementor can only occur once in a Naming Convention string (Ex. Package Naming “string”). 

      4. For example:

        1. The Incrementor XXX field has been placed to the right of the Package Category Abbreviation field.

        2. When creating a new package, the naming convention will display.

        3. Once the package is created, the incrementor will increment the Package Category Abbreviation field since it is left of the Incrementor field in the Naming Convention string.

      5. When using an incrementor to create a new assembly or package name, the incrementor will initialize the incremented value after the assembly or package is saved. Also, the incrementor will add from the highest recent value. For example, if you adjust your first index to 1101, the next increment would be 1102.

    3. Static Strings – The static strings you enter on the Naming Conventions page (left) will display in the Static Strings drop-down (right).  Enter any valid character you want to use in your name including separators or constants like “SPL” for spool. A static string cannot be removed if it referenced by a naming scheme. The “:” and other characters that are invalid for file names cannot be used in naming conventions. (dash) is included as a separator by default in the Static String Option section.

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    4. Package Data (Only included in Assembly Naming) – For those who create Packages and then create Assemblies, you can include the Package Data in the Assembly Name. Otherwise, if you create a new assembly of parts that have not yet been included in a package, this field would be empty. In this example, each Package Category Name has a Package Description, Package Name, and Package Number property.

    5. Part Parameters – Any part parameter included in your database.

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    6. STRATUS Stratus Fields – Any fields defined under Admin > Company > Fields

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    7. Aliases – Any aliases defined under Admin > Company > Aliases

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  6. Changes are automatically saved.

  7. Note: Removed or added fields only apply to newly created Assembly or Package Names and do not change existing names.

Unique Across All Projects (checkbox)

The Unique Across All Projects checkboxes provide a way to increment Package Naming and/or Package Numbering across all projects in the company. It is only associated with the Package Naming and Package Numbering strings.

  1. In the example below, Package Numbering is set to number each new package uniquely across all projects, while Package Naming can have the same Package Name across multiple projects.

    1. Checked - When Checked numbering will be unique across all projects which provides a way to sequentially increment a field like Package Category Abbreviation across all projects.

    2. Unchecked - When Unchecked, numbering will not be unique across all projects which means the same name can be used across multiple projects.

  2. The result of the above settings is that:

    1. The Package Number is unique across all models in this project.

    2. And the unique Package Number continues in this project.

Do Not Use Package Number (checkbox)

The Do Not Use Package Number checkbox is only associated with the Package Numbering string.

  1. Unchecked - With the Do Not Use Package Number unchecked the Package Numbering string will display during the Package naming process:

  2. Checked - With the Do Not Use Package Number checked:

    1. The Package Numbering string will not display during the Package naming process.

    2. If a Package Numbering string field exists, it will be removed.

    3. If the Do Not Use Package Number checkbox changes from checked to unchecked, at least one field needs to be added to the Package Numbering section in order for it to display for new Packages and to display on the Packages Dashboard.

Default Value Field Definitions

  1. BIM Area – To use BIM Areas, they must be defined per project under Projects > Areas. For each area or row, you can enter an abbreviation that is used to populate this field in your name.

  2. Date MMDDYY - Ex. 031418 associated with today’s date

  3. Date MMYYYY - Ex. 032018 associated with the current month

  4. Date YYYY - 2018 associated with the current

  5. Date YY - Ex. 18 associated with the current

  6. Incrementor xxxx, xxx, or xx - For example, the Incrementor XX will start at 01 and increment to 99. Incrementor xxx will start at 001 and increment to 999. Incrementor xxxx will start at 0001 and increment to 9999. When an incrementor is used, it must be the last sub-string in the assembly and package name.

  7. Level - The level is extracted from the drawing or model.

  8. Project Name -  The BIM 360 project name is synchronized in STRATUSStratus.

  9. Project Number - The project number must be entered on a per-project basis under Admin > Company > Projects > Edit the Number field for the project.

