Assembly Parts

Assembly Parts


The Parts tab displays assembly parts and data based on the selected report. Editable Report Fields can be configured to edit part data. A Part’s Tracking Status can be updated. Parts can be sent to a Tool. And the selected Parts report is also used when the STRATUS Sheet tab is clicked.

Parts Tab

The Parts tab displays assembly parts and data based on the selected report.

Expand / Collapse

By default, the 3D Viewer and the Assembly Details page sections display side-by-side. Filters and actions that can be done to change the assembly display at the top.

The Expand / Collapse button is available in either section. Clicking the Expand button within the Assemblies > Details section will display the details section in full screen on the top with the 3D Viewer on the bottom. Clicking the Expand button within the Assemblies > 3D Viewer will display the 3D Viewer section in full screen on the top with the Details section on the bottom. Collapse will return the sections to their default positions.

Default Assembly Report

While the Default (CSV) report is available in the Report drop-down for any assembly, most companies want a Default Assembly Report to load. When the Assemblies > Viewer loads an assembly for the first time, there are 2 methods that can be used to select the default part report. Method 1 is useful for companies that package first then spool within the package. Method 2 is useful for companies that spool first and package later.

Note: Using either method, if a different report is selected after the assembly loads for the first time, the system will select that same report the next time you view that particular assembly.

Method 1 - Packages > Categories > Default Assembly Report

Default Assembly Report  - Under Admin > Company > Package Categories, the Default Assembly Report option enables administrators to select a default Parts report when loading an assembly for the first time in the Assemblies > Viewer. The selected report is associated with a specific Package Category. Therefore the default report will only apply to assemblies included in packages within the Package Category.

See the Default Assembly Report article for more information. 

This method was added to STRATUS in v6.3.1.

Method 1 - Example: Packages > Categories > Default Assembly Report

  1. Report - Create or modify a report to be used as a report that will be selected as the Default Assembly Report for a specific Package Category (step #2). For information on how to create a Report, see the Report (Admin) article.


    1. For a Report to display in the Assemblies > Viewer > Parts > Reports drop-down, the report must include the following:

      1. Format = PDF

      2. Item Type = Part 

      3. Assembly Viewer = Checked

      4. Template = Any template. For information on how to create a Template, see the Create a Report Template article on the Templates (Admin) page.

      5. Report Fields = Valid report fields


  2. Package Category - Under Admin > Company > Package Categories, select the report under Default Assembly Report for a Package Category.


  3. The first time an assembly within the Package Category (step #2) is opened, the Default Assembly Report for a Package Category will be selected as the Report.


  4. Note: If a different report is selected after the assembly loads for the first, the system will select that same report the next time you view that particular assembly.

Method 2 - Report > Assemblies Filter

Note: The Method 1 criteria takes precedence over Method 2. Therefore, if a Default Assembly Report for a specific Package Category has been set, that report will be the default report when an assembly is loaded for the first time.

Assembly Filter - Under Admin > Company > Reports, an Assembly Filter can be set to select a default Parts report when loading an assembly for the first time in the Assemblies > Viewer. When the assembly loads, the selected Assembly Filter will compare the parts in the assembly with the Assembly Filter for each relevant Report. The Assembly Filter that matches the most parts will be selected as the default Report. Note: In this case, the same report, CSG _ Pipework _ Spool BOM, is referenced in Method 1 as a backup to assure that the correct default report gets selected if the assembly is not in a package yet as some companies spool first then package.

This was the only method to select a default report until v6.3.1.

Method 2 - Example: Report > Assemblies Filter

  1. Filter - Under Admin > Company > Filters, create or modify a Filter that will match parts in the assembly.  Below is the filter for this example:


  2. Report - Under Admin > Company > Reports, create or modify a report that can display in the Assemblies > Viewer > Parts > Reports drop-down.


    1. This report must include the following:

      1. Format = PDF

      2. Item Type = Part 

      3. Assembly Viewer = Checked

      4. Template = Any template. For information on how to create a Template, see the Create a Report Template article on the Templates (Admin) page.

