08/07/2021 - v4.0.3.33

08/07/2021 - v4.0.3.33

08/07/2021 - v4.0.3.33

Updated Package Creation to Require a Phase Selection

STRATUS now includes a built-in package Lead Days feature that offers calculated default Start Dates for package phases. With this change, those who create Packages must set the Required Date in relation to a Package Phase. Phases are also used in Processor (Admin) and Tracking Statuses (Admin). See the Added Lead Days and Start Date Properties to Packages section for more information.

By default, no company will have Lead Days configured, therefore, package creators will still only need to enter a Required Date when creating a package.

Below are the package Phases in relation to Lead Days:

  • Office - Detailing Start Date

  • Purchasing - Purchasing Start Date

  • Shop - Fabrication Start Date

  • Field (Default) - Required On-site Date

To create a package in the Models Viewer or Packages Viewer:
By default, no company will have Lead Days configured, therefore, package creators will still only need to enter a Required Date when creating a package. Below is a more detailed description of how packages are created depending on the kind of package that needs to be created.

  1. Naming Convention - Package Creation assumes that the company Naming Convention has been configured. See the Naming and Numbering (Admin) article for more information.

  2. Category (Required) - Select the package Category. See the Package Categories (Admin) article for more information.

  3. Description (Optional) - Enter a Description as needed.

  4. Hours Estimated (Optional) - Enter Hours Estimated as needed.

  5. Phase (Required) - Select a package Phase.

    1. Field (Default) - Field is selected by default which is equivalent to how packages have has always been created. The Field Phase Required Date is the Start Date that the package materials are required to be on-site and ready for fieldwork to begin.

    2. Office, Purchasing, Shop - Select the Phase for packages that need a Start Date for Office, Purchasing, or Shop work to begin. If Lead Days have been configured for the Phase and Category, then Phase Start Dates, including the Field Required Date will be calculated. If Lead Days have not been configured, then all Phases will have the same Start Date.

  6. Required Date - Enter a Required Date for the selected Phase. The Required Date may or may not be calculated depending on which Phase is selected and which Lead Day settings have been configured.

    1. Field (Default) - If Phase = Field, then the Required Date on the Packages Dashboard (Default Report) will be set to the Required Date. See the screenshot below.

    2. Office, Purchasing, Shop - If Phase = Office, Purchasing, or Shop, then the Required Date on the Packages Dashboard (Default Report) will be calculated based on Lead Day settings.

      1. Lead Days configured - If Lead Days have been configured for the Phase and selected Category, then the Required Date displayed on the Packages Dashboard will be calculated.

      2. Lead Days not configured - If no Lead Days have been configured for the Phase and selected Category, then the Required Date displayed on the Packages Dashboard will be the Required Date and all Phases will have the same Start Date.

      3. See the Added Lead Days and Start Date Properties to Packages section for more information.

Added Lead Days and Start Date Properties to Packages

STRATUS now includes a built-in Package Phase Lead Days calculation feature. Lead Days are used to sequence and estimate the Start Date of Package Phases. Start Dates are driven by the Field Phase which is the Start Date that the package materials are required to be on-site and ready for fieldwork to begin. When a Required Date is set for a Phase like Purchasing, the Field Start Date can be calculated. From a project management perspective, a Phase can only be scheduled as Start-to-Start dependency which means that a successor Phase cannot begin before its predecessor Phase has started. For example, Shop cannot begin until Purchasing has started.

With this change, those who create Packages must set the Required Date in relation to the selected Package Phase. By default, no company will have Lead Days configured, therefore, package creators will still only need to enter a Required Date when creating a package.

Below are the package Phases in relation to Lead Days. Phases are also used in Processor (Admin) and Tracking Statuses (Admin). See the Added Lead Days and Start Date Properties to Packages section for more information.

  • Office - Detailing Start Date

  • Purchasing - Purchasing Start Date

  • Shop - Fabrication Start Date

  • Field (Default) - Required Onsite Date

Lead Days can be configured at the Company level or Project level and can be overridden at the Package level. If a company configures Company level settings, those settings can be overridden at the Project or Package Level. Similarly, Project level settings can be overridden at the Package level on the Package’s Properties tab.

