04/06/2023 - v6.1.4.28

04/06/2023 - v6.1.4.28

04/06/2023 - v6.1.4.28


This Release Notes article is published approximately one week before the actual release date to provide companies with information about the upcoming release. Information within this article may change. Release Notes are then integrated into the STRATUS Knowledge Base within one week of the release date.

Publish Updates

The following is a list of updates related to the STRATUS Addin for Revit and AutoCAD used for publishing models to STRATUS. This information will help companies determine if they want to update software or wait until the mandatory quarterly update is made available. Customers who encounter a publish issue that has been fixed by an updated version of the software will be required to install the latest software version.

  • Revit and AutoCAD Addin - No

  • STRATUS Workstation - Yes

  • RazorGage Workstation - No

  • Print Workstation - No

  • Lightning - Yes

STRATUS Workstation - Added Negative Load Offset

Added the ability to enter a negative Load Offset (in) value.

Use case: This solves an issue when using the Kwik-Snap Cast Iron Pipe Cutter and where STRATUS Workstation Dimension Mode is set for BackStop the first cut is off by 0.125 as it did not account for the Kwik-Snap chains.

Added Auto Generate Reports on Package Tracking Status Change

Added the ability to auto generate reports (CSV/PDF/ZPL) when a package’s Tracking Status is changed and display them on the Package’s Attachments tab. This feature is similar to how MAJ and PCF can be auto generated on tracking status changes per package category. Under Admin > Company > Reports, reports whose Item Type is Master Report, Package, Package Details, Assembly, or Part and whose Package Viewer checkbox is checked will be available.

For example:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Package Categories, for a Package Category, click the numeric value under Generate on Tracking Status > Report.
    Note: The numeric value indicates how many reports are triggered for the associated Package Category.


  2. The Generate Reports for *Package Category* dialog will display.

  3. Click the New Trigger button. A new row will display.

    1. Select a Report that will automatically generate and display in the Package’s > Attachments tab.

    2. Select the Tracking Status change that will trigger the report generation for a package using the associated Package Category.

  4. Click Save.

  5. To auto generate the report from anywhere a package tracking status can be changed, identify a package associated with the Package Category Report Trigger defined above (Ex. Category = Fabrication Production).

  6. Change the Tracking Status to the one selected in the Report Trigger (Ex. Cut). Refresh the page until the report display in the package’s attachment tab.

Added Lightning Catalog Parts

The Add Lightning Catalog Parts button and dialog has been added to the Packages > Viewer > Parts data table. This feature is enabled when a model has been published along with its Fabrication database. Items from the Fabrication database catalog can be added to the package and automatically published.

GTP Lightning application:

  • Can be downloaded from the STRATUS Help page.

  • Can be used with both STRATUS and Field Orderz to publish and synchronize Autodesk Fabrication databases to the GTP Cloud.

  • Enables Fabrication Services to be used by Field Orderz for sketching and fitting input.

  • Improves the speed of the STRATUS model publish process.

  • Enables STRATUS publishing for users without access to the Fabrication database.

  • Is used to add Fabrication Catalog parts to a package (see below).

To use the Add Lightning Catalog Parts feature:

  1. Before the Add Lightning Catalog Parts feature is enabled, the model’s Fabrication database must be published using the GTP Lightning app.

    1. Download GTP Lightning from the STRATUS Help page.

    2. For more information about how to configure download and install GTP Lightning see the following article:

      1. Lightning

  2. Open a package whose model has been published using GTP Lightning. Under Packages > Viewer > Items > Parts, the Add Lightning Catalog Parts button will display.


  3. Click the Add Lightning Catalog Parts button. The Lightning Catalog displays an Add Part(s) to PackageName dialog similar to the following.


    1. 1. Filter

      1. Search - Search for text included in a part in the Fabrication database.

      2. Bought Out

        1. Unchecked (Default) - When unchecked, Bought Out items will not display.

        2. Checked - When checked, Bought Out items will display.

      3. Profile - The Profile drop-down displays all of the authoring tool profiles available when the Fabrication database was published. The Default profile will display by default. The selected Profile will be used to filter the parts in the catalog.

      4. Service Type - The Service Type drop-down includes service types.

      5. Service - The Service drop-down includes parent service groups (bold) and child services.

      6. Material - Displays the list of materials.

      7. Manufacturer - Displays the list of manufacturers.

      8. Connector - Displays the list of connectors.

      9. Part Type - The Part Type drop-down filter only includes the following options:

        1. Any - Displays any part.

        2. Fittings - Only displays parts that are fittings.

        3. Straights - Only displays parts that are straights.

      10. Quick Add - Displays the top 10 added parts determined by the number of times the exact part was added to a package.

    2. 2. Select (###)

      1. The Select (###) will display the number of parts in the filter.

      2. Expand the catalog to locate and select parts. Once selected the part will display in the Configure and Add section and an image of the part will display if one is in the Fabrication database.


