STRATUS.* Parameters and Properties

STRATUS.* Parameters and Properties

The purpose of the STRATUS. Parameters and Properties page is to provide definitions of all available STRATUS.* parameters and properties.



Where Available: In Fields, Filters, Reports where Type is Package, and Templates Report Field where Template Type is Package Details.

Property Purpose: Enables Admins to use the Package BIM Abbreviation set under Projects > Areas > Abbreviation. 

Note: The BIM Area value that populates the STRATUS.Package.BIMAbbreviation property is set in the following locations:

  • In the create New Package dialog

  • Under the Package’s > Properties tab


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: When checked, indicates that the Package BOM has been Locked. As a result, this BOM will be available in the Purchasing module to send requests to suppliers. Set Format = Boolean.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Displays the date the BOM was generated. When setting the Report Field Format:

  • String - Use String to display the date and time. Packages, where a BOM has not been generated, will display a blank cell.

  • Date - Use Date to display the date only. Packages, where a BOM has not been generated, will display the word Empty.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Displays the current Division for the BOM.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Displays the BOM Required Date. When setting the Report Field Format:

  • String - Use String to display the date only. Packages, where a BOM has not been generated, will display a blank cell.

  • Date - Use Date to display the date only. Packages, where a BOM has not been generated, will display the word Empty.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: When checked, indicates that the Package is in a Can BOM Tracking Status. Set Format = Boolean.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Category Abbreviation.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Category Abbreviation.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Category ID.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Category Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Company Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the package's Container Name if the package has been added to a container.  When used on a Packages Dashboard report or on a Packages Items report, relevant information will display including the Division (if any), a link to the container, the Container Status, and the Container comments (if any).


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who created the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the package was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the package description, if any.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: When checked, indicates that a BOM has been generated for the Package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated number of hours to complete the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated estimated number of hours to complete the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated estimated number of hours to complete the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated estimated number of hours to complete the package.

Note: The STRATUS release v5.4.3 converted STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimated field data to STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimatedShop. The STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimated field is no longer available.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated estimated number of hours to complete the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the calculated estimated number of hours adding up STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimatedOffice, STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimatedPurchasing, STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimatedShop, and STRATUS.Package.HoursEstimatedField into a total..


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique ID of the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package,

Property Purpose: Includes the package's editable Install Date.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique Model ID from which the model containing the package was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Model Name from which the model containing the package was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who last modified the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the package was modified.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes any notes that have been added to the part. See the Notes (Admin) article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Number of Assemblies in the Package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Number.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes a count of all parts that are in a package but are not assembled.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Number of Tasks for the Package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Office Phase Lead Days for the Package. The Lead Day Report Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Office Phase Start Date for the Package. The Start Date Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package's Percent Complete calculation.

Package Completeness is calculated based on one of two methods:

Method #1 is used when Tasks are enabled, where a task can have one of four states: Pending, To Do, In Progress, Done. The percent complete will be based on those tasks in the "Done" status.

Method #2 is from the Tracking Statuses table in Admin -> Company, where there are percentages assigned to each status. Those are aggregated for parts.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package and Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Division assigned to the Package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project ID.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Number.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: When used the column will report the number of parts in each Purchasing tracking status greater than 0. In the package below, there are 0 parts in None, 16 parts in Purchase Order Processed, and 2 parts in Shipped.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: When used the column will report the lowest tracking status for a package based on the statuses of its individual parts. For example:

  1. if any part in a package has the status of None, then the lowest tracking status will be None.

  2. If all parts in the package have a status other than None, then the lowest tracking status will be the lowest (Ex. Purchase Order Processed).


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Purchasing Phase Lead Days for the Package. The Lead Day Report Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Purchasing Phase Start Date for the Package. The Start Date Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Displays the package's QR Code.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Shop Phase Lead Days for the Package. The Lead Day Report Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Includes the Shop Phase Start Date for the Package. The Start Date Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Station of the Package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Field Phase Start Date for the Package and indicates that the package materials are required to be on-site and ready for fieldwork to begin. The Start Date Field property is directly linked to the Package > Properties > Planning section for each package. See the Lead Days Package Level Configuration article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes a count of every part in that package assembled or not.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: The Tracking Comments displays a semi-colon (Ex. ; ) separated list of all tracking log comments in the order that matches tracking log entries. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status of the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: The Tracking Hours returns the combined total hours from the Package and its child Assemblies and Parts, along with its child Assembly’s child Parts tracking log entries.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of pairs (Ex. tracking status ; hours) for the package. For each tracking status (Ex. Installed) hours are totaled to display hours spent in specific tracking statuses or between a series of tracking statuses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of comments for each package tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of date-time for each package tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Hex Color Code of the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status ID of the package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status Index number of the package. The index number matches the sequence number of the Tracking Status on the Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses page. This property can be used in filters more easily than the STRATUS.Package.TrackingStatus property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package, Package Details, or Part.