  10. System/Service - The System/Services is extracted from the drawing or model.

Naming Convention Override

When creating a new assembly or package in STRATUS, your naming convention fields will display in the order that they were entered above. You can override any value by clicking the Override Naming Conventions checkbox.
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Purchasing Numbering

The Purchasing Numbering Naming Convention is for those companies who are using the STRATUS Purchasing module. Contact the  the STRATUS Service Desk for more information.

The Purchasing Number is automatically generated for every Purchasing activity. Below is an example of a New Pricing Request activity. Configure the Purchasing Number as described in the Naming Convention Configuration section above. Image Removed

Numbering Rules

STRATUS.Part.Number is the source property for item numbers in STRAUTS viewers and reports. Numbering Rules define how STRATUS.Part.Number is populated for each part. Using Numbering Rule Part Filters and configuring Numbering Schemes, administrators control which of the following methods or combination of methods is applied to each part. 

  • STRATUS Is Always Right - Parts that match a STRATUS Is Always Right Part Filter set the STRATUS.Part.Number property when the Renumber - All Items button is clicked.

    • Note: The Numbering Scheme order does control numbering when a part matches multiple Part Filters.

  • Authoring Software is Right - Parts that match an Authoring Software is Right Part Filter will set the STRATUS.Part.Number property during the publish process to a Revit property defined in the rule.

    • Note: The Numbering Scheme order does control numbering when a part matches multiple Part Filters.

  • No numbering rule - If a part does not match any Numbering Rule Part Filter, the STRATUS.Part.Number property value is derived from the authoring software based on the following:

    • Number -  A Revit part that is not a Fabrication Part will populate it's STRATUS.Part.Number property with the Revit Number value.

    • Item Number (Fabrication Parts) -  A Revit part that is a Fabrication Part will populate it's STRATUS.Part.Number property with the Revit Item Number value.

See the sections below for more details.

STRATUS Is Always Right 

  1. field for the project.

  2. System/Service - The System/Services is extracted from the drawing or model.

Naming Convention Override

When creating a new assembly or package in Stratus, your naming convention fields will display in the order that they were entered above. You can override any value by clicking the Override Naming Conventions checkbox.
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Numbering Rules

The Stratus.Part.Number property is treated consistently across the Stratus platform, similar to how the Stratus.Part.AssemblyName property is currently used. This means Stratus.Part.Number will be the primary reference for part numbers in all contexts, ensuring that it is always up-to-date.

Numbering Rules define how the Stratus.Part.Number property is populated for each part. Using Numbering Rule Part Filters and configuring Numbering Schemes, administrators control whether numbering in Stratus is right or numbering using the Authoring software is right.

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Stratus Is Always Right 

Stratus.Part.Number is the source property for item numbers in STRAUTS viewers and reports. Parts that match a Stratus Is Always Right Part Filter set the Stratus.Part.Number property when the Renumber Parts button is clicked. Note: The Numbering Scheme order does control numbering when a part matches multiple Part Filters.

To add a new Stratus Is Always Right Numbering Rule:

  1. Click the New Rule button:

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    1. Name - The name will display in the Numbering Schemes tab > Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules drop-down.

    2. Part Filter - A part filter can be configured under Admin > Company > Filters and then applied to a numbering rule. This enables you to selectively apply the filter to specific parts defined by your filter. For example, you may want an item numbering rule specific to welds.

    3. Prefix – Adds a prefix to the numbering tag. To edit the Prefix:

      1. Click the link. The Prefix Fields dialog will display where you can enter a Manual Override (like a text box) or a Property Override including Part properties, Stratus.Field.*, Stratus.Alias.*, and Stratus.Part.* properties.
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    4. Part Number Format – Part Number Format can be None, Alphabetic or Numeric.

