Templates (Admin)

Templates (Admin)

A Template is used in conjunction with some reports so that the report can be PDF formatted and printed. A report displays data from the model in a tabular format, while a Template can bring together multiple data types (data fields, images, isometric views, QR codes, etc.) and other formatting options.  Examples of report/template combinations include a spool sheet report, a package details report that contains a spool map, a vendor BOM list with your company header, a generic letterhead that includes model data, and more.


Create New Template

Default Template

By default, a new template has one page that includes the Report element and a Page Properties panel.

When an element is selected (Ex. Report) in either paper space or in Page Properties it is:

  1. Highlighted in the paper space (the highlight is blue and blinks)

  2. Highlighted in the Page Properties in the Content section

  3. The Page number is highlighted in the Page Properties

  4. Properties that can be edited display. For the Report element, the position and dimensions can be edited.

Save As and New Template

  1. Under Admin > Company > Templates the templates tab displays.

  2. By default, no template is selected, a default template page displays on the left that includes the Report element, and its Page Properties display on the right.

    To create a new template:

  3. Click Save As to name the new template that only includes the Report element. The Save Template dialog will display where a Template Name can be entered.

    To create a new template when an existing template is open:

  4. Click the New Template button. By default, the new template will only include the Report element is created. The Save Template dialog will display where a Template Name can be entered.

    To save a copy of an existing template:

  5. Open the template and click Save As to name a new template that includes the elements contained in the selected template.

Template Type

Each template is associated with one Template Type.

  1. Select a template type early in the template creation process because the Template Type must match the Report Item Type that you intend to use. For example, only a Bill of Materials Template Type can be associated with a Report whose Item Type is BOM. Below are the template type associations:

    1. Generic - The Generic type can be assigned to any report that has a format of PDF. The following functions are hidden for the Generic type:

      1. QR Code

      2. Top/Front/Isometric Views

      3. Secondary Reports

    2. Assembly Viewer - The Assembly Viewer type can be assigned to reports where the Assembly Viewer checkbox is checked.

    3. Bill of Materials - The Bill of Materials type can be assigned to any report that has the Item Type set to BOM. 

    4. Container Details - The Container Details type can be assigned to any report that has the Item Type set to Container Details.

    5. Package Details - The Package Details type can be assigned to any report that has the Item Type set to Package Details.

    6. Purchasing - The Purchasing type can be assigned to any report that has the Item Type set to Purchasing.

    7. Invoice - The Invoice type can be assigned to any report that has the Item Type set to Invoice.

Default Checkbox

For each Template Type, there is one default template.

  1. Each report under Admin > Company > Reports whose Format = PDF can specify a template to format the report. When a report does not specify a template the default template associated with the Template Type and Report Item Type is used when the report is run. For example, this report does not have a Template specified.


  2. Out-of-the-box templates preceded with the word “Stratus” serve as the default template.


  3. As new templates are added, the Admin can choose to make a different template serve as the default template by checking the Default checkbox.


  4. If a template preceded with the word “Stratus” is edited, it can be reset its out-of-the-box template element content and positions.

Paper Size and Orientation

Each template is constrained by the Paper Size which is defined by the Paper Size and Orientation.

  1. Click the Paper Size drop-down to set the paper size. The paper space boundary will be set to the paper size selected.


  2. Use the Custom option to set a custom paper size.

  3. If you make any changes, click the Save button.

  4. The Orientation can be Landscape or Portrait.

    1. Note: If the template includes elements and then the orientation is changed, the orientation command may automatically resize some elements to fit the new orientation. An Orientation change only is saved after the Save button is clicked.

  5. For best results, if you use the Insert Image feature to insert an image of an AutoCAD sheet that you saved to a .jpg or .png, the inserted image may be larger than your paper size. In this case, use the Custom option to create a size large enough to contain the image, then resize the image so that it fits your sheet. Once the image is sized, change the Paper Size back to the correct size.