Property Purpose: The Tracking Status Log displays a semi-colon (Ex. ; ) separated list of all tracking status changes in the order that matches tracking status entries. For example, the Tracking Status of a package might initially be Packaged, then changes to Shipped. This would result in the Tracking Status Log "Packaged;Shipped".


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of Divisions for each package tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


The STRATUS.Assembly.* properties are available in reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly type as Assembly, Family, Spool, or Hanger.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly's BIM Area.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly's CadId.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly's Company Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose:  This property will print only one label per connected assembly, which may be a better option for a rack.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: This property will print a label for each connection. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly's Container Name if the assembly has been added to a container. When used on a Packages Dashboard report or on a Packages Items report, relevant information will display including the Division (if any), a link to the container, the Container Status, and the Container comments (if any).


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who created the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the assembly was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique ID of the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique Model ID from which the model containing the assembly was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Model Name from which the model containing the assembly was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who last modified the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the assembly was modified.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the assembly name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes any notes that have been added to the assembly. See the the Notes (Admin) article or the Tags of Parameter, Note, or Field Data section of the Assemblies Viewer article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the number of parts in the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique Package ID if the assembly is included in a package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Name if the assembly is included in a package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Number if the assembly is included in a package.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly.

Property Purpose: Includes the Division assigned to the Assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Number.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Displays the assembly's QR Code. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Station of the Assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: The Tracking Comments displays a semi-colon (Ex. ; ) separated list of all tracking log comments in the order that matches tracking log entries. For example, when an assembly is added to a package, the automatic Tracking Comment is "STRATUS Added to Package".


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status of the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Returns the combined total hours from the Assembly and its child Parts tracking log entries.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of pairs (Ex. tracking status ; hours) for the assembly. For each tracking status (Ex. Material Cut) hours are totaled to display hours spent in specific tracking statuses or between a series of tracking statuses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes a semi-colon delimited list of comments made for each assembly tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of date-time for each assembly tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of Divisions for each assembly tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Hex Color Code of the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status ID of the assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status Index number of the assembly. The index number matches the sequence number of the Tracking Status on the Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses page. This property can be used in filters more easily than the STRATUS.Assembly.TrackingStatus property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Assembly or Package Details.

Property Purpose: The Tracking Status Log displays a semi-colon (Ex. ; ) separated list of all tracking status changes in the order that matches tracking status entries. For example, the Tracking Status of an assembly might initially be Issued, then changes to Packages. This would result in the Tracking Status Log "Issued;Packaged".


The STRATUS.Part.* properties are available in reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Assembly CadID if the part is included in an assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Assembly ID if the part is included in an assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Assembly Name if the part is included in an assembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The STRATUS.Part.AssemblyQRCode will add the QR code for the parts in an assembly to the report.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part and Assembly Viewer is checked.

Property Purpose: Displays the BIM Abbreviation defined under Admin > Project > Template > Areas > AbbreviationSee the Areas (Admin) article for more information. Displays in the Properties panel and in the Assemblies > Viewer > Parts tab with the report selected.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's BIM Area.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the Additional Info data entered for a BOM.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Includes the Description override configured under Admin > Company > Part Templates > BOM Mappings. The Description property in the Company BOM Line Item Mappings section can be overridden and will display in the STRATUS.Part.BOMDescription property. For example:

  1. Below is the BOM Mappings tab for a Butterfly Valve. The Description can be overridden with a manual or a property value.

  2. As a result, in the part’s properties, the overridden Description will display in the STRATUS.Part.BOMDescription property.