    5. Suffix - Adds a suffix to the numbering tag. To edit the Prefix:

      1. Click the link. The Suffix Fields dialog will display where you can enter a Manual Override (like a text box) or a Property Override including Part properties, Stratus.Field.*, Stratus.Alias.*, and Stratus.Part.* properties.
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    6. Matching Parts Get Same Item NumberMatching parts can be renumbered either uniquely (unchecked) or the same (checked) depending on the project. The Matching Parts Get Same Item Number works in relation to the Admin > Company > Part Templates > Properties > Item Number setting. See the Configure Part Properties > Item Number which describes how to set properties that need to be identical in order for parts to match.

      1. Note:  For straight parts with holes identified using tap connector locations, when matching item numbers are enabled, parts with holes in different locations will get different item numbers. 

  2. Once done, click the Save

  3. The screenshot below displays Numbering Rule examples where Stratus Is Always Right

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Authoring Software Is Right

Stratus.Part.Number is the source property for item numbers in STRAUTS viewers and reports. Parts  Parts that match STRATUS Is Always Right Part Filter set the STRATUS.Part.Number property when the Renumber - All Items button is clicked.

To add a new STRATUS Is Always Right Numbering Rule:

  1. Click the New Rule

    1. Part Filter - A part filter can be configured under Admin > Company > Filters and then applied to a numbering rule. This enables you to selectively apply the filter to specific parts defined by your filter. For example, you may want an item numbering rule specific to welds.

    2. Prefix – Adds a prefix to the numbering tag. To edit the Prefix:

      1. Click the link. The Prefix Fields dialog will display where you can enter a Manual Override (like a text box) or a Property Override including Part properties, STRATUS.Field.*, STRATUS.Alias.*, and STRATUS.Part.* properties.
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    3. Part Number Format – Part Number Format can be None, Alphabetic or Numeric.

    4. Suffix - Adds a suffix to the numbering tag. To edit the Prefix:

      1. Click the link. The Suffix Fields dialog will display where you can enter a Manual Override (like a text box) or a Property Override including Part properties, STRATUS.Field.*, STRATUS.Alias.*, and STRATUS.Part.* properties.
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    5. Matching Parts Get Same Item NumberMatching parts can be renumbered either uniquely (unchecked) or the same (checked) depending on the project. The Matching Parts Get Same Item Number works in relation to the Admin > Company > Part Templates > Properties > Item Number setting. See the Configure Part Properties > Item Number which describes how to set properties that need to be identical in order for parts to match. In addition, see the Item Numbering section of the Settings (Admin) article for more information.

      1. Note:  For straight parts with holes identified using tap connector locations, when matching item numbers are enabled, parts with holes in different locations will get different item numbers. 

  2. Once done, click the Save

  3. The screenshot below displays Numbering Rule examples where STRATUS Is Always Right

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Authoring Software Is Right

STRATUS.Part.Number is the source property for item numbers in STRAUTS viewers and reports. Parts that match an Authoring Software is Right Part Filter will set the STRATUS.Part.Number property during the publish process to a Revit property defined in the rule.

To add a new Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule:

The Authoring Software Is Right table must first be enabled Admin > Company > Settings > Corporate. See the Enable 'Authoring Software Is Right' For Item Numbering article for more information.

  • Once enabled, rules can be added to the Authoring Software Is Right table. Click the New Rule button.Image Removed

    1. Name - Enter the name of the Numbering Rule.

    2. Part Filter - Select the Part Filter. These parts will not be numbered when the Renumber - All Item Numbers button is clicked in the viewer. Instead, they will be numbered by the Property To Map Number From.

    3. Property To Map Number From - The Property To Map Number From field is the Revit field that contains the data to be used for the item number. In the example above, the Diffuser rule’s Property To Map Number From is Mark, which is a property in Revit (below).Image Removed

  • Add Rule to a Numbering Scheme (and set order) - After any rule has been defined, it must be added to a Numbering Scheme. The Order may also need to be changed depending on Part Filters.

  • Click New Rule, and select the rule.

  • The rule be ordered last.Image Removed

  • Order - The Order determines which Part Filter is run first. When a part matches a Part Filter, it will no longer be available to match other Part Filters.