No Lead Day Configuration

By default, no company will have Lead Days configured. For any existing packages that have a Required Date:

  1. Under Packages > Properties > Planning, all Phases will display the existing Required Date.

  2. Lead Days will be set to 0.

To calculate Start Dates for existing packages, administrators can do one of the following:

  1. Manually enter Lead Days or Start Dates. Since no Lead Days have been configured for the Package Category, the Start Date for all Phases would be the same Required Date. See the Package Level Configuration section for more information.

  2. Configure Company level Lead Days for the Package Category and then edit a Lead Day or Start Date for the package. The other Lead Days and Start Dates will calculate according to the Company level configuration settings.

  3. Configure Project level Lead Days for the Package Category then edit a Lead Day or Start Date for the package. The other Lead Days and Start Dates will calculate according to the Project level configuration settings.

Company Level Configuration

Company level Lead Day settings will apply to all project packages. Project level Lead Day settings can either override or be used instead of Company level Lead Day settings. Package level Lead Day settings override both Company level and Project level Lead Day settings. Changes to Company level settings only impact packages newly created after the change is saved.

To configure Company Level Lead Day settings:

  1. At the Company level under Admin > Company > Package Categories, Lead Days (M-F) columns have been added for Office, Purchasing, and Shop.


    1. Phases - A Lead Day can be set for each Phase (Office, Purchasing, and Shop) and for each Package Category.

    2. Lead Day - A Lead day is a business day Monday thru Friday. In the current calculation, weekends are excluded while public holidays are included as a business day. For example, if a Start Date for Purchasing Phase is 9/1/2021 and the Lead Day is set to 21, the Start Date for the Shop Phase will be 9/29/2021 where 4 Saturdays and 4 Sundays were excluded, and the public holiday 9/6/2021 was not excluded.

    3. Lead Day Duration - The minimum lead day duration for any Phase is 1 day.

    4. Lead Days = 0 - The default Lead Day for each Phase is = 0. As a result, when a package is created for a Package Category where Lead Days = 0, no days will be added to the Start Date for the Phase in relation to the Required Date set.

    5. Field - Currently, the Field Phase only has a calculated Start Date and does not have Lead Days.

  2. In the examples that follow:

    1. The Lead Days for the Package Category Mechanical Piping will be set at the Company level to:

      1. Office = 8

      2. Purchasing = 21

      3. Shop = 17

    2. Other Package Categories (Ex. Deck Activities) are unchanged from the default Lead Day = 0. As a result, all Start Dates displayed on the Schedule and the Package’s Properties for each Phase (Office, Purchasing, and Shop) will be set to the Required Date entered when the package is created.

Example 1: The Field Phase is set as the Package Required Date

  1. For a new package, the Field Phase Required Date is set for 11/30/2021 and the Category is set to Mechanical Piping which has the Company level Lead Days settings above. Note: By default, a new package’s Phase will be set to Field where Field is defined as the Start Date that the package materials were required to be on-site and ready for fieldwork to begin the following day.


  2. The resulting Field Phase Required Date (11/30/2021) displays on the Packages Dashboard.


  3. The Packages > Properties > Planning section will display the Start Dates for the Package Phases based on the Company Level Lead Days settings.


    1. Office - Calculated to be 09/27/2021, 8 Lead Days before the Purchasing Start Date.

    2. Purchasing - Calculated to be 10/07/2021, 21 Lead Days before the Shop Start Date.

    3. Shop - Calculated to be 11/05/2021, 17 Lead Days before the Field Start Date.

    4. Field - The Package was created with the Field Phase selected, therefore, the Required Date 11/30/2021 was used as the Field Start Date.

    5. Package Duration - The Package Duration is calculated from the Office Start Date to Field Start Date which is 47 business days. Note: Public holidays like Thanksgiving are currently calculated as a business day.