      5. Report Fields = Valid report fields

      6. Assembly Filter = Select the Filter from step #1.

  3. The first time an assembly is opened and Method 1 was not executed, STRATUS will compare the parts in the assembly with all relevant Assembly Filters. The Assembly Filter that matches the most parts will be selected as the default Report. 

  4. NOTE: If you select a different report for an assembly, the system will select that same report the next time you view that particular assembly.

Part Selection - 3D Viewer and Report Table

  1. Select Parts

    1. Check the checkbox of a part in the Parts table and it will highlight the part in the 3D Viewer.

    2. Or select a part in the 3D Viewer and it will be selected in the Parts table.

    3. Or, click the checkbox header to select or unselect all parts.

    4. The number of selected parts will display in the Send # Check to Tool button.


  2. Sort - The Parts list can be sorted by any column, but you can also sort the data by how your custom report is sorted.



  3. Zoom - The Part's list table size can be zoomed. A change to the table zoom will be remembered for the user and browser the next time an assembly is opened.


Part Tracking Status Changes

Individual Parts

The Tracking Status of assembly parts can be changed in the Parts table. Note: The Parts table is driven by a Report. If the report has a Part Filter, like the CSG _ Pipework _ Spool BOM report below, then those parts that do not meet the filter will not display in the table. In this case, welds are filtered out.

  1. Individual Parts - The Tracking Status for individual assembly parts can be manually updated by clicking the Tracking Status name in the row, changing the status, and click the Save (check) button.

Individual Parts Updated via STRATUS Workstation

The status of individual assembly parts can also be automatically updated for those who use the GTP STRATUS Workstation app to manage their cuts using the TigerStop. In this case, the assembly parts within a Package are in a Cut List and the GTP STRATUS Workstation updates the cut list parts. See the GTP STRATUS Workstation article for more information.

Part Quantity Greater than 1 - Report’s Merge Like Items is Checked

If the Quantity of the part selected is greater than 1, it means that one or more fields in the the Report Fields has the Merge Like Values value set to Yes.

  1. Merge Like Values - In the example below, the Quantity for the parent part is 3 and has been expanded to show that the sub-parts are instances of the same rolled-up part. Note: The Send Checked to Tool correctly displays the 3 sub-parts and does not include parent row.


  2. When the parent row is selected, the Tracking Status changed, and the Save button is clicked, the following message will display.


  3. Click Ok and the Tracking Status will change for the sub-parts and the parent row.


  4. Various - When a Tracking Status for any sub-part is different than the others, the parent tracking status will change to Various.


All Parts Updated Changes Assembly Tracking Status

  1. When the Tracking Status for all parts in the assembly have changed in the Parts table, the tracking status of the assembly will change to the lowest # Tracking Status.

  2. However, in this case, the Parts table Report (Ex. CSG _ Pipework _ Spool BOM) uses a Part Filter to filter out welds.


  3. By switching the Report to one that does not include a Part Filter (Ex. Default), the weld is displayed in the Parts table and its Status is different than the others. As a result, the Assembly Status does not change (Ex. From Spooled to Issued For Fabrication).


  4. Once the tracking status of all parts in an assembly have changed, the status of the assembly Status will change automatically.

Configure a Field to Hide Value when Expression is not met

For some Parts reports, you might want to hide values that don't meet criteria or result "0".

For example:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Fields, a field can be configured to display:

    1. All lengths.


    2. Lengths that meet criteria or display blank if the result is "0" (Length NA Column in step #3). Note: To display blank if the result is "0", the NA syntax must be exact i.e.    if({CID}=2041, {Length}, NA)


  2. Compare the results below:

Editable Parameters in the Parts Table

Part properties in Part Reports table grid can be editable. To use this feature, configure the part’s template to make the property editable.

  1. In the 3D Viewer, select the part that will be editable in the Assembly Viewer report, click the Properties tool, and then click the Template Name.


  2. Under Admin > Company > Part Templates, the Part will display. Click the Select checkbox.



  3. Under Properties, locate the property (Ex. Number) that will be editable in any report. Check the Editable checkbox and the Visible checkbox for property or properties that should be editable. Note: If editing a property would impact the part’s geometry, that property’s Editable checkbox will be disabled. In this example, the Editable checkbox has been checked for the Number Property.