  • Rule Type - Notice the Rule Type column informs users whether the rule is Authoring Software Is Right or STRATUS is Right

    an Authoring Software is Right Part Filter will set the Stratus.Part.Number property during the publish process to a Revit property defined in the rule. Note: The Numbering Scheme order does control numbering when a part matches multiple Part Filters.

    To add a new Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule:

    1. Click the New Rule button:Image Added

      1. Name - The name will display in the Numbering Schemes tab > Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules drop-down.

      2. Part Filter - Select the Part Filter. These parts will not be numbered when the Renumber Parts button is clicked in the viewer. Instead, they will be numbered by the Property To Map Number From which will be copied to the Stratus.Part.Number property.

      3. Property To Map Number From - The Property To Map Number From field is the Revit field that contains the data to be used for the item number. In the example above, the Diffuser rule’s Property To Map Number From is Mark, which is a property in Revit (below).
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      4. Add Rule to a Numbering Scheme (and set order) - After any rule has been defined, it must be added to a Numbering Scheme. The Order may also need to be changed depending on Part Filters.

    2. Example: Authoring Software Is Right

      1. In this example, the Diffuser matches the Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule and correctly sets the Mark value from Revit as the Stratus.Part.Number value in Stratus.Image Added

      2. After clicking Renumber - All Item Numbers

        1. The Number and Stratus.Part.Number will be the same.

        2. The Diffuser matches the Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule and correctly sets the Mark value from Revit (Ex. 33) as the tag in Stratus.
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    Numbering Schemes

    Numbering Schemes are used to manage item numbering rules and the tagging routines on each viewer (Models > Viewer, Packages > Viewer, and Assemblies > Viewer).

    A numbering scheme will not be applied in Stratus until it is saved to a project under Admin > Project > Settings > Item Numbering Scheme. As a result, you can have unique numbering for each project.

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    Create Numbering Scheme

    Multiple Numbering Schemes can be created and multiple numbering rules can be set for each numbering scheme.

    Rule Order: The order for the rules is important because a part can match more than one Numbering Rule Part Filter, in which case the rule it matches first will take precedence. A Default rule can be added to the Numbering Scheme which would number any part that did not match a filter.

    To create a new Numbering Scheme:

    1. Click the New Scheme button to the right of the Numbering Schemes drop-down. All settings will be blank.

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      1. Numbering Scheme – A Default Item Numbering Scheme is available. To create a new scheme, enter the name in the Name field (below) and then continue configuring the scheme. Note: A Company Numbering Scheme is set for each Project under Admin > Project > Settings > Item Numbering Scheme.

      2. Name – Name of the Naming Scheme. Enter the name of the new naming scheme.

      3. Default Numbering Rule – The Default number rule is the rule that is applied if the criteria for other rules is not met. If you want to create item numbers for parts that do not meet any scheme Part Filters, select the Default as the last rule in the list.

    Configure Numbering Scheme

    Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules

    To add a New Rule:

    1. Click the Add Rule button. A new row will display.

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    2. Click the Choose a rule link to display a list of available rules configured on the Numbering Rules tab.

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      1. Order - The new rule will be placed last by default. This can be changed after the rule is saved.

        1. Note: Parts can match more than one filter. The Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules

    (see screen shot it step above)
        1. are processed one at a time and the Numbering Rule’s Part Filter that first matches the part will take precedence.

          1. In

          1. Stratus - When the user clicks the Renumber -

      All Item Numbers
          1. Parts button in the

          1. Stratus viewer:

            1. The Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules are processed one at a time.

            2. For all parts whose first Part Filter match is associated with a Numbering Rule in the

            1. Stratus Is Always Right table, the

            1. Stratus.Part.Number property will be populated according to the Numbering Rule that matches.

            2. Note: Parts will not be renumbered for all parts whose first Part Filter match is associated with a Numbering Rules in the Authoring Software Is Right table as the

            1. Stratus.Part.Number property is populated from Revit.

          1. From

          1. Stratus to Revit - When the Revit model is imported:

            1. The Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules are processed one at a time.

            2. For all parts whose first Part Filter match is associated with a Numbering Rule in the

            1. Stratus Is Always Right table, the part’s

            1. Stratus.Part.Number property will update Revit. The Revit field updated is defined under Admin > Company > Settings > AutoCAD & Revit > Specific to Revit > Property To Map To Item Number.