  4. Packages > Schedule - The Start Date for each phase will display as a row on the Packages > Schedule. See the Reworked Packages > Schedule section for more information. Rows on the Packages Schedule include Project Name, BIM Area (Optional), Package, and Phases.


    1. Hover over any phase to display information. Notice the Duration of 8 days corresponds with the Company level Package Category (Mechanical Piping) and its Office Lead Days setting of 8 days.


    2. In this example where only Company level Package Category Lead Days are set, any change to a Start Date, End Date, or Duration is considered a Package level override. See either the Package Level Configuration section or the Reworked Packages > Schedule for more information.

Example 2: The Office Phase is set as the Package Required Date

  1. For a new package, the Office Phase Required Date is set for 11/30/2021.


  2. The resulting Field Phase Required Date is calculated to be 2/22/2022 and displays on the Packages Dashboard.


  3. The Packages > Properties > Planning section will display the Start Dates for the Package Phases based on the Company Level Lead Days settings.


    1. Office - The Package was created with the Office Phase selected, therefore, the Office Required Date is 11/30/2021.

    2. Purchasing - Calculated to be 12/10/2021, 8 Lead Days after the Office Start Date.

    3. Shop - Calculated to be 1/10/2022, 21 Lead Days after the Purchasing Start Date.

    4. Field - Calculated to be 2/22/2022, 17 Lead Days after the Shop Start Date.

      1. The Package was created with the Office Phase selected, therefore, the Field Phase Start Date was calculated.

    5. Package Duration - The Package Duration is calculated from the Office Start Date to Field Start Date which is 47 business days.

  4. Packages > Schedule - The Start Date for each phase will display as a row on the Packages > Schedule. See the Reworked Packages > Schedule section for more information. Rows on the Packages Schedule include Project Name, BIM Area (Optional), Package, and Phases.


    1. Hover over any phase to display information. Notice the Duration of 21 days corresponds with the Company level Package Category (Mechanical Piping) and its Purchasing Lead Days setting of 21 days.


    2. In this example where only Company level Package Category Lead Days are set, any change to a Start Date, End Date, or Duration is considered a Package level override. See either the Package Level Configuration section or the Reworked Packages > Schedule for more information.

Project Level Configuration

Project level Lead Day settings will apply to the specific project and will override Company level Lead Day settings. Package level Lead Day settings override both Company level and Project level Lead Day settings. Changes to Project level settings only impact packages newly created after the change is saved.

  1. At the Project level under Admin > Projects > Settings, the Lead Days (M-F) section displays.


  2. Any Company level settings will display.


    1. Phases - A Lead Day can be set for each Phase (Office, Purchasing, and Shop) and for each Package Category.

    2. Lead Day - A Lead day is a business day Monday thru Friday. In the current calculation, weekends are excluded while public holidays are included as a business day. For example, if a Start Date for Purchasing Phase is 9/1/2021 and the Lead Day is set to 21, the Start Date for the Shop Phase will be 9/29/2021 where 4 Saturdays and 4 Sundays were excluded, and the public holiday 9/6/2021 was not excluded.

    3. Lead Days = 0 - The default Lead Day for each Phase is = 0. As a result, when a package is created for a Package Category where Lead Days = 0, no days will be added to the Start Date for the Phase in relation to the Required Date set.

    4. Field - Currently, the Field Phase only has a Start Date.

Example 1: Project level Settings

Any Lead Day change at the Project level overrides the existing Company level setting for the edited Package Category and Phase.

To set Lead Days for a Package Category in a project:

  1. Click the value to change within the table and enter the number of Lead Days for any Package Category. In this example, for the Hangers and Supports Package Category, 3, 4, and 8 were entered for Office, Purchasing, and Shop package Phases.


  2. Click Save.

  3. For a new package:

    1. Category = Hangers and Supports

    2. Phase = Field

    3. Required Date = 11/30/2021


  4. The resulting Field Phase Required Date (11/30/2021) displays on the Packages Dashboard.


  5. The Packages > Properties > Planning section will display the Start Dates for the Package Phases based on the Company Level Lead Days settings.