    3. 3. Configure and Add - For a selected item:

      1. QTY - For the item to be added, set the quantity.

      2. Size - For the item to be added, if the Fabrication database includes multiple sizes, each one can be separately selected. A new size can be selected and the Add plus button clicked to add multiple sizes.

      3. Add plus button - Click the Add button to add the part to the data table.

      4. Remove - In the Remove column, click the remove button (red) to remove an item from the data table.

      5. Publish Items to STRATUS

        1. After one part is added, the Publish Items to STRATUS button will be enabled.

        2. Click the Publish Items to STRATUS button to publish the selected catalog items to the STRATUS package. The publish process will extract the needed properties for STRATUS from the Fabrication database.

        3. During the publish process, the package will be locked.

    4. Once the Add Lightning Catalog Parts publish process is complete:

      1. The package will be unlocked.

      2. The parts will display in the Packages > Viewer > Parts data table.

      3. The publish parts tracking Status’s will be assigned the first Applies to Part Tracking Status (Ex. Design).

Added Additional Custom Fields for Cut List Mappings

Additional custom fields (User Data 10 thru 15) were added to the Part Template single-axis cut list mappings as well as the Import Mappings configurations to allow for even more custom data to be sent to labels. See the Configure Cut List Mappings userData Custom Label Fields section of the Part Templates (Admin) article for more information. Below is the Cut List Mapping dialog:

Added .zpl Attachment

Added the ability to attach a .zpl file wherever attachments can be made.

Added TrackingStatusOnDate() Function

The TrackingStatusOnDate() function can be used in a Field Expression to determine the tracking status of a package at a specific time, either Now() or DateOffset(Now()).

  1. Now() - When used with the Now() function, the package’s tracking status at the time the report is run will be returned. Alternatively, the Today() function will return the package’s tracking status at midnight.
    Now() syntax example - TrackingStatusOnDate({STRATUS.Package.TrackingStatusLog}, {STRATUS.Package.TrackingStatusLogDT}, Now())

  2. DateOffset(Now()) - When used with DateOffset(Now()), the package’s tracking status for x number of days (Ex. -7) in the past can be displayed.
    DateOffset(Now()) syntax example - {STRATUS.Package.TrackingStatusLogDT}, DateOffset(Now(), 0, -7, 0))

Added Message When Deleting a Field

Added check that prevents deleting a field that used in a Template. When a user attempt to delete a field that is used a Template, an error message similar to the following will display. This will help prevent accidentally deleting a field and the reports that use the field from failing.

Added Open API Endpoints

Added the following Open API endpoints:

GET /v1/company/project-role-types

GET /v1/user/{id}/project-roles

POST /v1/user/{id}/project-role

PATCH /v1/user/{id}/project-role

DELETE /v1/user/{id}/project-role/{projectId}

Added Activity When Dimensions Deleted

Added an Activity when dimensions are deleted using the Delete All Dimensions button.

To use the Deleted Dimensions Activity:

  1. Under your badge > Account Settings > Notifications, check the Activity Feed checkbox associated with Deleted Dimensions.


  2. Open and assembly that has dimensions.

  3. Click the Delete All Dimensions button.

  4. The activity will display under Admin > Company > Activities.

Updated Package Viewer Reports

Admin Note: Please verify that reports to be used on the following tabs have the Package Viewer checkbox checked under Admin > Company > Reports.

  • Packages > Viewer > Attachments

  • Packages > Viewer > Stratus Sheet

Restricted Report Item Types Used for the Package Viewer

The Package Viewer checkbox column is only available to the following Report Item Types:

  • Part

  • Assembly

  • Package

  • Package Details (New - Default Checked)

  • Master

Restricted Report List in Package Attachments and Package Categories

Restricted the list of reports available in drop-down lists in 2 areas (Package Attachments and Package Categories) to match those reports whose Package Viewer checkbox is checked. For example:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Reports, the Package Viewer checkbox can be checked to filter those reports associated with packages.


  2. Package’s Attachments tab - The list of Package Attachment reports (right) is restricted to Reports whose Package Viewer checkbox is checked (left). Note: Previous to this update, any report could display in the Package’s Attachments Report drop-down list.


  3. Package Categories (New Generate Reports for Fabrication Production feature) - The list of reports (right) is restricted to Reports whose Package Viewer checkbox is checked (left). Note: See the Added Auto Generate Reports on Package Tracking Status Change section for more information.