  3. After adding the STRATUS.Part.BOMDescription property and/or the STRATUS.Part.ProjectId to a report where Item Type = BOM, the BOM report will display the property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part diameter.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part length.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part manufacturer.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part material.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part product code.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part size.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: Displays the part width.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: For Fabrication Parts C1 and C2; otherwise, return values from part template 'Consider for Multi-Axis Cutting' End 1 and End 2; or else the field will be empty.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to another part within the same assembly. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information.

Example - To distinguish between Shop welds from Field welds, the Filter below looks at parts adjacent to weld parts (C1 and C2). While STRATUS understands connected parts, these Properties inform STRATUS about the parts on each side of the weld and whether or not the parts are included in the same assembly as the weld. If they are, it means the weld is a shop weld. The filter below says, if STRATUS.Part.C2AssembledTo and STRATUS.Part.C2AssembledTo have a connected part (DoesNotEqual Empty) then it is a shop weld. Contrarily, if either property is empty, then it is a field weld.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part, and in the Part's Properties. 

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to. For Revit Systems Ductwork the property displays the Type and Size properties. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: To return the name of the assembly the part is connected to and only displays a value for the end parts in an assembly.

Example - Report:

Example - Label: Below is an example of a Label A and Label that would be placed on either end of a cut.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: For Fabrication Parts C1 and C2; otherwise, return values from part template 'Consider for Multi-Axis Cutting' End 1 and End 2; or else the field will be empty. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to another part within the same assembly. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information.

Example - To distinguish between Shop welds from Field welds, the Filter below looks at parts adjacent to weld parts (C1 and C2). While STRATUS understands connected parts, these Properties inform STRATUS about the parts on each side of the weld and whether or not the parts are included in the same assembly as the weld. If they are, it means the weld is a shop weld. The filter below says if STRATUS.Part.C2AssembledTo and STRATUS.Part.C2AssembledTo have a connected part (DoesNotEqual Empty) then it is a shop weld. Contrarily, if either property is empty, then it is a field weld.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to. For Revit Systems Ductwork the property displays the Type and Size properties. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: To return the name of the assembly the part is connected to and only displays a value for the end parts in an assembly.

Example: See STRATUS.Part.C1ToAssembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to another part within the same assembly. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information. The purpose of this property is that a parts connection labels can include Tees and Crosses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to. For Revit Systems Ductwork the property displays the Type and Size properties. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information. The purpose of this property is that a parts connection labels can include Tees and Crosses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: To return the name of the assembly the part is connected to and only displays a value for the end parts in an assembly.

Example: See STRATUS.Part.C1ToAssembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to another part within the same assembly. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information. The purpose of this property is that a parts connection labels can include Tees and Crosses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Properties for each connector will return the part description of the connected part or be empty based on whether the part is connected to. For Revit Systems Ductwork the property displays the Type and Size properties. By default, this property displays the connected part's Description and can be changed to use the connect part's Company BOM Line Item Mapping Description. See the BOM Line Item Mappings article for more information. The purpose of this property is that a parts connection labels can include Tees and Crosses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: To return the name of the assembly the part is connected to and only displays a value for the end parts in an assembly.

Example: See STRATUS.Part.C1ToAssembly.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's CadId.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Cad Type (Ex. Autodesk.Fabrication.Item, Autodesk.Revit.DB.FabricationPart, etc.).


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Company Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Container Name if the part has been added to a container. When used on a Packages Dashboard report or on a Packages Items report, relevant information will display including the Division (if any), a link to the container, the Container Status, and the Container comments (if any).


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes a list of containers that part has been assigned to.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's cost category if one was part of the database when the model was published, or added to the part in STRATUS after the model was published.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who created the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the part was first published to STRATUS.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: (DateTime) - The part’s most recent cut date time.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: (String) - Semi-colon delimited list of cut dates times.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Cut Length Adjustment value made using the STRATUS Spool Checker tool in the Assemblies > Viewer. See the Spool Checker section of the Assemblies Viewer article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's cut length value in decimal units.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's cut length value in feet-inch-fraction units.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: (String) - Semi-colon delimited list of actual cut lengths in decimal, using model units (Ex. Revit = feet; AutoCAD = inches).

Note: If a cut list is deleted, it will not appear in the Cut Length History. Therefore, the only way to see items having multiple cut date times is if the part is in two different packages (of different categories) and a cut in each one.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Description value from the model.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Grid Offset value.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The STRATUS.Part.HoleInfo Report Field will display data about holes in pipe. When added to a STRATUS Sheet report, the report column will include a list of all holes separated by semi-colons in the following format per hole:
<hole size> <clocking angle from start>d <distance from start> E-C <mating angle from start>d out
Note: Clockwise is a positive angle looking downpipe from start to end.
Note: The hole tolerance is 1/2” from centerline. Data will display for fabrication parts and part families configured correctly as taps for pipe.