    1. Office - Calculated to be 11/8/2021, 3 Lead Days before the Purchasing Start Date.

    2. Purchasing - Calculated to be 11/11/2021, 21 Lead Days before the Shop Start Date.

    3. Shop - Calculated to be 11/18/2021, 8 Lead Days before the Field Start Date.

    4. Field - The Package was created with the Field Phase selected, therefore, the Required Date (11/30/2021) was used as the Field Start Date.

    5. Package Duration - The Package Duration is calculated from the Office Start Date to Field Start Date which is 17 business days.

  6. Packages > Schedule - The Start Date for each phase will display as a row on the Packages > Schedule. See the Reworked Packages > Schedule section for more information.


    1. Hover over any phase to display information. Notice the Duration of 8 days corresponds with the Company level Package Category (Mechanical Piping) and its Shop Lead Days setting of 8 days.


    2. In this example where only Company level Package Category Lead Days are set, any change to a Start Date, End Date, or Duration is considered a Package level override. See either the Package Level Configuration section or the Reworked Packages > Schedule for more information.

Package Level Configuration

A package’s Lead Days and Start Date for each Phase can be manually edited in the Planning section of the Package’s Properties tab. Once edited, neither Company level nor Project level Lead Days will apply to the package.

Existing Packages with a Future Required Date

  1. In this example, which is typical for existing packages:

    1. The Start Date for all Phases is the package’s Required Date (Ex. 9/1/2021).

    2. There are no locks.


    3. Change the Office Phase Start Date to 9/2/2021. As a result:

      1. The Office Phase Start Date is 9/2/2021 + 0 Lead Days = the Purchasing Phase Start Date set to 9/2/2021.

      2. Shop and Field Phase Start Dates also have 0 Lead Days so their Start Date is also 9/2/2021.

      3. The modified Phase’s Start Date is locked and its Lead Days is disabled.


      4. And, if the Start Date is changed for the Purchasing Phase from 9/2/2021 to 9/3/2021.

        1. The Office Phase Start Date is Locked so it does not change.

        2. The Purchasing Start Date changes to 9/3/2021, its Start Date is automatically locked, and its Lead Days is disabled.

        3. Shop and Field Phase Start Dates have 0 Lead Days so their Start Dates are also 9/3/2021.


Existing Packages with a Past Required Date

  1. For any packages whose Required Date is in the past, edit the Required Date from the Packages Dashboard. In this example:

    1. The Package Required Date in the past (8/1/20211). It is not currently editable under Packages > Properties > Planning.


    2. To edit the Required Date, go to the Packages > Dashboard (Default Report) and edit the Required Date.


    3. Refresh the Properties tab and the Required Date will change. If it is still in the past, which it is in this example, it will still not be editable in the Properties tab.


Locked Start Date (Field)

  1. A Lock prevents changes to either the Phase Start Date or Lead Day when other Phases are changed. A Phase Start Date is locked when it is manually edited or when the locked icon is clicked.

    1. In this example:

      1. The Field Phase Start Date is locked.


      2. The Shop Start Date is edited to 8/23/21.


      3. The Shop Start Date displays and automatically locks.

      4. The Shop Lead Days calculates the number of business days to the Field Start Date (Ex. 7).

      5. The Purchasing Lead Days (-7) calculate to retain their original Start Date (9/1/2021).

      6. The Purchasing Days and Start Date turn red to indicate that they are greater than the next Phase Start Date which is Shop.


    2. A follow-up to the previous example:

      1. The Field Phase is locked. The Shop phase is not locked.

      2. The Purchasing Start Date is edited to a business day (Ex. 8/2/2021) and then it is automatically locked.

      3. The Purchasing Lead Days calculate the number of business days to the Shop Start Date which has not changed (Ex. 22).

      4. The Office Lead Days (-22) calculate to retain their original Start Date (9/1/2021).

      5. The Office Lead Days and Start Date turn red to indicate that they are greater than the next Phase Start Date which is Shop.