          1. From Revit to

    1. Click the Add Rule button. A new row will display.

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    2. Click the Choose a rule link to display a list of available rules configured on the Numbering Rules tab. Below is an example of rules and the order they should be applied when Item Numbering is engaged in a viewer. Notice the Rule Type column informs users whether the rule is Authoring Software Is Right or STRATUS is Right.Image Removed

          1. Stratus - When the Revit model is published:

            1. The Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules are processed one at a time.

            2. For all parts whose first Part Filter match is associated with a Numbering Rule in the Authoring Software Is Right table, the Property To Map Number From field will populate the

            1. Stratus.Part.Number property

        in STRATUS.
    3. Example: Authoring Software Is Right

      1. In this example, the Diffuser matches the Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule and correctly sets the Mark value from Revit as the STRATUS.Part.Number value in STRATUS.Image Removed

      2. After clicking Renumber - All Item Numbers

        1. The Number and STRATUS.Part.Number will be the same.

        2. The Diffuser matches the Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule and correctly sets the Mark value from Revit (Ex. 33) as the tag in STRATUS.
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    Part Does Not Match a Numbering Rule Part Filter

    When a part does not match a STRATUS Is Always Right or an Authoring Software Is Right Numbering Rule Part Filter, the STRATUS.Part.Number property value is derived from the authoring software based on the following:

    • Number -  A Revit part that is not a Fabrication Part will populate it's STRATUS.Part.Number property with the Revit Number value.

    • Item Number (Fabrication Parts) -  A Revit part that is a Fabrication Part will populate it's STRATUS.Part.Number property with the Revit Item Number value.

    Numbering Schemes

    Numbering Schemes are used to manage item numbering rules and the tagging routines on each viewer (Models > Viewer, Packages > Viewer, and Assemblies > Viewer). A numbering scheme will not be applied in STRATUS until it is saved to a project under Project > Admin > Settings. As a result, you can have unique numbering for each project.

    Multiple Numbering Schemes can be created, and multiple numbering rules can be set for each numbering scheme. The order for the rules is important because a part can pass through more than one rule when a filter is applied, in which case the rule it passes through first would take precedent. If none of the rules apply, the Default Numbering Rule will apply.

    By default, the Default Item Numbering Scheme Number Rule is available with the following tags checked.

    Create Numbering Scheme

    To create a new Numbering Scheme:

    1. Click the New Scheme button to the right of the Numbering Schemes drop-down. All settings will be blank.

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      1. Numbering Scheme – A Default Item Numbering Scheme is available. To create a new scheme, enter the name in the Name field (below) and then continue configuring the scheme.

      2. Name – Name of the Naming Scheme. Enter the name of the new naming scheme.

      3. Default Numbering Rule – The Default Number Rule is the rule that is applied if the criteria for other rules is not met. Usually, you’ll have one or more rules being applied to the Number Scheme and the Default rule would be the last one in order.

      4. Model Viewer, Assembly Viewer, Package Viewer Tag Options

        1. Tag Assembled Parts – When checked “Assembled Parts” in the viewer will be tagged.

        2. Tag Unassembled Parts – When checked “Unassembled Parts” in the viewer will be tagged.

        3. Tag Assemblies – When checked “Assemblies” in the viewer will be tagged.

        4. Tag Packages - When checked “Packages” in the viewer will be tagged.

        5. Tag Connected Assemblies - When checked “Connected Assemblies” in the Assemblies > Viewer will be tagged. If, for example, you want to renumber item numbers without displaying the Adjacent spool tag, uncheck the Tag Connected Assemblies.