Page Management

By default, out-of-the-box Stratus templates start with one page. New pages can be added and the elements on each page can be independently managed. Pages can also be deleted.

Page Summary

Once the template Paper Size and Orientation have been set, a page will include the following:

  1. Create Page - Use the Page Selector to select the page. After clicking the +Page button, the page will be inserted after the currently selected page. There is no limit to the number of pages that can be created.

  2. Page Selector - The Page Selector arrows are used to select the active page (currently page 4 of 5).


  3. Delete Page - Use the Page Selector to select the page to be deleted and then click the Delete Page button.

  4. Show in full-screen mode - The Show in full-screen mode button will display the page in full screen. Neither the Stratus menu nor the Windows taskbar will display. Note: If, after exiting full-screen mode, the Page Properties panel is offscreen, go back to full-screen mode, move the panel and then exit full-screen mode until the panel is onscreen.

  5. Paper Space Elements - Report elements are placed on the page. Only the default Report element is displaying above. See the Report section for more information.

  6. Page Properties - Page Properties displays all template elements. See the Working with Content Element Properties for more detailed information.

    1. The element selected in Page Properties can be edited even if it is not on the currently selected page. If the element is on the currently selected page, it will be highlighted in blue and will blink. Note: The currently selected element in this example is on page 2 indicated by the check on Page 2. This element could be on multiple pages indicated by checks on other pages.

    2. Elements highlighted in white have been placed on the selected page.

    3. Elements highlighted in gray have not been placed on the selected page.

  7. Zoom - The Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons only zoom the paper space, not the Page properties or the web page in general

  8. Scroll bars - Sometimes the paper space exceeds the viewable window depending on the template's Size, Orientation, and Zoom settings. The scroll bars will display when needed.

Page Selector

The Page Selector arrows are used to select the active page. In the example below there are 5 total pages in the template and page 4 is the currently selected page. When the actual report is run, data extracted to display on either a Report or a Secondary Report element may overflow to one or more subsequent pages, thereby increasing the number of pages of the actual report. See the Overflow Data section for more information.

Add New Page

Adding a New Page gives users control over where report elements display.

To add a new Page:

  1. Open the template.

  2. Use the Page Selector to select the page.

  3. Click the +Page button.


  4. The new page will be inserted after the selected page and will bump any existing pages after the newly inserted page number to a new page number. In addition:


    1. the new page will inherit content elements whose Page Property Value is set to All as well as the template Paper Size, Orientation, and Template Type.

    2. the new page will be the active page.

    3. the Page Selector will indicate that the new page is active.

    4. the Page Property Value will indicate which page is active.

Delete Page

To delete a page:

  1. Use the Page Selector to select the page and then click the delete Page button.


  2. In this example, if page 2/3 is selected and the Delete Page button is clicked, Page 2 and all of its elements will be deleted and Page 3 will become Page 2. If any elements are included on other pages, those elements will not be deleted.

Cover Page

A cover page is configured like any other page by defining the elements that are on Page 1 compared to Page 2, etc.

Omit page if Report(s) are empty

The Omit page if Report(s) are empty option under Page Properties. With this option checked, the page will display if any reports configured on the page include data, if not the page will be omitted and not display.

For example:

  1. Template Setup = CSG _ MEP _ Hanger Fabrication - This template has 2 pages. Each page includes a report and the Omit page if Report(s) are empty option under Page Properties. By default the Omit page if Report(s) are empty option is unchecked.

  2. Unchecked - Omit page if Report(s) are empty - When the Omit page if Report(s) are empty option is unchecked, the Stratus Sheet will display a page regardless if report data exists.

    1. Page 1 - includes a secondary report for Single Rod hangers which exist in the selected package.


    2. Page 2 - includes a secondary report for Trapeze hangers which do not exist in the selected package. However, since Omit page if Report(s) are empty option is unchecked, the page still displays.


