Lightning is used to upload your database to the cloud in order to be used in Field Orderz.
For more information on Lightning: Vimeo Video
To set up Lightning:
Open the GTP Lightning App
Go to the settings page
Paste in the Lightning App Key you created
More information on this can be found here: App Keys
The app will close after you save the App Key
The app will associate you as whoever the API was made by in STRATUS
Select your fabrication year under the dropdown
Select your Database and click upload
Uploaded: This shows when your Database was uploaded through Lightning
Synchronized: This Shows if changes made to your Database have been uploaded through Lightning
Additional Information:
The API key must be made by a company admin on STRATUS
If you have a Database that needs to be removed from your Lightning Upload please submit a ticket through Service Desk with the Database name you wish to remove
For debugging we may ask to see the log files for Lightning. These files can be found under Documents>GTP Lightning> LightningLog
Be sure to grab the most recent log file
If there is trouble downloading Lightning you may need to uninstall the previous version. To do that go to your Windows search bar, search add or remove programs, search the list for Lightning, and click uninstall
The newest version of lightning can be found here: Lightning
Temporary items in the database will not be uploaded to Lightning. If you want to upload those items to Field Orderz select the desired items and make them permanent