        6. Tag Shapes

          1. Parts

            1. Determine if a part (Tag Assembles Parts, Tag Unassembled Parts) will be checked or not checked.

              1. Checked - When checked, when parts are numbered in a viewer, STRATUS will tag the parts that match the rule. The Tag Shape is determined by the Numbering Rule met first.

              2. Unchecked - When unchecked, when parts are numbered in a viewer, STRATUS will not tag the parts even if they match the rule.

          2. Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages

            1. Checked - When checked, when tags are displayed In the viewer, Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages will be tagged and use the selected Tag Shape.

            2. Unchecked - When unchecked, even if tags are displayed In the viewer, Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages will not be tagged.

          3. Tag Shapes include:

            1. Rounded (default)

            2. Rectangle

            3. NONE

      5. Settings are saved immediately at the company level, however, they are not saved yet to individual projects. To apply a Numbering Scheme to a project, see Project Settings below or go to Admin > Project > Settings to apply a Numbering Scheme to a project.

      6. To Duplicate a Numbering Scheme, click the Duplicate

      7. To Delete a Numbering Scheme, click the Delete button.

    Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules

    By default, the Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules table will select the Default “Numbering Rules” configured on the Numbering Rules tab.
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    To add a New Rule:

            1. in Stratus.

      1. Part Filter - Select the Part Filter to apply to the rule.

      2. Rule Type - The Rule Type column informs the user whether the rule is Authoring Software Is Right or Stratus is Right.

      3. Tag Shape - Select the shape of the tag.

        1. Rounded (default)

        2. Rectangle

        3. NONE

    Numbering Scheme Number Settings (Stratus is Right)

    In viewers, when the Renumber Parts button is clicked, the Numbering Scheme Number Settings settings are referenced to determine if Assembled Parts and/or Unassembled parts should either have item numbers created or deleted. Control can be determined by Viewer.

    Note: Whenever a part matches an Authoring Software is Right Part Filter rule, the Numbering Scheme Number Settings (Number Assembled Parts, Number Unassembled Parts, and Renumber Parts When Creating or Modifying Assemblies) checkbox options do not apply as these are Stratus is Right options.

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    1. Number Assembled Parts

      1. Checked - When Number Assembled Parts is checked for any viewer, when the Renumber Parts button or the Delete Part Item Numbers is clicked within the checked viewer, assembled part item numbers will be created (saved to the Stratus.Part.Number property) based on the Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules or deleted (Stratus.Part.Number property value deleted).

      2. Unchecked - When Number Assembled Parts is unchecked for any viewer, when the Renumber Parts button or the Delete Part Item Numbers button is clicked within the checked viewer, assembled part item numbers will be NOT created or deleted if the parts are included in an assembly. The part items Stratus.Part.Number property value will remain empty.

    2. Number Unassembled Parts

      1. Checked - When Number Unassembled Parts is checked for any viewer, when the Renumber Parts button or the Delete Part Item Numbers is clicked within the checked viewer, unassembled part item numbers will be created (saved to the Stratus.Part.Number property) based on the Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules or deleted (Stratus.Part.Number property value deleted).

      2. Unchecked - When Number Unassembled Parts is unchecked for any viewer, when the Renumber Parts button or the Delete Part Item Numbers button is clicked within the checked viewer, unassembled part item numbers will be NOT created or deleted if the parts are included in an assembly. The part items Stratus.Part.Number property value will remain empty.

    Renumber Parts When Creating or Modifying Assemblies

    The Renumber Parts When Creating or Modifying Assemblies option provides renumbering automation when assemblies are created or modified.