  3. Checked - Omit page if Report(s) are empty - When the Omit page if Report(s) are empty option is checked, the Stratus Sheet will display a page only if report data if it exists (Ex. Page 1), but not if no data exists (Ex. Page 2).

    1. Page 1 - includes a secondary report for Single Rod hangers which exist in the selected package.


    2. Page 2 - includes a secondary report for Trapeze hangers which do not exist in the selected package. Since Omit page if Report(s) are empty option is checked, this page does not display in the Stratus Sheet.

  4. If a secondary report is added to Page 2 that includes data from the selected package, then the page will display. So each report placed on page is evaluated to determine if it should be omitted if the report is empty.

Overflow Data

Overflow data will flow to a new page using the same elements as the prior page. Once the overflow data has been placed on a page, the elements configured for the next page number will be used.

For example, below is a 3-page template. The Page 2 template configuration and elements below include 3 different Secondary Reports. The data to be included in the PIPE-BOM Secondary Report exceeds what can fit in the height of the element. As a result, the data overflows to the next page using the same page template settings. Once all data for the Secondary Report has been placed on a page, then the following page will use the Page 3 template configuration and elements. As a result, a template may have 4 defined pages, but the actual report could include many more pages.

Content Elements Defined

Page Content Elements are placed in the paper space. Each element placed in the paper space of a page will also display in the Page Properties panel. Each element includes Properties to size, position, layer, and some elements have additional properties.


The Report element is used to populate a report with tabular report data defined in existing reports under Admin > Company > Reports. A Report element is configured differently than a Secondary Report.

  1. The Report element is placed on a new template by default. The Report element cannot be manually added to a page or deleted from a page. The Report element’s Page Property Value can be set to hide or display the element on each page.

  2. When the Report element’s Page Property Value is set to display the element on a page, it means that there will be a report under Admin > Company > Reports, where the template is selected (below).


    1. The Templates available for a report depend on the report’s Item Type. Only templates whose Template Type is compatible with the Report Item Type will display. For example, only a Package Details Template Type can be associated with a Report whose Item Type is Package Details. See the Template Type section for more information.

    2. When the report is run, the report title (See Show Report Title below) and the report’s report field data will display within the boundaries of the Report element. See the Overflow Data section for more information.

  3. With the Report element selected, the configuration options include:


    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

    4. Font Size can be changed under the selected report's Property settings. There are separate font settings for the report Title and the report Body.

    5. Show Report Title - The Show Report Title checkbox is part of both the Report element and is used to control whether the report title will display on the report or not. See the screenshot above. For example:

      1. Checked - When checked, a report run from the Package’s Attachments tab will display the title of the report.


      2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the report title will not display.

Secondary Report

A Secondary Report element is only available on templates whose Template Type is Assembly Viewer or Package Details. The Secondary Report element is used to populate a report with tabular report data defined in existing reports under Admin > Company > Reports. A Secondary Report element is configured differently than a Report.

  1. When any Secondary Report element is placed on any template page, it means that when the report associated with the template is run, the selected Secondary Report will also run.


    1. The reports that display in the Secondary Report drop-down are those where the report’s Assembly Viewer checkbox is checked under Admin > Company > Reports.

    2. When the secondary report is run, the report title (See Show Report Title below) and the report’s report field data will display within the boundaries of the Secondary Report element. See the Overflow Data section for more information.

  2. To add a Secondary Report element to a page:

    1. Click the Secondary Report button and then click the drop-down button. A list of reports where the report’s Assembly Viewer checkbox is checked under Admin > Company > Reports will display.


    2. Select one secondary report.


    3. Click the Add button. The Secondary Report element using the report’s name will be placed in the top left corner of the selected page’s paper space.


  3. With the Secondary Report element selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element. Notice that a Secondary Report can be deleted.

