Activities (Admin)
Activities in Stratus and with the Stratus Addin for Revit and AutoCAD are logged on the Activities page in a tabular format. Many activities can also display in the Change Notifications Activities Feed. See the Change Notifications article for more information.
Activities Table
The Activities tab logs Stratus and Stratus Addin for Revit and AutoCAD changes over time. This information can help track down how a change was made and when.
Show - Select the number of activities to display on the page.
Search - Search for any character sequence in the table.
Filters - Filter by any column except value and Route.
Sort - Sort items by Date.
Date - The Date the activity occurred.
User - The User who initiated the activity. Only user’s who have an activity will display.
Project - The Project the activity occurred in.
Model - The model impacted by the change.
Item - The Item type (Assembly, Company, Cut List, Model, Package, Package BOM, Project, Supplier) for which the activity occurred.
Action - The action executed on the Item including: Activated, Archived, Assigned To Station, Completed, Created, Date Changed, Deleted, Locked, Modified, Publish Failed, Published, Purchase Order Processed, Quote Processed, Reverted, Tracking Status Changed, and Unlocked.
Name - The name of the Item (Ex Assembly Name or Package Name).
Tracking Status - If the Item was an Assembly or Package, the Tracking Status change at the Date specified will display.
Division - If the Item was an Assembly or Package and a Division was changed for the Date specified, it will display.
Value - The Value indicates what was changed or a tracking change comment that was made.
Route - Displays where the change was made and the type of action that occurred.
Activities Logging for Publish Setting Changes
Publish Setting changes will be logged for the following saved activities:
Admin > Company > Settings > AutoCAD & Revit
Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to AutoCAD)
Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to Revit)
Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish
Property to Map to Assemblies
Admin > Project > Settings
Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to AutoCAD)
Assembly conflict resolution (Specific to Revit)
Use Parameter Mapping for Assembly Import and Publish
Property to Map to Assemblies
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