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    1. Checked - When checked and one of the following occurs, this option will reference System Type part property (Ductwork, Piping, Electrical or Other) of the part and determine if the assembly needs to be renumbered:

      1. A new assembly is created under:

        1. Models > Viewer > Actions > Assemblies > New.

        2. Packages > Viewer > Actions > Assemblies > New.

      2. An existing assembly is modified by adding or removing parts to or from the assembly.

    2. Unchecked - When unchecked for a System Type property, those system types will not be automatically renumbered when there is a new assembly created or an existing assembly edited.

    Viewer Tags

    Viewer Tags control which tags display in each viewer and controls the tag shape for assemblies and packages. Note: Item Number tag shapes are controlled in the Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules section, but whether or not the tag displays in the viewer is controlled in the Viewer Tags section.

    Example: If under Assembly Viewer Tags, the Assembled Parts checkbox is unchecked, when in the Assemblies Viewer the user clicks the Renumber Parts button, no Assembled Parts would receive a number tag, although they would receive a value in Stratus.Part.Number.

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    1. Model Viewer, Assembly Viewer, Package Viewer Tag Options

      1. Assembled Parts – When checked “Assembled Parts” in the viewer will be tagged.

      2. Unassembled Parts – When checked “Unassembled Parts” in the viewer will be tagged.

      3. Assemblies – When checked “Assemblies” in the viewer will be tagged and a link to the assembly is provided.

        1. Tag Shape - Select the tag shape for the Assemblies tag.

      4. Packages - When checked “Packages” in the viewer will be tagged and a link to the package is provided.

        1. Tag Shape - Select the tag shape for the Packages tag.

      5. Connected Assemblies - When checked “Connected Assemblies” in the Assemblies > Viewer will be tagged and a link to the connected assembly is provided. If, for example, you want to renumber item numbers without displaying the Adjacent spool tag, uncheck the Tag Connected Assemblies.

        1. Tag Shape - Select the tag shape for the Connected Assemblies tag.

      6. Tag Shapes

        1. Parts

          1. Determine if a part (Tag Assembles Parts, Tag Unassembled Parts) will be checked or not checked.

            1. Checked - When checked, when parts are numbered in a viewer, Stratus will tag the parts that match the rule. The Tag Shape is determined by the Numbering Rule met first.

            2. Unchecked - When unchecked, when parts are numbered in a viewer, Stratus will not tag the parts even if they match the rule.

        2. Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages

          1. Checked - When checked, when tags are displayed in the viewer, Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages will be tagged and use the selected Tag Shape.

          2. Unchecked - When unchecked, even if tags are displayed In the viewer, Assemblies, Connected Assemblies, and Packages will not be tagged.

        3. Tag Shapes include:

          1. Rounded (default)

          2. Rectangle

          3. NONE

    2. Settings are saved immediately at the company level, however, they are not saved yet to individual projects. To apply a Numbering Scheme to a project, see Project Settings below or go to Admin > Project > Settings to apply a Numbering Scheme to a project.

    3. To Duplicate a Numbering Scheme, click the Duplicate

    4. To Delete a Numbering Scheme, click the Delete button.

    Viewer Examples

    A company Item Numbering Scheme must be toggled on per project under Admin > Project > Settings > Item Numbering Settings.

    Item Numbering Scheme settings are applied to the viewers after you delete or re-engage a tagging tool. For example, if you delete all the item numbers on an assembly, then re-engage the item numbering tool, or just run a renumberclick the Renumber Parts button, the displayed tags reflect the recently set scheme settings.

    Example 1 - Couplings, Suffix, Prefix

    1. Example 1: If settings are configured as follows:Image Removed

      image-20240515-153857.pngImage Added

      1. The Coupling rule will apply and label all couplings with a Prefix of Z, Suffix of and the Number Format will be Alphabetic.  