    4. Show Report Title - The Show Report Title checkbox is part of both the Report element and is used to control whether the report title will display on the report or not. See screenshot above. For example:

      1. Checked - When checked, a report run from the Package’s Attachments tab will display the title of the report.


      2. Unchecked - When unchecked, the report title will not display.

Insert Image

Insert Image can be used to insert an image like a company logo or an AutoCAD sheet. Supported file types include gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. Note: Many company's use the Insert Image feature to insert an image of an AutoCAD sheet that was saved to a .jpg or .png file within the authoring software. The inserted image may be larger than your paper size. In this case, use the Paper Size > Custom option to create a size large enough to contain the image, then resize the image so that it fits your sheet. Once the image is sized, change the Paper Size back to the correct size. Use the right-click tools to control the layering or draw order (Ex. Send to Back, Bring Forward, etc.). 

To Insert Image:

  1. Click the Insert Image button.

  2. Locate the image. The Insert an Image dialog will display.


  3. Click Insert. The image will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  4. With the element selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element. Notice that a Secondary Report can be deleted.

    4. Data - Provides a thumbnail of the selected image.


A label element is used to place any formatted text on the page.

To add a label to paper space:

  1. Click the Label drop-down.


  2. Enter the name of a label and then click Add. The label will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  3. With the Report element selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

    4. Font Size can be changed in the right-click menu or under the selected label’s Property settings.

    5. Rotation can be used to rotate Label and Report Fields 90 degrees.

Report Field

The Report Field drop-down lists report fields that are compatible with the selected template’s Template Type. For example, if the Template Type is Assemblies Viewer, then the drop-down list will be restricted to Stratus.Assembly options. Similarly, if the Template Type is Package Details, then the drop-down list will be restricted to Stratus.Field and Stratus.Package options.

To add a report field:

  1. Click the Report Field button and then click the drop-down button. A list of report fields compatible with the selected template’s Template Type will display.


  2. Select one report field.


  3. Click the Add button. The Report Field element will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  4. With the Report element selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

    4. Font Size can be changed in the right-click menu or under the selected label’s Property settings.

    5. Rotation can be used to rotate Label and Report Fields 90 degrees.


A user’s project role can be added as a report field.

The value(s) for property Stratus.Project.*, where * is a project role comes from the Admin > Project > Team > Project Role value for each team member. The Role name check is not case-sensitive, but does need to be an exact match otherwise. For example, when Stratus.Project.ShopForeman is selected below, team member project roles for Shop Foreman or Foreman will display.


Stratus.Project.Detailer: Detailer, Draftsman
Stratus.Project.FieldForeman: Field Foreman, Foreman
Stratus.Project.FieldManager: Field Manager, Foreman
Stratus.Project.ProjectManager: Project Manager
Stratus.Project.ShopForeman: Shop Foreman, Foreman
Stratus.Project.ShopManager: Shop Manager, Foreman

QR Code

A QR Code can be placed on any page for easy access to the item in Stratus and for tracking updates. The type of QR Code placed on the page pre-configured by the Template Type. Below is a list of Template Types and the resulting QR Code.

  • Assembly Viewer = Assembly QR Code

  • Bill of Materials = Package QR Code

  • Container Details = Container QR Code

  • Generic - QR Code is not available

  • Invoice - QR Code is not available

  • Package Details = Package QR Code

  • Purchasing - QR Code is not available

To add a QR Code to a Template Type that allows a QR Code:

  1. Click the QR Code button.

  2. The QR Code element will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  3. With the selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

Top View, Front View, Isometric View

A Top View, Front View, or Isometric View can be placed on any page.

To add a View to a page:

  1. Click the Top View, Front View, or Isometric View button.

  2. The view element will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  3. With the selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

    4. Select View Style - The Select View Style option is unique to view elements. When clicked a list of View Styles configured under Admin > Company > View Styles will display. Select the View Style to be used for the selected view.


To add a Horizontal Line to the template:

  1. Click the Line button.

  2. The element will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  3. With the selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.


Rectangles can be used to create a border.