Unlock Start Date (Field)

  1. In this example:

    1. The Start Date for all Phases is 9/1/2021.

    2. The Field Date is Locked.


    3. Unlock the Field Start Date by clicking the lock icon.


    4. Edit the Purchasing Start Date (Left) to a business day (Ex. 9/9/2021). Note: This date is greater than 9/1/2021 for the Field Start Date (Right) which is unlocked. As a result:

      1. The Purchasing Start Date is edited to a business day (Ex. 9/9/2021) and then it is automatically locked.

      2. The Purchasing Lead Days calculate the number of business days to the Shop Start Date which has not changed (Ex. -6).

      3. The Purchasing Lead Days and Start Date turn red to indicate that they are greater than the next Phase Start Date which is Shop.

      4. The Office Lead Days (-6) calculate to retain their original Start Date (9/1/2021).

Edit Lead Day

  1. In this example:

    1. The Start Date for all Phases is 9/1/2021.

    2. The Field Date is Locked.


    3. The Purchasing Lead Days can be changed to (Ex. 15). As a result:

      1. The Shop Start Date does not change.

      2. The Purchasing Start Date will calculate 15 Lead Days before the Shop Start Date which is 8/11/2021.

      3. The Office Start Date will calculate 0 Lead Days before the Purchasing Start Date which is 8/11/2021.


Added BIM Area Property to Packages

During the Package creation process, STRATUS will attempt to assign a BIM Area to the Package.

  1. The BIM Area option list displays in the New Package dialog.


  2. The BIM Area assignment will not update the STRATUS.Part.BIMArea property which is the BIM Area associated with the part.


  3. The BIM Area assignment will only update the STRATUS.Package.BIMAreaPath property which can be included on a Packages Dashboard report (BIM Area below). Note: The STRATUS.Package.BIMAreaPath is editable on the Packages Dashboard.

All Parts in a Single BIM Area

  1. To create a package and select a package BIM Area when all parts are in a single BIM Area:

    1. In the Actions > Packages > New dialog, the BIM Area option list will display. Since all parts are located within one BIM Area, the BIM Area is selected by default. The BIM Area can be changed to None or the BIM Area’s parent area.


  2. Once the package is created the selected BIM Area will display under Packages > Properties > General section.


    1. The BIM Area can be edited here. Click the drop-down. If a new BIM Area is selected, click the Save button.


  3. The package’s BIM Area assignment will display on any Packages Dashboard report that includes the STRATUS.Package.BIMAreaPath property.

Parts are in Multiple BIM Areas

  1. To create a package and select a package BIM Area when parts span multiple BIM Areas:

    1. In the Actions > Packages > New dialog, the BIM Area option list will display. Since parts are located in multiple BIM Areas, the BIM Area that contains the most selected parts (19) is selected by default. The BIM Area can be changed to a different BIM Area, None, or the BIM Area’s parent area.


  2. Once the package is created the selected BIM Area will display under Packages > Properties > General section. The BIM Area can be edited here.


    1. The BIM Area can be edited here. Click the drop-down. If a new BIM Area is selected, click the Save button.


  3. The package’s BIM Area assignment will display on any Packages Dashboard report that includes the STRATUS.Package.BIMAreaPath property.

Reworked Packages > Schedule

The Packages > Schedule pas was completely reworked to function with the new Lead Days feature.

Below are the highlights:

  1. Project Filter - Filter list of packages by Project.

  2. Model Filter - Filter list of packages by Model.

  3. Phase Filter - Filter list of packages by Phase including Office, Purchasing, Shop, and Field.


  4. Removed the Processor, Status, and Category filters.

  5. BIM Area checkbox - If BIM Areas are defined under Projects > Areas, checking the BIM Area checkbox will add a row for each BIM Area (Ex. Level 01 - Area A) and group packages under the BIM Areas.

  6. Expand All / Collapse All - When the schedule is expanded, clicking the Collapse All button will collapse all package rows so that the package Phases (Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field) do not display.