  • STRATUS.Part.HoleInfo

  • STRATUS.Part.HoleInfoCCW

When used for Olets or Tap parts, the format is “Tap <size> <radialAngle>d” (below).


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The STRATUS.Part.HoleInfoType will display data about holes in pipe. It expands what the current STRATUS.Part.HoleInfo property contains by adding the Olet type for each hole using an abbreviation:

  • DEF = Default
  • COP = Cooplet

  • SOC = Sockolet

  • THR = Threadolet

  • WLD = Weldolet

  • SAD = Saddle


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique ID of the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: (Integer) - 0 indicates the part has not been cut; 1 indicates the part has been cut.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the unique Model ID from which the model containing the part was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Model Name from which the model containing the part was created.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the first and last name of the person who last modified the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the date and time the part was modified.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes any notes that have been added to the part. See the Notes (Admin) article for more information.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package ID if the part is included in a package. If the part is assigned to multiple packages, the PackageID's will be separated by a semi-colon.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Name if the part is included in a package. If the part is assigned to multiple packages, the Package Name's will be separated by a semi-colon.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package Number if the part is included in a package. If the part is assigned to multiple packages, the Package Number's will be separated by a semi-colon.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Package QR Code if the part is included in a package. If the part is assigned to multiple packages, the Package QR Code's will be separated by a semi-colon.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's space-separated X Y Z centroid coordinates. Alternatively, see the individual STRATUS.Part.PointX, STRATUS.Part.PointY, and STRATUS.Part.PointZ properties. Calculations are made from the hanger’s insertion point node.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The parameter STRATUS.Part.Point.AFF is reportable and displays in the part’s Properties. To use this field in an expression, you must wrap the stratus part property value with AsNumber( ) in the field expression. An example of this syntax would be:

AsNumber({STRATUS.Part.Point.AFF})-{Hanger Diameter}*0.5

In this example, the STRATUS.Part.Point.AFF value displays in the part’s properties. Here on the 4th Level (Floor), the STRATUS.Part.Point.Z = 1,358.88 while the STRATUS.Part.Point.AFF = 0.63. If there are no levels in the model, STRATUS.Part.Point.Z  will equal STRATUS.Part.Point.AFF. The measurement is taken from the part’s centroid.
STRATUS.Part.Point.X; STRATUS.Part.Point.Y; STRATUS.Part.Point.Z - The X, Y, and Z coordinates of a part’s bounding box center can now be extracted. This means that you can use something like a nested rod family in conjunction with control points, a filter, and a report to generate your own point files in whatever configuration you need.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's X centroid coordinate. Alternatively, see the STRATUS.Part.Point property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Y centroid coordinate. Alternatively, see the STRATUS.Part.Point property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Y centroid coordinate. Alternatively, see the STRATUS.Part.Point property. Calculations are made from the hanger’s insertion point node.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the Division assigned to the Part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM.

Property Purpose: The STRATUS.Part.ProjectId also displays in the:

  1. Part’s Properties.

  2. After adding the STRATUS.Part.BOMDescription property and/or the STRATUS.Part.ProjectId to a report where Item Type = BOM, the BOM report will display the property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the Project Number.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Cad Type followed by the Part Template Number. Ex. Autodesk.Fabrication.Item.2041 or Autodesk.Revit.DB.FabricationPart.2523.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: When used the column will report the Purchasing status of its individual parts.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Displays the part's unique QR Code hyperlink.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Station of the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Returns total hours for Part tracking log entries.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status of the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Hex Color Code of the part.


Where Available: In reports where Item Type is Part or Package Details.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of pairs (Ex. tracking status ; hours) for the part. For each tracking status (Ex. Issued) hours are totaled to display hours spent in specific tracking statuses or between a series of tracking statuses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status ID of the part.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the current Tracking Status Index number of the part. The index number matches the sequence number of the Tracking Status on the Admin > Company > Tracking Statuses page. This property can be used in filters more easily than the STRATUS.Part.TrackingStatus property.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: When used in a report, the history of part’s tracking statuses will be separated by a semi-colon.  One use case for including this field in a report is to check if the material was ordered for a part, knowing that “Ordered” tracking status may not be the current status. You could either:

1. Search a report for the tracking status, or,

2. Configure a Filter that “Contains” the value “Ordered” and assign the filter to a report. Then when the report is run on parts in the model only those that match the filter will be included.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of comments made for each part tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of date-time for each part tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Part.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of Divisions for each part tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM, Package Details, Part, or Purchasing and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the part's Web ID.