To add a Rectangle element to the template:

  1. Click the Rectangle button.

  2. The element will be placed on the selected page’s paper space in the top left corner.


  3. With the selected, the configuration options include:

    1. Page Property Value can display the element on All pages or set to Custom to control which page(s) the element displays on.

    2. Size and Position can be used to place the element in paper space.

    3. Right-click Commands and Layering can be used to layer the element.

Working with Content Element Properties

Create an Element in Paper Space

To place an element on a page’s paper space:

  1. Click an element highlighted below. See specifics on how individual elements are placed in the Page Content Elements Defined section.


  2. In this example, a Label has been initially placed.


  3. The element will initially display in the top left corner of the paper space. If there is already an element there, it will look messy. Click and drag the element to place the element. Placement will be constrained by the paper space.

  4. Other tools can be used to format the element as needed.

Select Element

  1. When an element is selected (Ex. Report) in either paper space or in Page Properties:

    1. it has a blue border that blinks on/off so that it is easy to locate

    2. it is highlighted in the paper space

    3. it is highlighted in the Page Properties

    4. the Page number is highlighted

    5. the Pages in which the element has been included are checked

    6. Properties that can be edited display. For the Label element, the position and dimensions can be edited

Page Property Value

All elements have a Page Property that controls which pages the selected element will display on. On each page, the element can have a different size and position.

  1. All - When All is selected, the element will display on All template pages. Newly created pages will inherit elements where All is selected.

  2. Custom - When Custom is selected, the element will only display on the selected pages.

Font Size and Alignment

Font Size and Font Alignment for Label and Report Field elements can be controlled from the Page Properties panel. Font Size can also be controlled by right-clicking the element.

Size and Position

An element can be positioned or resized in paper space or in the Page Properties panel.

  1. To position any element within the paper boundaries, click/drag the element or, under Page Properties, enter the position into the Top or Left property.

  2. To resize any element within the paper boundaries, click/drag the bottom right corner handle or, under Page Properties, enter the position into the Width or Height property. When manually entering size values, only positive integers are valid. A decimal is rounded to the nearest integer and a negative number is converted to 0. In this example, Height = 400 (pixels).


  3. Note: If the size dimensions of a report are too small to fit the data, a message similar to the following will display when the report is run.

Right-click Commands and Layering

When right-clicking an element in either paper space or in Page Properties, the same commands display.

  1. Right-click the element in paper space.


  2. Right-click the element in Page Properties.



The Rotation option is available to rotate text fields (Label and Report Field) 90 degrees. Note: Word wrap is available for 0 degree but not 90 degree rotation. Also, Left, Center, and Right alignment work for both 0 and 90 degree rotation, but Justify alignment for 90 degree is equivalent to Left align.

To rotate a text field:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Templates, open a template.

  2. Select a Label or Report Field text field.

  3. Change Rotation from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. The text rotates 90 degrees, but the text field dimensions still needs to be manually adjusted.


  4. Adjust the text field dimensions and then Save the template.


  5. Run the report and the rotated text will display.


08/19/2024 - Stratus Academy: ADM-508: Admin 2 - Templates

To take the Templates course, login to Stratus Academy and and locate the course ADM-508: Admin 2 - Templates.

03/18/2021 CSG Webinar: View Styles For PDF Templates

00:00 Release Notes Review
03:15 View Styles Linked to Templates
04:30 View Styles Configuration
05:30 Render, Appearance, Visibility Examples
12:00 Part, Dimension, Tag Visibility Examples
18:00 Line Weights, Fonts, Arrowheads
25:25 Item Number - Leaders, Arrowheads, Background Bubble Color

03/11/2021 CSG Webinar: Setting Up PDF Templates

00:00 Introduction
02:20 Relationship Between a Report and a Template
4:10 Template Types
10:15 Assemblies Viewer Template
14:20 Title Block
19:50 Multiple Page Templates
31:30 Questions

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