Package Tasks

Package Tasks

Task items are the instances of company defined task definitions, which belong to task workflows optionally assigned to assemblies and parts. Each task item knows the assembly or part to which it belongs and holds a reference to the user and/or station with start and completed time stamps. The Tasks tab can display a tasks Kanban board (To Do, In Progress, Done) for each package.  The task workflow is configured at the company level and enables a company to apply a task sequence to an order. 

Configure a Task Workflow

  1. Task Categories - Enter how your company wants to categorize tasks under Admin > Task Categories. Task Categories which are used to categorize Task Definitions like Bending, Cutting, Detailing, Installing, etc.  Below is an example. 

  2. Task Definitions - Enter your company's Task Definitions under the Admin > Task Definitions.  Task Definitions are process tasks. You can make them as detailed or broad as you like.  Below is an example.

  3. Configure your Task Workflows. A task workflow is a sequence of tasks.  When tasks are generated under the package's Tasks tab, each task under Task Sequence will be assigned to part, assembly, or package and will display on a Kanban board.
    1. Name and Description - Enter a task workflow name and description.
    2. Apply to Type - Apply it to a type (part, assembly or package). Task workflows are assigned on the package's Items tab and each item in the package is identified as a part, assembly, or package. This setting helps filter the list so you won't be able to apply a task workflow to an assembly that is targeted to a part.
    3. Cost Category - Set the Cost Category.
    4. Task Sequence - Select tasks to be done for each item and then order them as needed. These tasks are defined under Task Definitions. Below is an example.

  4. You are ready to assign tasks under the package's Items tab.

Assign a Task Workflow to Items

  1. Click the Items tab which lists the items (parts and assemblies) that are included in the package.
  2. Assign each item to a Task Workflow. You can select multiple item checboxes and then select a Task Workflow for one of the checked items and all checked items will be set. Below is an example.

Generate Tasks

  1. After you have assigned a Task Workflow to all the items, make sure the package tracking status has changed to a non-Can Package status.
  2. Click the Task tab. The Generate Tasks button will be enabled.
  3. Click the Generate Tasks button and the task will be created on the Kanban board.

Task Color

The task color comes from the Admin > Company > Task Category where each task category is associated with a color.  On the Admin > Company > Task Definitions page, a Task Category is assigned to a Task Definition. And then finally, on the Admin > Company > Task Workflow page, you assign tasks in the Task Sequence area which are associated with the Task Definitions.

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