The STRATUS.Ancillary.* properties are available in reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Length. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Length will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Name. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Name will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Quantity. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Quantity will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Product Code. A Product Code is a code used by a Supplier to identify products in the Supplier Portal.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties. 

Property Purpose:  Includes the product Description used for BOM's and the Supplier Portal.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The Manufacturer of the product used for BOM's and the Supplier Portal.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: The Product Material used for BOM's and the Supplier Portal.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Size. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Size will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties.


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Type. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Type will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties. Type values can include the following: (AirturnTrack, AirturnVane, AncillaryMaterial, Clip, Corner, Fixing, Gasket, Isolator, Sealant, SeamMaterial, SupportRod, TieRod, SupportSeismic, Unknown).


Where Available: In reports where Type is BOM or Part and in the Part's Properties.

Property Purpose: Includes the ancillary part's Usage. If multiple components makeup the Ancillary Part, then each Usage will be semi-colon separated and will align with the other STRATUS.Ancillary properties. Usage can include the following: (Airturn, Connector, Hanger, Loose, Seam, Splitter, or Stiffener).



Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Company name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Description of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Division of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the container's unique Container ID.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Location of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Name of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Package ID will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.  


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Package Name will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.  


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Package Number will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.   


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Project ID will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.   


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Project Name will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.   


Where:  Containers Dashboard

Property Purpose:  When a package is using a category that has the  "Use Containers" checked (in the Admin Company Package Categories). The Project Number will display on the table if any data is available for that particular package.

Note: A field may return a semi-colon separated list of values if container contents include items with multiple values.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the container's QR Code. When scanned, a Container QR Code Scanned landing page will display where the Contents of the Container can be expanded, emptied, and the status of the container can be updated which changes the status of the packages, assemblies, and parts within the container.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Container Type of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays the Tracking Status Comments entered on the Containers > Assign tab.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays the Tracking Status Hours entered on the Containers > Assign tab.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays the current Tracking Status applied to the container on the Containers > Assign tab.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays the Tracking Status Index number associated with the current Tracking Status applied to the container on the Containers > Assign tab.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of pairs (Ex. tracking status ; hours) for the container. For each tracking status (Ex. Shipped) hours are totaled to display hours spent in specific tracking statuses or between a series of tracking statuses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of tracking status for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of user names for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of comments made for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon separated list of date-time for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of Divisions for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: Displays a semi-colon delimited list of stations for each container tracking status change. The list displays oldest to newest as applied. Child items, if any, are not included. 


Where Available: In reports where Type is Container.

Property Purpose: When used in the report's Label Template, displays the Container Type of the Container defined under Admin > Company > Containers.



Where Available: In Templates under under Admin > Company > Templates.

Property Purpose: Add Current Date onto reports that reference the template. The date format will be 3/10/2021.


Where Available: In Templates under under Admin > Company > Templates.

Property Purpose: Add Current Date onto reports that reference the template. The date format will be Wednesday, March 10, 2021.


Where Available: In Templates under under Admin > Company > Templates.

Property Purpose: Add Current Date onto reports that reference the template. The date-time format will be 3/10/2021 9:22 AM.


Where Available: In Templates under under Admin > Company > Templates.

Property Purpose: Add Current Date onto reports that reference the template. The time format will be 9:22 AM.



Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value under Admin > Company > Projects > A360 Business Unit.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > A360 Construction Type.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > A360 Project Type.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Address (line1).


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Address (line 2).


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > City.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Color.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Description.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Tax Exempt?.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Manufacturer Source Type.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Number.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Address 1.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Address 1.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Attention.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > City.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses >Instructions.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Address Name.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Phone.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > State.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Projects > Shipping Addresses > Zip.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > State.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > TargetStartDate.


Where Available: In reports where Type is Package.

Property Purpose: The field will match the value set under Admin > Company > Projects > Zip.

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