  7. Name Column Hierarchy - The Name column hierarchy include the following. See the screenshot at the top of this section:

    1. Project name - (Ex. GTP - ITM - CAD - Master)

    2. BIM Area - If a BIM Area is checked and defined it will display (Ex. Level 01 - Area A)

    3. Package Number and Name - (Ex. GTP001-PPF-001-L01 A)

    4. Phase - Package Phases (Office, Purchasing, Shop, Field)

  8. Today and Current Date Line - The Current Date Line is indicated by a blue dashed line from the date to the bottom of the chart. Click the Today button to jump to the Current Date Line


  9. Center Gantt chart on a selected row - To focus the Gantt chart on a row, click the row. The row will highlight green and Phase bar will be centered in the Gantt chart.

  10. Weekend dates - The Weekend date columns are highlighted in light blue. These are ignored for business days. Moving or resizing a Gantt bar will automatically adjust for the weekend.

  11. Holiday dates - The Holiday date columns are highlighted in light red. Holidays are treated as a business day.

  12. Sort - Packages can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order by Name, Start Date, End Date, or Duration. For example, to sort packages by End Date:

    1. Click the column header. The packages will sort. Click again to sort in the opposite direction.

    2. Click the 3-dots within the column header and select either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

  13. Filter - Packages can be filtered by Name, Start Date, End Date, or Duration. For example, to filter packages by Start Date:

    1. Click the 3-dots within the column header and expand Filter.


    2. Expand the equality/inequalty list and select an option.


    3. Then enter or select the date and click FILTER.


    4. The list of packages will filter and the 3-dots in the column header will turn red to indicate a filter has been applied.


    5. The filter does not return if the page is refreshed.

    6. A filter list can be further filtered by other columns.

  14. When a package is created:

    1. The package’s Start Date, End Date, and Duration for each phase will display as a row on the Schedule.


    2. Hover over any phase to display information. Notice the Duration of 8 days corresponds with the Company level Package Category (Mechanical Piping) and its Office Lead Days setting of 8 days.


  15. There are multiple ways to Edit Start Dates or End Dates in the Schedule:

    1. Package > Properties > Planning (Recommended) - The most Lead Day information is available in the Package’s Planning area and is the best place to edit dates.

    2. Click and drag the entire Gantt bar - To change the Start Date and End Date simultaneously, move the cursor over the bar and then click and drag the bar to the new date.

      1. Note: If the Phase to the right (Ex. Shop) is locked (see the lock icon), then the Phase to the left (Purchasing) cannot be moved.


    3. Click and drag the left edge (Start Date) or right edge (End Date) - Hover over the left or right edge until the cursor changes to horizontal arrows.


    4. Once a date has been changed from the Schedule, the Package’s > Properties > Planning information will change. In this case, changing the Office End Date by 2 days increased the Lead Days by 2 days and changed the Purchasing Start Date.

Added Project Name Override

Under Admin > Company > Projects, added the Project Override option. This option enables company’s who have a BIM 360 project naming standard to use a different project name in STRATUS which is especially useful for Naming Conventions under Admin > Company > Naming and Numbering.

To initiate a Project Name Override:

  1. Go to Admin > Company > Projects, click the Name Override link associated with the project, and enter a name.


  2. After a page refresh or a newly generated report, the Name Override will be applied.


Added Mouse Wheel Zoom to STRATUS Sheets

Added mouse wheel zoom to STRATUS Sheets in the Assemblies Viewer and Packages Viewer which enhances the existing Zoom Out / Zoom In options.

To use the mouse zoom wheel:

  1. Hover the mouse over a STRATUS Sheet. The STRATUS Sheet border will turn blue and the cursor will turn to a vertically bi-directional arrow.

  2. With the cursor inside the STRATUS Sheet, scroll using the mouse wheel. The window will behave the same way that clicking the Zoom In / Zoom Out but with more control.