      2. Non-Couplings will be Numeric per the Default 

      3. Only parts in an Assembly will be numbered.

      4. Assemblies will be tagged. 

    Example 2 - Tag Unassembled Parts for Model Viewer

    1. Example 2: If the Model Viewer settings (above) are changed to the screenshot below, other settings remain the same, then, when the Renumber All Item NumbersParts button is clicked in the Models > Viewer:
      Image Removed

      image-20240515-153957.pngImage Added

      1. All Unassembled Parts (parts not in assemblies) are tagged.

      2. Couplings are still tagged Alphabetically with the prefix and suffix.

      3. Other parts are tagged by Default.

    Example 3 - Tag Assembled Parts and Connected Assemblies for Assembly Viewer

    1. Example 3: If the Assembly Viewer settings are set to the screenshot below, other settings remain the same, then, when the Renumber All Item NumbersParts button is clicked in the Assemblies > Viewer:Image Removed

      image-20240515-154049.pngImage Added

      1. 2 connected assemblies will be tagged (see screenshot below)

      2. The parts should be tagged with the Default Rule and the couplings should be tagged with the Coupling Rule

      3. The connecting assembly HWS—0002 will be tagged on the end it is located and will be linkable to the assembly.

    Example 4 - Rule Order

    1. Example 4: Below are 2 rules, one for Couplings and one for Piping Materials. Couplings should be included in both rules while the Piping Materials rule will only apply to pipes.
      Image Removed
      To see how the order of rules impacts numbering in the Models > Viewer:apply to pipes.

      image-20240515-154307.pngImage Added

      To see how the order of rules impacts numbering in the Models > Viewer:

      1. In the Models > Viewer > Display - Tags and Item Numbers Toolbar > click the Delete Part Item Numbers button.

      2. Then, renumber the items by clicking the Renumber Parts button.

      3. All the piping including the couplings are tagged with the prefix. 
        Image Added

      4. Return to Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering and make the Coupling Rule first under Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules
        Image Added

      5. In the Models > Viewer > Item Number Tool Display - Tags and Item Numbers Toolbar > click the Delete All Part Item Numbers button.

      6. Then, renumber the items by clicking the Renumber All Item Numbers

      7. All the piping including the couplings are tagged with the prefix. 
        Image Removed

      8. Return to Parts button.

      9. The couplings have changed to the prefix Alphabetic A suffix tags and the other pipe has remained the same. 
        Image Added

    Example 5 - Models Viewer: Tag Shapes

    1. Go to Admin > Company > Naming and

      Numbering and make the Coupling Rule first under Numbering Scheme Numbering Rules
      Image Removed
    2. In the Models > Viewer > Item Number Tool > click the Delete All Item Numbers

    3. Then, renumber the items by clicking the Renumber All Item Numbers

    4. The couplings have changed to the prefix Alphabetic A suffix tags and the other pipe has remained the same. 
      Image Removed

      Numbering > Numbering Schemes. Under Model Viewer set:

      1. Tag Assemblies = Rounded

      2. Tag Packages = Rectangle

        image-20240223-152318.pngImage Added

    5. In the Models Viewer that has Packages and Assemblies, click the Display - Tags and Item Numbers Toolbar button if tags have been created, or click the Create Tags button. The tags display for:

      1. Packages are using the Rectangle shape and the Package icon.

      2. Assemblies are using the Rounded shape and the Assembly icon.

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    02/11/2021 CSG Webinar: Naming And Numbering (40:40)

    Widget Connector

    00:00 Release Note Review
    05:00 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Naming Conventions
    15:50 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Numbering Rules
    18:30 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Numbering Rules > Matching Parts Get Same Item Number
    21:00 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Numbering Schemes
    28:00 Admin > Project > Settings
    29:30 Questions

    08/06/2020 - Setting up “Naming And Numbering” for best results! (31:29)

    Widget Connector

    0:33 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering
    1:51 Adimn > Company > Settings > Item Numbering
    4:23 Numbering Rules and Part Filters
    10:19 Admin > Company > Part Templates - Matching parts get same number
    14:28 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Naming Conventions
    21:26 Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering > Numbering Schemes
    26:22 Admin > Project > Settings > Item Number to set numbering by project
    27:18 Question: How to not number a part?
    29:46 Question: How to auto-number parts of assemblies created in Revit?