    1. Header Name Note: In the Report above (Ex. CSG _ Pipework _ Spool BOM), the the Number Property Report Field Header was changed to Tag. Therefore, the Header displays Tag in this report, but if the report is switched to Default, the property is still labeled Number and is still editable.


    2. Review the Display Format and Storage Format for each editable field.

      1. Storage Format – A myriad of units can be produced from Revit and AutoCAD and their respective databases of families and ITM’s. The Storage Format is how the unit will be stored in STRATUS (Ex. Decimal feet, decimal inches, decimal millimeters, etc.). Note: The original storage format is also stored and is not editable. This format is used when round-tripping edited values back into the authoring tool.

      2. Display Format – The Display Format does display when using the STRATUS Properties tool. However, the Display Format setting is not used by the reporting engine. In each report, you have control over how the data is formatted, which may include a conversion multiplier and unit symbol. It is not safe to assume the report format will always match the property's display format and keeping these separate gives the reporting engine more flexibility.

  4. Under Admin > Company > Reports, locate the report targeted to be editable in the Assemblies Viewer. This report has been setup with the following:

    1. Format = PDF

    2. Item Type = Part

    3. Assembly Viewer = checked

  5. Expand the report to display the Report Fields. Add fields to be edited as needed. The Property Name’s Format, Precision (for Length/Size properties), Prefix, and Suffix will be used to format the editable data in the report. Below are some examples.


  6. Below are the results of these settings in the Assemblies Viewer Editable Parameters Report. Editable fields have blue text. Click the text to edit the data in either the Properties panel or the report table.


Send to Tool and Send Checked to Tool buttons

The Send to Tool and Send Checked to Tool buttons enable you to send selected parts to a Tool. Use this for one-offs that need to be cut - maybe a damaged item.

To use this feature:

  1. In the Assemblies > Viewer > Parts, click the Gear 

    to select the Tool (printer) and Report where the list of reports is limited to:

    1. Format = ZPL

    2. Item Type = Part


  2. In the Part’s report, print a label by either:

    1. Individually clicking the Send to Tool

       button associated with the part.


    2. Or, checking the Select checkbox for one or more parts and then clicking the Send Checked to Tool button.


    3. The label will be printed to your targeted printer formatted by the selected report’s Report Fields and Label Template.

How to Sort Assembly Parts Report by Number

To sort assembly parts report by number:

  1. Configure the report under Admin > Company > Reports

  2. Open the assembly report and check that the report includes:

    1. Property Name = Number

    2. Format = Integer.

  3. Open an assembly and select the report.

  4. After the assembly parts display, click the Number column heading to sort and the parts will sort by number.


Add Additional Parts Reports

Additional Parts Reports can be added to the Parts tab which enables users to see both a Pipework report and a Weld Schedule , for example, without having to open multiple tabs or switch between reports.

Add Additional Parts Report - Manual

The Add Additional Parts Reports button was added to allow users to view multiple reports on the Parts tab. This will eliminate the need to switch between different reports.


  • Additional reports selected by user A will display for user B. Similarly, reports removed by user A will also be removed for user B.

  • To view additional reports, the user must have permission to the report under:
    Admin > Company > Project Roles > Reports > Part

To Add an Additional Parts Report:

  1. Under Assemblies > Viewer > Parts, click the Add Additional Parts Reports button.


  2. The additional parts report table will display (Ex. Parts 2). Select the Report (Ex. Connectors).

  3. Repeat as needed.

  4. To remove a Parts Report from the tab, click the Remove Parts Report button.

Add Additional Parts Report - Automatically Based on Package Category

To automatically display specific Additional Parts Reports for an assembly within a specific Package Category:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Package Categories, for the Package Category (Ex. Fabrication Release) select one or more Default Assembly Reports.


  2. Select the report(s).


  3. When an assembly included in the configured Package Category is opened, the selected Default Assembly Reports will display as Additional Part Report(s) on the assemblies Parts tab.



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