  3. Scroll outside of the STRATUS Sheet will only scroll the page and not have any zoom effect on the STRATUS sheet.


Added Additional Custom Fields for Cut List Mappings

Seven additional custom fields (User Data 3 thru 9) were added to the Part Template single-axis cut list mappings as well as the Import Mappings configurations to allow for even more custom data to be sent to labels. As a result, a company can stop using STRATUS Fields to collect multiple properties in a label, control the line breaks, and condense the data to be more vertically oriented. See the Configure Cut List Mappings userData Custom Label Fields section of the Part Templates (Admin) article for more information.

Note: When generating a cut list from a Package using part templates (not import mappings) there are some temporary limitations:

  • STRATUS.Part.XXX properties cannot be used

  • Aliases that are wrapped in the expression of a STRATUS Field will not display their unit in the part template defined Display Format

Below is the Cut List Mapping dialog:

Moved Admin > Project Tabs and Added Granular Permissions

Tabs, formerly found under Admin > Project, have been moved under Projects. In addition, View and Edit permissions have been added to each tab/feature (Ex. Areas). By default, only the Project Admin has permission to View and Edit the Projects tabs which will not be visible to any other project role.

To permission a Projects tab/feature:

  1. Under Admin > Company > Project Roles, the only Project Role that has default permission to each tab/feature is the Project Admin. See the Project Roles (Admin) article for more information.


    1. View - View permissions will display the tab and view only access to the feature.

    2. Edit - Edit permission will provide full edit capability for the feature.

  2. For those Project Roles that have either View or Edit permission, each tab/feature includes the list of projects in the Project drop-down. Each project will include content specific to the project.


Updated the Packages Viewer Model Filter to Sort Alphabetically

Updated the Packages Viewer (Default report) Model column filter to sort alphabetically.

Updated the Project Drop-down Option List Sitewide to include Project Number and Name

Updated the Project drop-down option list sitewide to include Project Number and Project Name. Previously, Project Number was not consistently included.

Decoupled Software Releases for STRATUS Print and STRATUS Workstation

In order to make software updates less work for customers, STRATUS Print and STRATUS Workstation applications have been decoupled from the website software releases. Auto-updating will only occur if there is an update to the application.

Fixed a Display Mode Issue Updating without Refresh

Fixed a Display Mode issue where if the Display Mode was opened to the Assemblies tab and a new assembly was created, the new assembly would not display in the Assemblies tab list until after that page was refreshed.

Fixed an Assemblies Viewer Issue Sending Parts to a Tool

Fixed an Assemblies Viewer issue when for selected parts, using the Send to Tool did not send the part to the queue for the tool (Ex. STRATUS Workstation or Tools under Shops > Tool).

Fixed an Issue with the Item Number Bubble Border Color Transparency

Fixed an Admin > Company > View Styles issue where the Item Number Bubble Border Color transparency was being set to the Item Number Bubble Background Color. Note that in View Styles for colors for the RGBA sequence, 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque with decimal gradients.

Fixed an Issue with the .PSVR File

Fixed an issue with the .PSVR File MaterialType Size not matching the format of the mapped multi-axis cut Size.

Fixed a Packages Status Board Issue Moving Cards

Fixed a Packages > Status Board issue moving cards from one column to another when Project is set to ALL PROJECTS and Models is set to ALL MODELS.

Fixed an Issue Editing the Company BOM Line Item Mappings

Fixed an issue editing the Company BOM Line Item Mappings where the property could not be overridden.

Fixed an Issue with Packages Dashboard Totals

Fixed an issue where totals on the Packages Dashboard displayed incorrectly when multiple filters were applied. In this example, 1571 packages were filtered down to 10 with two filters and the totals display correctly.

Fixed a Projects Zip Code Issue

Fixed an issue updating the City, State, and Zip Code on the Projects page.

Fixed a Packages Dashboard Issue to Display InchFraction Total

Fixed a Packages Dashboard issue where the column total was set to display InchFraction but displayed FeetInchFraction instead.

Fixed an Issue with the STRATUS Workstation Send Diagnostic Data Button

Fixed an issue with the STRATUS Workstation Send Diagnostic Data button where after the button was clicked, the application would crash and the diagnostic data would not be sent to the Service Desk.




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