Updated Project Roles for Numbering - Models, Packages, and Assemblies

Updated Numbering Project Roles to be more granular. The settings functions the same for the following:

  • Admin > Company > Project Roles > Models > Viewer > Toolbar > Numbering

  • Admin > Company > Project Roles > Packages > Details > Viewer > Toolbar > Numbering

  • Admin > Company > Project Roles > Assemblies > Viewer > Toolbar > Numbering

Below are examples of how each project role functions.

  1. Configure Project Roles under Admin > Company > Project Roles > Models > Viewer > Toolbar > Numbering.


  2. Numbering

    1. None Checked or if Display is not checked - When no Numbering checkboxes are checked or when the Display checkbox is not checked, the Item Numbers button will not display.


    2. Numbering (Parent) - When Numbering (Parent) is checked, all the child checkboxes will be automatically checked, the Item Numbers button will display, and the additional options flyout will display.


    3. Display - When checked, the Display - Item Numbers button will display and when clicked the numbers and tags will display. The fly-out that includes additional edit options will not display.


    4. Modify - Modify will be removed after the v6.1.4 release in lieu of the other options.

    5. Bulk Delete - When Bulk Delete is checked the Bulk Edit - Delete All Item Numbers and Tags tool will display and when clicked any existing numbers or tags will be deleted.


    6. Custom Tags - When Custom Tags is checked the Custom Tags tool will display and when clicked the Annotation Tags dialog will display.



    7. Delete - When checked, the delete tag icon (red x) will display within a item number or tag. When the mouse hovers over the item number or tag the user will be able to click the icon and delete the item number or tag.


    8. Move - When checked, the move tag icon (blue +) will display within a item number or tag. When the mouse hovers over the item number or tag the user will be able to click the icon and move the item number or tag.


    9. Renumber - When Renumber is checked the Renumber - All Item Numbers tool will display and when clicked any existing item numbers will be renumbered.

Fixed Container Issue Updating Tracking Status Without Permission

Fixed an issue where a Container’s tracking status could be updated by a user whose Project Role did not have permission to the new Tracking Status. In this example, the user’s Project Role does not have access to the Shipped Tracking Status. As a result, the user is prevented from this change with the following message:

v6.1.3 Hotfixes Applied Between 3/3 and 3/23

Fixed Package Attachments .CSV Report

Fixed an report issue under Package > Attachments where the CSV button was clicked but a .PDF report was generated.

Fixed a Company Filters Display Issue

Fixed a Models > Viewer issue where Filters > Company (company filters) would not load for large models. A status bar now display that shows the progress of the filters loading.

Fixed Window Select Issue

Fixed an issue with the Window Select tool to more closely match how this AutoCAD feature works.

With the Window Select tool selected:

  1. Click and drag Left to Right - Parts are selected when the are within the bounds of the selecting box.

  2. Click and drag Right to Left - Parts are selected when the selecting box touches the part.

Fixed Issue Generating Master Report in Model with References

In the case where the model included references, an issue was fixed generating a Master Report under Packages > Attachments.

Fixed Issue Renaming Project Roles

Fixed an issue renaming Project Roles under Admin > Company > Project Roles.

Fixed Drop-down Display Issue

Fixed an issue where the drop-down list (Ex. Project) was being obscured by another drop-down list (Ex. Status). This issue was resolved in a 6.1.3 hotfix.

Fixed BIM Area Abbreviation Issue Creating New Package

Fixed an issue where the BIM Area Abbreviation as configured under Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering (Package Naming or Package Numbering) was not applied to new packages creating using the New Package on the Packages Dashboard.

  1. Under Naming and Numbering set Package Naming and Package Numbering to include BIM Area Abbreviation.


  2. Under Projects > Areas configure BIM Area Abbreviations (Ex. Abbreviation = C1A)


  3. From the Packages > Dashboard, click the New Package button and set the Area. The Area Abbreviation will populate the Package Number and Name.

Fixed Assemblies Viewer Issue when Model Published with Nest Families Assemblies

Fixed an issue when the published model included Nest Families Assemblies, the Assemblies Viewer would not load.

Fixed Open API Issue Retrieving C1AssembledTo Data

Fixed an Open API issue retrieving C1AssembledTo or C2AssembledTo data.

Fixed Printing Container Label by Standard User

Fixed an issue where a Standard User was not able to print a container label.

Fixed a Notifications Selection Issue

Fixed an issue setting Notification for Tracking Statuses under your badge, Account Settings > Notifications > Tracking Status. Previously, the issue was that only all tracking statuses could be selected. With this fix, individual tracking statuses can be selected.



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